God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1192: Demon Garbage Beast

Ghost soldiers swarmed, the sky collapsed and the ghost fog swept!

The battlefield situation instantly fell to one side, and within a few breaths, thousands of poisonous beasts were chopped into white chickens!

In addition, a large number of ghost soldiers have bows and arrows and are good at riding and shooting.

The toxin-defying Yin soldier turned over and jumped on the back of the poisonous beast, taking the powerful poisonous beast as a mount, and galloping in the enemy's formation,

Not only has it disrupted the enemy's formation, it has also continuously fired heavy rockets and set fire.

For a time, the tongue of flames scorched up to the sky, and black smoke billowed.

Jiang Chen everyone was watching the play from a distance.

These ghost soldiers are almost invincible, almost not afraid of fire.

Except for the powerful energy level that can turn them into sand, other attributes have little restraint.

A small number of ghost soldiers also carry the ghost technology, and they can absorb the soul of the monster.

I saw a heavy armored ghost soldier holding a golden cannon tightly in his hand.

But this cannon is not used to explode energy, it is more like a vacuum cleaner.

I saw a ghost soldier holding a huge alloy cannon, shuttled between the enemies very flexibly, waiting for an opportunity.

The huge alloy cannon seemed to have nothing in its hands, and its muzzle kept pressing against the poisonous beast, very flexible.

Wherever the muzzle is close to, you can see a black shadow drawn out by the muzzle.

The part where the poisonous beast is sucked out of the shadow will lose its mobility on the spot.

The dark shadow is the soul energy of the monster beast, and without the soul energy, the monster beast can't control its body at all!

This battle, Jiang Chen also opened his eyes!

Just imagine, such a perverted ghost soldier has such a perverted technological weapon, what was the battlefield like in the ancient times?

At this time, Jiang Chen was standing on the edge of the army, maintaining the summoned ghost soldiers.

Suddenly, the heroic Ye Xiao on the ground started to move!

The gold-patterned cross in his hand pointed to Jiang Chen, who was fully exerted!


A flash of cold light flashed, and the gold-patterned fork sneaked in!

"Damn it!"

Jiang Chen could only take a glance at the reaction time, and could not avoid it!

clang! !

The next moment, the metal clashed.

I saw Shangguan Kitten drew out the demon knife, Dabai drew out the Baize Divine Sword, the two figures instantly slid across the left and right sides of Jiang Chen, and the golden cross was flying away!

The next second, Qianxing around Jiang Chen suddenly exploded.


The compressed chaos force bursts instantly!

Ye Xiao, the hero who stood up again, was pierced in an instant, with six or seven big holes in his body, dripping blood.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Jiang Chen suddenly heard a voice.

"Damn! Almost! Almost!"

Everyone looked forward and found a weird rickety man who was manipulating venom with his hands, hiding in the chaotic front.

Jiang Chen looked at Yingzhao Ye Xiao.

I saw that its corpse was covered with strange sticky venom, supporting it to stand up and assassinate itself.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen was furious and shouted.

"Insidious villain! Actually manipulated his own beast corpse!"

I saw that wretched old man smiled without fear.

"Hahaha! You are wrong, that centaur is not my beast, I am best at poison!"

"What I signed with that guy is a slave contract, not a blood contract. It's not a pity to die!"

"But you are right, I am sinister and cunning!"

Jiang Chen was speechless.

I have never seen such a shameless person, who actually treats derogatory words as compliments, and looks proud!

The body of Ye Xiao, the hero who was controlled to attack Jiang Chen, had been swallowed by the power of Chaos and turned into a primitive chaotic aura, leaving only a crystal core floating in the air.

Jiang Chen was very angry and said.

"You wretched fellow, I am afraid it is the third elder under Huang Gambling!"

"There really are just as many subordinates as there is a boss!"

"For the old and disrespectful! Have the ability to take your Royal Beast out and stroll around!"

The wretched old man laughed.

"Good! lest you don't know Taishan!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen felt crazy shaking under his feet!

In the battlefield, a dark mountain slowly moved.

All the sergeants were dumbfounded.

A poison with a height of nearly 100 meters crawled slowly in between.

This thing doesn't have a fixed form, it is creeping on the ground like a slime.

But the body of the monster beast that everyone was struggling to kill was absorbed all over the body!

The soldiers of the three services took a breath.

Unexpectedly, after fighting hard for a long time, I was eaten by this guy!

Jiang Chen didn't care.

I saw him take the crystal core of Yingzhao Ye Xiao and hand it to Ye Lanyi.

This crystal core has wind attributes and is also a king, which is definitely enough to directly promote the nine-tailed fairy fox to the king.

If it weren't for Jiang Chen to be a little busy now and have no time to refine herbal medicine, the effect of this crystal core could be improved!

After collecting the crystal core, Jiang Chen walked up to the gathering poisonous beast without hesitation.

I saw this hill-like disgusting poison right in the center, a huge trash beast that reminded the devil!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Demon Garbage Beast

【Monster Level】: Level 76 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Demon/Metal/Vicious Toxic

[Monster State]: Hunger

[Character of Monster Beasts]: The scary monster beasts that breed in ancient garbage dumps are just trash can beasts that pick up waste.

After a lot of garbage feeding, the trash can beast will have the characteristics of corruption, regeneration, swallowing, radiation, viruses, bacteria and other garbage.

It belongs to the half-meat and half-output type monster

【Weakness of Monster Beast】: Mutated Fire Element

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

After reading the data, Jiang Chen looked disgusted.

"I picked up a trash can and said it was still a treasure, but it was so big!"

"Such a big tuft, it's a walking virus spreading machine!"

"I think you are also a scorpion shit, poison!"

The three elders suddenly laughed.

He thought Jiang Chen was praising him for viciousness!

"Boy! Don't talk nonsense! Eat my poisonous slime!"

As soon as the voice fell, a stick of mucus suddenly spurted out of the body of the demon trash beast, forming a tentacled swept across Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

Today is not what it used to be, don't bully the young man!

"Xiao Dong! Destroy this petri dish!"

Xiao Dong Qianying slowly emerged, her hands were full of icy air!

I saw it turned its hands, its fingers beating dexterously.

In an instant, a huge blue and white circle suddenly appeared under the feet of the demon trash beast!

The energy surges and gathers into lines, shining brightly under the dark night sky!

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Go to hell! Damn virus!"

With a shout, Xiao Dong shot!


I saw the magic circle from bottom to top, burst out a hundred cursed soul locks.

The naughty ghost boy pulled the chain and galloped past the back of the devil trash beast, instantly tying up the devil like a pig!

The cold air freezes the mucus-filled demon trash beast.


As soon as Xiao Dong snapped his fingers, a huge crack suddenly opened in the ground.

Extreme cold abyss! Coming!


The frozen demon garbage beast split in half instantly!

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