God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1179: The Lich King advances!

Wu Ying nodded and spread her hands again, her face full of helplessness.

"Uhhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhh!" (This is an alien space, we can't get out!)

Jiang Chen glanced at each other, holding his belly and laughing.


"Wu Ying, you are so fun!"

Jiang Chen touched Wu Ying's head.

"Don't worry! Just let it eat!"

At this time, the huge sphere formed by the light gradually became transparent.

Xiao Dong's white back was facing everyone, and the joints of his spine were clearly visible.

From this picture, Xiao Dong is in a very stable energy environment.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes blanked.

I saw the brilliance flickering in the energy ball, becoming unstable!

A soul mark suddenly appeared on Xiao Dong's back, as if a devil's tattoo was engraved on his back.

Everyone looked at Xiao Dong with concerned eyes, their eyes full of expectation.

As the magic lines on Xiaoyong's back spread, a lot of cracks appeared on the edge of the energy ball.

"Brother Chen! Is this normal?" Shangguan Kitty asked worriedly.

Jiang Chen stood with his hand held, the light of energy reflected on his cheek.

"Hmm! No problem, believe Xiao Dong!"

It seemed that Jiang Chen's words inspired Xiao Dong who was struggling with energy.

Suddenly, an energy magic thunder burst out from the light blue ball of light.

The violent energy fluctuations soared into the sky, and it seemed that the balance between Xiao Dong and the energy spar had been broken!

The energy compression in the form of a substance forms a sharp halo that immediately sweeps around.

The answer is coming soon!

call out!

Zheng! !

A dazzling blue-white light flashed across, and everyone couldn't help turning their backs and covering their eyes.

Looking at the past again, the place where Xiaoyong originally floated has disappeared.


It was as if an ice crystal hit the ground with a crisp sound.

Jiang Chen only felt itching in his ears, and a cold air blew into his ears.

"Ah~ Xiaochenchen!"

With an extremely seductive voice with full excitement, Yingying Ruyu's arms clung to Jiang Chen's neck.

Two **** of soft meat clung to his back, and five black lines burst out on Jiang Chen's forehead.

Needless to say, this is Xiao Dong's prank.

Jiang Chen immediately turned his hand back and grabbed it, soft and snapped, as if grabbing a piece of tofu.


On skin contact, Jiang Chen of course immediately noticed something wrong in his hand.

In the next moment, Jiang Chen suddenly turned into a demon face.

"I wipe it! Where are your clothes, Xiao Dong!"

"That's right! What did I catch just now!"

Jiang Chen was about to turn around and was immediately stopped by Xiao Dong.

It was climbing on Jiang Chen's neck and lying on Jiang Chen's back. Jiang Chen was her clothes. If Jiang Chen turned around, Xiao Dong's back would be seen.

Jiang Chen felt helpless, and took out his clothes from his shoulders to Xiao Dong.

Xiao Frozen stretched out his limbs at the same time, and she wrapped them smoothly in Jiang Chen's clothes. At first glance, she looked like twins.

When Xiao Dong got dressed, Jiang Chen turned around.

Xiao Dong, who was wearing men's clothing, was still slim.

A pair of long legs attracts eyes and absorbs light, golden hair draped around his shoulders, and countless fireflies-like little energy slowly floats beside it, sucked into the skin, it is simply beautiful.

Xiao Frozen swallowed the key in the eyes of the teleportation array and advanced again!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Lich King

[Monster level]: 74 (king level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attribute]: Necromancer/Curse

【Monster State】: Pleasure (satisfaction)

[Monster characteristics]: One of the two rulers of the ancient blue star

The Lich King is formed by the condensing of the endless power of destruction and the breath of the dead, and his eyes go straight to hell

You can change the fate of life through cursing power, cut off fate, and lead the enemy to destruction

Contains the potential of interconnectedness, body shape and age can be changed at will, abilities have been beyond the Three Realms

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 2 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen almost jumped up after seeing the data.

The overlord is already a watershed, and every level above the emperor is like a heaven!

Now that Xiao Fong has successfully reached level 74, it can be said that he has made great progress.

Everyone was overjoyed for only five minutes, and a murderous aura broke out of thin air in half!

At this moment, Xiao Dong suddenly summoned thousands of soul locks, and the overwhelming coercion suddenly broke out!

The ghost boy pulls the lock, like a dragon out of the water, and shoots straight at everyone in Jiang Chen!

Everyone evaded, but Jiang Chen stood motionless with his hands on his back.


call out!

The soul lock across the sky slashed across the sky, like tens of thousands of sharp ice cones.

And Jiang Chen stood in the gap between the soul locks, not moving.


In midair, the two energies collided suddenly!

It turned out that in the rolling sandstorm, a deadly half-moon sand blade had already cut over.

The area is large enough to cover the sky!

If the people in Chang'an are unprepared and cut on their bodies, they will definitely die!

Faced with everyone, Xiao Frozen just noticed the sneak attack. It was too late to say hello and it was worth launching an attack, defeating the Moon Blade.

Everyone had a hint of doubt about Xiao Dong's aggressive behavior and chose to avoid it randomly.

Except Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, the half-moon sand-blade that came from the sneak attack was not strong, probably equivalent to a full blow at the early stage of the Overlord Level.

Facing the power gap of Tianhe, Xiao Dong easily stopped him!

At the same time, everyone recovered.

Looking into the air, a lot of shadows are rushing in the thick sand and fog!

It is like thousands of sharks swimming in the sand, showing their dorsal fins from time to time.

Such a horrible scene is really shocking!

But Jiang Chen was still calm.

He waved his hand and shouted a command.



Xiao Dong stood up suddenly, his body and soul lock twisted and wriggled, forming a formation.

In an instant, a sky-covering net was formed in no time.

From a distance, a dome building was built in a second from the desert!

Zheng! !

The sand blade is coming, and it is constantly rubbing at high speed!

The sneak attacker would never expect that his own fatal blow was stopped by the soul net!

Within a few seconds, the blade of sand collapsed into sand!

Above the dome, there is already sand like rain.

With Li Xiaofu akimbo, he was attacked in the desert at home!

"A stupid! Give me back a few loess strangulations in which direction, so that the guys over there can see what a real sand blade is!"

Li Xiaofu's footsteps were full of yellow sand, and Ah's stupid figure quickly condensed!

A fool's mouth just opened, and the suction suddenly broke out.

The fragmented yellow sand blades in the dome were all swallowed by Ah Fool.

Within a few seconds, everyone's vision became clear.

In the next moment, Adumb broke out!


The giant bear leaned up to the sky and screamed, with a humanoid combat force, his hands clasped his chest.

This is not an act of pretending to be compelling, but the start of a foolish attack!

I saw the power of endless yellow sand poured into two thick bear claws.


Ah fool suddenly claws out.

Two awns and eight sand blades intertwined in an instant, swept and rotated from the original cross-shaped cross, and unexpectedly formed a yellow sand energy wave on the midair path!

This is enough to cut off the head of the ordinary Overlord!

At this moment, Ah Fong kept out his claws, and the sand blade light wave started to rain in the air.

Swinging hundreds of claws in half a minute is like firing hundreds of yellow sand cannonballs!

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