God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1229: Crown Prince

The daughter of the crown prince did not admit that she was a princess.

And Aiolia's temperament changed drastically, and Jiang Chen was also suspicious of the specific reason.

Di Dong!

At this moment, Aiolia sent detailed information about the competition.

Jiang Chen subconsciously turned on the watch.

In an instant, the holographic image bounced into the air.

"The contest is about to begin! gogogo!"

At the beginning of the video, there was a second-level picture. Although it looks passionate, the layout of the picture is really random.

It feels like the opening animation of a talk show.

At first glance, it's a game for young people.

The introduction of popular players also appeared in the following video.

A large group of beast masters named themselves XX Xia XX Superman.

Jiang Chen probably glanced, then skipped the section where he saw the competition system.

The whole schedule is divided into two parts.

The first half is a knockout, one-on-one arena fighting skills, the loser is eliminated.

The knockout round is selected from hundreds of players, divided into three stages: preliminaries, preliminary rounds, and finals.

After the knockout finals, twelve final winners will be selected.

The winner can choose to withdraw from the competition or continue the challenge.

If you choose to withdraw from the game, you will directly enter the top of the hero fortress and rank as a superhero.

If the twelve winners choose to continue the challenge, they will be eligible for the twelve house challenge.

The specific content of the challenge has not yet been announced.

The final winner will be selected from those who challenge the Zodiac.

Winners can get the inheritance of fairy heroes and the ultimate mysterious prize.

Aiolia revealed that Jiang Chen already knew that this final prize would be his father's relic.

"I always feel that something is wrong." Jiang Chen said.

After watching the introduction video, Jiang Chen frowned involuntarily.

Yiyi's eyes were still erratic.

It can be seen that the shadow of fear is quite large in her mind.

If this matter is not resolved, Tang Yiyi will definitely suffer more.

"Today's game kicks off the schedule, and Aiolia also said it was a grand battle."

"Huh! Bullying a weak woman like this, how dare this heroic fortress claim to be a righteous man?"

Jiang Chen looked around for a week, and everyone's eyes flashed with unconcealable anger.

"That's it! Let's break into this Nordic cold region today!"

On the lawn, everyone shouted in excitement.

at the same time.

In the Nordic city, in the dark street in front of the bar.

boom! Boom!

A huge Harley flame motorcycle made an ear-piercing roar, and the heavy rain could not stop the momentum of the huge motorcycle's charge.

Motor vehicles are already a symbol of dignity in today's world.

Due to the disaster, the fuel was gone.

Fuel consumption products have become as expensive as gold.

A motorcycle that burns oil is burning gold.

What's more amazing is that on such a beautiful and expensive motorcycle, a woman sits on a straddle.

The tight black leather jacket outlines attractive curves, Feng Qiao clings to the motorcycle beam, and the waist is slender like a bee.

In the V-neckline of the leather jacket, there is a piece of snow white, and a pair of clavicles are as shiny as jade.

But under the blood vessels shadowed by the bones, a piece of cyan fluorescence suddenly flows.


The woman brakes and the throttle is turned off.

Miao Man stood in front of the bar.

Two burly men crossed their hands and stood in front of the woman, the sunglasses in their eyes gleaming fiercely.

Suddenly, the two big men knelt on the spot.


As soon as the voice fell, the bar gate behind the two strong men opened.

The interior brilliance is reflected in the dark alley.

The moving drumbeat came from the bar.

The woman in black twisted her waist and walked towards the door.

Slim Miao's arm stopped the helmet and lifted it quickly.


Long blue hair pouring down like a waterfall!


The rain is boundless, like the curtain is over, and it is falling down.

Everyone in Jiang Chen wore black raincoats and walked in the rain curtain.

Northern Europe is vast and sparsely populated, and the cities are small but very large.

There are sycamore trees planted on the road, and the melodious violin sounds from the river.

Li Xiaofu complained.

"This Westerner really eats dark dishes!"

"I'll eat a sandwich after seeing it. My stomach hurts when I eat this sauerkraut!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

He collected the sky garden into the small world, and everyone drove the beast back to the ground.

The Nordic autumn night, it rained heavily.

Within a few days, the heavy rain will turn into heavy snow and the weather will be harsh.

It was in this harsh climate that the powerful Zodiac Warrior was born.

It is passed on by the Zodiac and has been passed on with civilization for thousands of years.

For thousands of years, the Zodiac killed giant beasts and established a dynasty until today.

Jiang Chen said.

"Now, we have seen the Leo Inheritance, but we don't know what the other eleven stars are!"

"The only person I can trust in Northern Europe is Yiyi, but Xiao Yiyi can't communicate..."

When Tang Yiyi heard this, he suddenly akimbo and pouted.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"sorry Sorry!"

The person is small, unable to speak, but his emotions are not badly expressed.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yiyi listened to Jiang Chen apologizing, but still reluctant, bumped into Jiang Chen and squeezed.

While Jiang Chen hesitated and wondered, Tang Yiyi had already taken out his mobile phone.

Fluorescence flashed on the phone, with a familiar face on it.

An inspiration flashed in Jiang Chen's mind.

"Prince Charles!"

"Yes! Yiyi! You are smart!"

"I only wanted to solve the enemy, but I never thought about connecting allies!"

"As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend! We should go to the royal family!"

Wang Sicong frowned.

"But all the royal families in Northern Europe are now hiding in the dark, how can they be found?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"How to find it? Our Eorian brother knows!"


Thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, but black clouds were shadowing the sun.

I don't know if the clouds only cover northern Europe, or cover the entire sky.

After one hour.

Zodiac Palace Castle.

"Brother Jiang Chen! I didn't expect it! The first day of the competition was rainy and cloudy!"

Aiolia is still enthusiastic, and seems to want to use her passionate words to get rid of the clouds.

Jiang Chen also said politely immediately.

"Big Brother Eoria, it's right to delay the game with such heavy rain."

"I don't know if the game is postponed. Is Brother Eoria free?"

Aiolia froze for a moment, seeming to be alert to the temptation in Jiang Chen's words.

Jiang Chen naturally wanted to use this topic to trigger Eoria's discussion of current affairs and enter the topic of searching for the royal family.

Aiolia thought about it, feeling that Jiang Chen had nowhere to go, she could only send someone under the fence, listened to her own dispatch, and chuckled.

"Haha! Brother Jiang Chen, I am the inheritance of the twelve constellations, the star warrior, if it weren't for you to meet with me, I would naturally be a busy priority!"

Jiang Chen showed a pity.

"Oh, I'm expecting to have a free time, drinking with Brother Eoria!"

Eoriya laughed.

"Yes! As long as Brother Jiang Chen is willing, he will definitely be able to!"

"But... I'm afraid it won't work in recent days... I have something to do, I can't get out of it!"

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Oh? Brother Eoria is busy investigating the remnants of the royal family?"

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