God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1233: Proof of Constellation

The crowd quickly dispersed in the street.

Jiang Chen poked his head out of the broken building.

call! call!

The dragon's blood burned, the temperature of Jiang Chen's breath rose straight, and the water vapor overflowed the corner of his mouth and turned into a white smoke.


A flame fell diagonally from the sky.


The scorching heat broke apart, the ground turned into lava, and the stone brick soil completely burst.

The fire was filled, and a figure walked out of the lava.

The Thames froze in an instant, and a speedboat washed ashore by the angle formed by the waves.


The fast train hit the ground hard.

The people in the speedboat were wearing uniforms, and when they raised their hands, they sealed the building where Jiang Chen was in with ice.

At this time, the person in the flame shouted.

"Assault on the street, lawlessness!"

Jiang Chen lowered his eyes to look, and this person was also wearing a strange uniform with a golden L-shaped coat of arms on the chest of the uniform.

The coat of arms represents the acronym for Hero's Fortress.

When Jiang Chen saw it, the golden light in his eyes gradually faded, and the scales of his body kept shaking, slowly shrinking under his skin.

"Huh! Are you heroes?"

The two looked at each other, shrugged and spread their hands.


Jiang Chen scratched his head.

"You look like the king of society, and Gatling is blustering, and you don't look like heroes."

The dresses of the two are really weird, and their hairstyles are very casual.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the two heroes rolled their eyes.

"Whether you look like it or not, we are heroes."

"I am No. 165, Super Power Burstman."

Said the man in the lava.

The people in the speedboat also took over.

"I am No.164, Aquaman!"

"In fact, the block you disturbed is under my control. You demolished a building for no reason. Is there anything to say?"

After talking about 165 and 164, they should come forward and get close to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't feel nervous, but slightly staggered his body and let out the hole in the wall.

Behind the hole, silver fluorescence continued to flash.

The power of the space consumed by the teleportation array is still concentrated on the ground.

Jiang Chen explained.

"I am the new hero Jiang Chen, and Eoria is my elder brother."

"I was assassinated in your area. When I caught this person, the assassin had already escaped through the space circle."

While talking, Jiang Chen took a gold from his pocket and turned it between his fingers.

On the gold coin, the constellation and the goddess pattern flashed.

The two heroes were immediately stunned.

"This is the proof of the constellation in your hand?"

Jiang Chen stopped the gold coin and looked at it in his palm.

"Oh! So it's called this!"

"Yes, Brother Eoria personally gave it to me, you can ask if you don't believe it."

The two heroes were immediately confused.

What a shit, they and Aiolia are not at the same level at all!

"No, don't ask."

The two said in unison.

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, that means I can go now?"

Although the two heroes were embarrassed, they still opened the wall surrounded by frost.

Everyone in Chang'an was already smiling and waiting for Jiang Chen outside the ice wall.

The two heroes looked at everyone.

Everyone exudes pressure not lower than the overlord level.

The only exception is Tang Yiyi.

Seeing Tang Yiyi, the two heroes blinked in disbelief, stupidly in place.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and everyone in Chang'an left the scene of the attack.

Jiang Chen said when he was far away.

"The water in this Nordic city is quite deep."

"We just got out of the hotel door with our front foot, and someone intercepted the assassination on the way."

Li Xiaofu scratched his head.

"Yeah, we didn't make enemies in Northern Europe. How come we were discovered so quickly?"

Everyone wore sunglasses when they went out, and they couldn't tell if they didn't recognize it carefully.

Tang Shishi and Jiang Chen looked at each other, and suddenly understood what Jiang Chen was thinking.

"Do you think that the Goddess Resort Hotel has a problem?"

When Li Xiaofu heard this, a fire surged into his chest.

"Huh? The goddess resort hotel in the dog day leaked our information?"

"Te mother, uncle, I want to kill a carbine, and **** those wicked men!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand and sighed.

"There is no direct evidence, and if you go, you will go for nothing."

"I just feel that the timing of the assassin's appearance is very strange."

"And her own behavior is also very questionable."

"Imagine a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl who shot and killed people, opened the magic circle, and Jin Chan escaped her shell. A series of movements were so sophisticated that I didn't even catch it!"

After listening to Jiang Chen's words, everyone suddenly felt chills in their backs.

None of them have the defensive power of Jiang Chen's pervert!

Just when everyone wanted to summon Yu Beast to open up their ability to defend.

Jiang Chen suddenly made a silent gesture.

"Shhh! Someone behind us is following!"

In the dark alleys, fifty meters behind everyone in Chang'an, Miss Charles appeared under the street lamp.

Jiang Chen's mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness had already reached a few hundred meters, and he was able to keep track of such a strange figure. Jiang Chen was naturally clear.

With a move of his ears, Jiang Chen actually heard the woman's voice.

"Report again, the new hero is entering Fifth Avenue along the Thames!"

"Everyone, prepare to fight."

Jiang Chen immediately took out the map.

Sure enough, everyone was on Fifth Avenue.

Jiang Chen paid special attention. Everyone only needs to walk two kilometers forward along the street to reach the target location.

When Li Xiaofu heard that someone was following, his chest was suddenly exploded with anger.

"Don't stop me, I want to **** him!"

Jiang Chen laughed instead of anger.

"Don't be impulsive, my big fat brother don't be impulsive."

"By following people on the road, our chances of finding the target are greatly improved!"

Li Xiaofu was instantly confused.

"Brother, what are you talking about."

"What does our being followed have to do with finding Prince Charles?"

Jiang Chen smiled softly.

"Ha! You wait and see!"

After that, everyone in Chang'an ignored the stalker behind them and rushed towards the bar at an accelerated pace.

The sudden acceleration of the people in Chang'an caught Miss Charles off guard.

She slammed on her high-heeled leather boots, her **** long legs swayed faster, and the sound of the high-heeled shoes shaking the ground echoed in the empty street.

All Jiang Chen didn't hear it.

In this way, Miss Charles reached the pinnacle of her life.

A small and weak woman was chasing, and a group of kings and overlords ran ahead.

But I don't know where to start, all the pedestrians on the street are gone.

The lonely street lamp flashed lonely.

Jiang Chen finally saw the name of Charles Bar in the neon lights.

"That's it!"

Jiang Chen gave a soft drink.

The crowd made a sharp turn and slammed the car at the crossroad in front of the bar.

The door of the bar was open, but there was no one inside.

Li Xiaofu was puzzled.

"Is this afraid of us and ran away?"

Jiang Chen frowned and shook his head.

"Something's wrong, these people have been notified long ago, and they should be ready to fight long ago!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen heard the voice of Hong Zhong behind everyone.

"You guys, are you looking for this king?"

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