God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1209: Aleng Evolution

There was a light of excitement in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"A Leng!"

He called softly.


The center of the black and white cocoon burst and instantly split into two halves.

Two Alengs showed their figures.

In the black and white light, Miao Man's youthful girl's figure is like a pink jade.

Black and white light wraps around the black and white body, drawing a seductive curve.

The devil's aura was booming, like a dark cloud sweeping across the sky.

The power of the holy light quietly pushed away the clouds and mist, and shed the brilliance!

Aleng absorbed the power of the devil and successfully finished the promotion!

[Name of Monster and Beast]: God and Demon Twin Seraphim

【Monster Level】: Level 74 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Mutated Demon/Mutated Holy Spirit

[Monster state]: pleasure (excited)

[Monster characteristics]: God and demon twins, divinity and demon nature can be completely separated, the figure is transformed into an eight-winged sacred angel, the demon nature is transformed into a purgatory black dragon succubus, so let it go again

Demon dolls are highly enhanced, and targeted curses can be made in advance

Angels and demons have a slight charm to humans or humanoid monsters in combat form

The ancient mysterious powers remain in the twin angels of consciousness. When entering the form of angels and demons, they can completely suppress angels or demons.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen was very pleased and smiled from the heart.

The wings of the two Alengs shook behind them, and instantly plunged into Jiang Chen's arms.

At the same time, the four corpses behind Jiang Chen slowly stood up.

Two Aleng's faces were full of question marks.

Jiang Chen hung the two girls and turned around and came to the corpse.

The moment he wanted to speak, the light on the surface of the corpse suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Chen was stunned on the spot.

In the ghost palace, the light on the three hundred and sixty-five corpses instantly dissipated.

"What's the situation! It was fine just now!"

Little Kun Kun slowly said.

"Master, the rhythm of light and darkness has disappeared!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands out.

"That is to say, they can only recover when Ah Leng evolves?"

Little Kun Kun smiled wryly.

"To be more precise, it is the integration of the sacred and demonic powers in the small world in the small world."


"The next evolution will happen in a small world as much as possible."

Jiang Chen covered his face.

Little Kun Kun is manually funny.

The hope that everyone had just ignited was instantly wiped out.

Jiang Chen was full of regrets.

If all the corpses came back to life, Jiang Chen's subordinates could instantly increase the combat power of three hundred and sixty-five kings and above!

This is a terrifying force!

Who can understand the loss in Jiang Chen's heart.

Fortunately, Aleng evolved smoothly and possessed the ability to naturally suppress all demon angels.

Although the corpse in the ghost palace is silent, at least there is a chance to come back to life.

Such a powerful antiquity force, even if it is a resurrection, is currently extremely powerful for Jiang Chen.

Although somewhat regretful, Jiang Chen is not a tangled person.

Everyone is ready to travel to the Western Regions and drive back to Chang'an.

The mounted mounts are naturally a group of beast babies under the command of everyone.

Ah Fong, who was huge, walked in front.

Daikin leaned aside with a stick on his back.

Jiang Chen and the others, Yinyue A Leng and other humanoid beasts, left handed Nakeng barbecue, and right hand grabbed rice.

In order to clear the way, Ah Fong put the skull and bones of the ancient demon on his head. At first glance, he looked like a bull devil, but he was also mighty and domineering among the simple and simple.

Along the way, all the city residents and passersby looked at Jiang Chen and his group.

After all, the beasts that pull the wind in such a way, the handsome young girls are in groups, with delicious food in their hands and laughter on their faces.

Not only is youth overflowing, but also a symbol of strength.

Young and strong.

This is a fantastic vocabulary for anyone.

As time passed, the people of Chang'an moved between the cities.

While tasting the food, you also enjoy the warmth and warmth brought by peace.

This hard-won peace was achieved by Jiang Chen's hard work, and it was naturally full of accomplishment to enjoy it.

A few days later.

In the desert sunset.

Jiang Chen slammed on the accelerator of the off-road vehicle, and the yellow sand churned and drifted.

Behind his car, there are fourteen off-road vehicles driving in rows.

Off-road vehicle driving is an extreme sport

Yinyue, who was in contact with the human world for the first time, went crazy with excitement, his adrenaline soared, wolf blood rushed into his eyes, dyeing his golden eyes red.


The wolf howled.

Unlike Yinyue's excitement, Xiao Kun Kun's face was distorted.

Xiao Kun Kun sat on the passenger seat with a face of fear and tightened his seat belt.

Just as everyone was racing wildly, Jiang Chen suddenly stopped and got stuck in place.


There was a harsh sound from the brake pads, and a burst of white smoke wafted out of a burnt smell.

Everyone brakes quickly!

There was a mixed emergency stop sound, and a dozen off-road vehicles stopped side by side.

Jiang Chen took off his sunglasses, tidyed up his western style scarf, and walked into the sand in front of him.

The loess was constantly dispersed by the wind.

Under the sand, a bulging black rag was exposed.

It seemed the same, but Jiang Chen saw the silhouette of a human under the black rag.

He reached out his hand to flip the sand and pulled the black cloth up into the air.


The sand was flowing, and a thin body tightly wrapped in yellow sand was lifted by Jiang Chensheng.

Everyone took a breath.

"This! How can there be someone here?!"

No one is surprised.

Jiang Chen immediately took the pulse and realized that the person's vitality was already very weak.

Because I don’t know how long I have been immersed in the sand sea, my body’s skin has already been drained by the yellow sand, and my whole body is covered with sand.

Jiang Chen frowned.

"It must be treated promptly by a professional institution."

With a wave of his hand, the Zidi Immortal Vine turned up and entangled in the black cloth.

"I hope this can sustain life."

After such an accident, everyone's journey of peace stopped temporarily.

Jiang Chen sent people to the medical center and paid Yanhuang coins as expenses.

Early the next morning.

"What! Is it a girl?"

The doctor in front of Jiang Chen told Jiang Chen the news, which surprised Jiang Chen.

The doctor looked at the patient's medical record indifferently.

"Well, I'm only fifteen or sixteen years old. It's a blessing to be saved by you accidentally."

"I don't know how many days I have been hungry. My stomach is full of grass roots and sand. I guess it may have been brought by traffickers and left in the desert."

"But looking at the outline, it looks like a girl from the Western Regions, or it may be a child lost in the Western Regions war, **** war!"

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Master Jiang Chen! If it weren't for your hard work, the Western Regions would have already become a wasteland!"

Jiang Chen was very polite.

Afterwards, the two exchanged the girl's condition again.

The doctor told Jiang Chen in charge that the girl's body was nourished by the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine, and she would be able to wake up in a few hours, and she would be able to recover completely in a few more hours.

Jiang Chen looked at the ward, Tang Shishi was taking care of the poor child with the girls.

After a night of rescue treatment, the yellow sand on the girl's skin and tracheal viscera has been removed, and the egg-like white face reflects light under the birth sunlight.

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