God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1188: Star shift

Jiang Chen was very tired, but his eyes were still watching the changes in the sky.

The shining Taibai Venus has reached just below the moon sickle.

"Little... Little Black!"

Exhausting the last trace of strength, Jiang Chen called intermittently.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"


The starry sky flashed, Jiang Chen closed his eyes.

He is so tired.

At the same time, everyone in Chang'an in the ruins witnessed the disaster with their own eyes!

The sky burst, the huge lava volcano collapsed, and hundreds of millions of tons of magma flowed and spread.

Without the call of the ghost emperor's remnant soul, the 100,000 ghost soldiers returned to the ground one after another.

"I rub! It's so non-energy to change your fate against the sky? I'm tired of Brother Chen!"

Li Xiaofu was amazed.

Lifting their heads and exchanging eyes, the people in Chang'an carried Jiang Chen and ran.

"Little Witch Sakura! Where is the entrance!"

Xiao Wuying immediately spread her claws, feeling helpless.

Tang Shishi only then remembered that the key to the entrance had been eaten by Xiao Dong as an evolutionary material!

"Fortunately, there is a reliable little Kun Kun!"

"Kun Kun take us out!"

Little Kun Kun immediately opened the door to space, his body transformed into a water shape, and became a Kun Kun roller coaster.

Everyone entered one after another.

At this time, Xiao Hei was still making the last effort for Jiang Chen's order.

In the midair, the stars are shining!

Xiao Hei tried to use the power of Dou Zhuan Xing Xing to move Venus.

Everyone in Tang Shishi could only sit in the roller coaster at this time, watching Xiao Hei compete against the planet with the body of a unicorn!

Everyone was paying attention, and saw Venus, which was approaching the moon sickle at a speed visible to the naked eye, suddenly stopped!

"There is a way for this!" Wang Sicong couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly.

Xiao Hei clenched his teeth.

It knows that if Venus is not pushed away from the moon, disasters will inevitably occur on the blue star! !

Unfortunately, when Xiao Hei desperately competed with the planet, the ruins that had lost their core began to collapse!

Everyone just felt that the sky was spinning.

The ground was no longer strong, shaking like a sponge.

The sky was sunken, dark clouds and black.

Tang Shishi noticed that a black crack appeared under Xiao Hei's feet!

The earth can't hold it at last, it will collapse! !

The five-tailed fairy fox couldn't help radiating mental power.

"Little Kun Kun! Go and save Xiao Hei!"

The little Kun Kun immediately swayed and galloped across the sand.

At this moment, no one can know his situation better than Xiao Hei.

But what Xiao Hei is doing now is not only executing Jiang Chen's orders, it is saving the fate of Yanhuang and even Blue Star! !

Xiao Hei shouted in his heart.

"Damn stars!! Move me!"

But Xiao Hei is not a real starry unicorn, and cannot have the power of the stars.

It can only keep stalemate with Venus.

Tang Shishi people came, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

"The mass of the moon is lighter than Venus, move the moon, and go home soon after moving!!!"

This sweet call immediately awakened Xiao Hei who was working hard.

Xiao Hei immediately changed the object of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi.

I saw the huge moon sickle, slowly moving unexpectedly to become full.

At the same time, Blue Star's major observatories released shocking news.

Venus and the moon are out of orbit at the same time!

The significance of these two things is not just as simple as supernatural phenomena.

At least it can be understood that the moon affects the tides of the earth, and the tides give most of the living space in the ocean, causing fish to migrate.

If the tidal cycle changes, affecting the growth of fish, the ocean food chain will collapse!

The chain reaction also includes changes in ocean winds, melting of glaciers and more!

These are fatal effects on mankind!

And now, the little Kun Kun in the tomb of the ghost emperor rushed straight in front of Xiao Hei, swallowing her into his belly!


Everyone in Chang'an just feels that the sky is spinning.


The people on the roller coaster screamed loudly.

In the next moment, Xiao Kun Kun has brought everyone to a plain.

The sky is dark and the moon shines in the sky.

Without the earth to prevent the reflection of sunlight, the moon is big and round.

"Success! Successful?"

Ye Lanyi asked cautiously.

Everyone was about to guess, and suddenly there was a roar in the distance.

Ouch! ! !

I saw an odd monster crouching on the top of the hill above the plain.

It emits purple fluorescence all over its body, its skin is translucent, and viscous liquid slowly flows down its body.

Wang Sicong was surprised when he saw this.

"This! Isn't this the poisonous beast of the Poison Emperor!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw nearly two hundred hideous monsters slowly crawling out from behind the hill.

Every monster beast is a mysterious poisonous beast summoned by gambling and poisoning.

Where everyone was out of sight, monsters were coming in a steady stream, tens of thousands!

The other direction.

I saw a troop divided into three phalanxes.

The troops of the Sky Demon Race are uniform, and the soldiers of the Ice Spirit Palace are raging.

The warriors of the Northern Territory are wearing leather armor unique to the Northern Territory, and the fur of the animals is swaying in the wind.

But without exception, nearly two hundred thousand troops are exhausted at this moment!

Since Jiang Chen left, the poisonous beasts of the Poison Emperor have been created continuously and attacked major cities.

Xuanyuanshuang led his team to stop, and the east and west rushed around, and the sergeants were exhausted and exhausted.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaofu immediately covered his chubby face.

"No reason!"

"Little Kunkun! Didn't you send us to the battlefield!"

The two fins on the side of Kun Kun's chest turned outwards, shrugged, expressing that he looked awkward.

It turned out that this place was where Xuanyuanshuang gathered his army to fight against the beast tide!

On the left is the tide of poisonous beasts, and on the right is the army of Xuanyuanshuang.

Changan was caught in the middle.

Just as everyone was talking, the horn sounded.

The two armies actually launched a charge at the same time!

"Thank you! Killing the Saint Demon Emperor!"

Shangguan kitten shouted.

The killing intent here was amazing, and she recovered quickly.

In addition, she was born warlike, and she shook in an instant!


Shock the three armies with a sweet drink!

I saw the huge body of the Slaughter and War Demon Emperor suddenly appear between the two armies.

When the Sky Demon Clan troops saw their empress coming to the battlefield, they were shocked.

"Master Jiang Chen is back!"

"Long live the queen!"

"The Ice Emperor is back!"


Xuanyuanshuang was also surprised, but at the same time he was also fortunate for himself.

After all, the soldiers of the three armies were already exhausted, and the style of play Jiang Chen taught him was very morale-consuming.

Seeing that the soldiers of the three armies are about to collapse, it is a miracle that the three kinds of people dare to come back at this juncture! !

"Charge! Charge!" Xuanyuanshuang shouted loudly, excited.

All of a sudden, Chang'an's armed forces shook the sky!

Tang Shishi gave a wry smile and summoned Liuli.

Everyone finally got out of the wolf's nest and entered the tiger's den again, only dragging their exhausted bodies to fight again.

At this time, Dabai Erbai, Frost Baron, Silver Moon and White Elephant, killing the Saint Demon Emperor, all the beasts stood proudly on the battlefield.

The blizzard landed out of thin air.

The earthquake trembled, and hot flames erupted.

The Poison Emperor Beast tide is facing up and down attack.

So at the same time, the Slaughter Saint Demon Emperor pulled out the big sword behind him, holding the hilt in both hands and quickly slashed.

Thousands of sword qi erupted instantly, sweeping the battlefield like a violent wind!

Combining the power of the six people, the beast tide force will be stopped instantly! !

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