God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1237: One will be successful

At the same time, in Yanhuang territory, Kyoto University.

"My Principal, Jiang Chen has been put on the black list and now ranks first on the list. The students have a lot of criticism!"

Zhong Musi was very worried.

"The whole school of Kyoto University follows Jiang Chen as an example. Now Jiang Chen is guilty of murder and his reputation has declined, but the students in the school don't believe it!"

Liu Hongchen waved his hand.

"Master Zhong doesn't have to say any more."

"Jiang Chen was convicted, and it's okay to deceive ordinary people. Thousands of young talents in the inner courtyard of Kyoto have seen Jiang Chen's talents and will definitely not believe it easily."

"It's just that I secretly observed the two elders of Pioneer Suzaku Baihu, and found that they had already withdrawn from the Kyoto circle, leaving only some undercover agencies spying."

Zhong Muxi's eyes rolled.

"Jiang Chen is not here, Pioneer Elder actually did such a behavior, I must have got some news!"

Leave Hongchen with a smile.

"Well, I'll send someone to check it out. After all, if there is a teacher and student, even if you want to leave Kyoto in the future, at least there will be a goodbye!"

Jiang Chen is missing, and everything changes in Kyoto.

The Wang family, which had covered the sky with one hand, is now in decline.

It seems that the former Wang family was blessed by Jiang Chen, but now that Jiang Chen has fallen, everyone wants to step on it.

Not to mention the small people in the countryside are useless, Jiang Chen is losing power nowadays, many small families and foreign domains want to get involved in the circle of Kyoto.

Fortunately, Wang Gang has ruled the Wang family for many years, and Wang Jianlin has helped him, so he didn't ruin the foundation.

Let's talk about Chang'an City.

Everyone lost City Master Jiang Chen, and although they were grievances and dissatisfaction in their hearts, they were willing to stick to it.

But this is the state of mind of ordinary people.

Jiang Xiaoguo is different.

She once heard outsiders say that her brother is good, and praised the fear of the lord of the city.

But now, Jiang Chen has been labeled as a murderer.

Everywhere is talking.

Once, Jiang Xiaoguo went to buy candied haws, and he clearly heard that.

"Have you heard that City Lord Jiang Chen killed someone!"

"Yeah, I watched all the videos, blood was splashed on the spot!"

"It is said that this time, some big people in Kyoto have been encircled and suppressed, and they were beaten up and disappeared. I am afraid it is too bad!"

"A big man like the city lord, without good luck, all is fierce, how can you sit on the seat of the lord if you are not cruel?

"Yes, I have heard from the past that high-ranking people can kill innocent people indiscriminately. Now when I see it, I am afraid that Jiang Chen, the city lord, is not clean!"

Jiang Xiaoguo hid from the side, feeling very complicated.

She is very angry.

Unexpectedly, these unsophisticated people would treat their brother like this, just because a few rumors turned around, they forgot about it, and they began to speak badly.

She was scared again.

If it was true as these people said, Jiang Chen was surrounded by masters, and was beaten on the spot and disappeared out of thin air, wouldn't her Jiang Xiaoguo's brother be seen again.

Angry and frightened, Jiang Xiaoguo gradually saw two tears.


The crystal clear tears hit the ground, and a strange frost flower was stirred up, enchantingly blooming and declining instantly.

At this moment, thousands of imperial beasts, large and small, fell on the ground and knelt on the spot!

The people who uttered absurd rumors were immediately dumbfounded.

I saw Jiang Xiaoguo crossing the street, his complexion calm and calm.

She swept across her eyes and said.

"From today, no one is allowed to talk about the city lord."

"If you make a discussion, you need to produce the necessary evidence. If there is no evidence, those who maliciously spread rumors and slander should be punished severely!"

All people are afraid!

After half an hour.

Jiang Xiaoguo lay on the bed and burned to the point of weakness.

Two dark shadows penetrated under the door.

It turned out to be He Fatty and Nightmare Emperor.

Jiang Xiaoguo suddenly spoke.

"It's good for the two uncles to walk through the door. It's no better than light-handed, it's easy to scare Xiao Guo!"

The Nightmare Emperor salutes.

"I can't hide it from the young master."

"Learning that the young master is sick, I came here to check."

Jiang Xiaoguo waved his hand.

"The two uncles have candied haws. I might get better if I eat two of them!"

The Nightmare Emperor said.

"The root of the candied haws will ruin the young master's stomach..."

But Fatty He directly took out the candied haws behind him, two large strings, which add up to one meter long.

Jiang Xiaoguo showed a very reluctant smile, pretending that he was actually very excited.

He took it from Fatty He and ate candied haws without saying a word.

Fatty He and Nightmare Emperor stood by silently, wanting to sigh but dare not, for fear that Jiang Xiaoguo's condition would get worse.

Nightmare Sovereign spoke.

"I caught a few more nonsense and rumors in the street, not knowing what to do."

Jiang Xiaoguo stopped suddenly.

A terrifying fierce light suddenly burst out of his eyes.

The temperature in the air dropped suddenly, and two groups of dead air like a raging fire bloomed from her eyes.

Lifeless on the girl's little face, terrifying.

She chuckled.

"Hehe, or else, kill them all!"

The dark and venomous face on his face is not the expression that a teenager can make at all.

The Nightmare Emperor didn't care what Xiaoguo said. He lifted his sleeves and turned around to go out to kill.

Fatty He stopped it immediately.

"Emperor Nightmare! Don't act rashly!"

"Now that the young master is no longer, the pioneers are blocked everywhere, and the situation is not optimistic."

"Also, Mr. Jiang Chen was arrested because of impulsive murder and lost his hand!"

"If you go out like this, even if you kill all the people in the city, Lord Jiang Chen will not be able to come back! It will only add stains to his name!"

I have to say that Fatty He deserves to be the leader of the pioneer, and he is really courageous and strategic.

The Nightmare Emperor sighed.

"Oh! The master is really ill-fated!"

at this time.


The two turned to look at Jiang Xiaoguo, only to find that she was already lying on the bed and fainted.

"Miss! Young Master! Wake up! I'll kill those villains and avenge the master!"

Changan came to an end in advance.

Cross the border and return to Northern Europe.

Everyone in Jiang Chen is very lucky, or the underground passage is too concealed.

Tens of thousands of mecha chasers failed to spot them.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already filtered the toxins with Zidi Immortal Vine, and treated the wounds with vitality and medicine to detoxify the blood.

The huge bone snake was motionless at this time, and its skin was rapidly decaying.

Tang Shishi's doubts in his heart just now had already been told to Jiang Chen.

"I just thought about what Ai Concubine thought."

"The gunman who ambushes me is not under the command of the royal family, but a spy sent by the Fortress of Heroes."

"Needless to say, the purpose is to try my strength. By the way, I use the name of a hero to build momentum and increase gimmicks, so that I can win some support in the competition.

"But the following things are really strange."

Jiang Chen's eyes subconsciously looked at Charles, who turned into a snake, and Elizabeth, who had drooping eyes and didn't know what was going on.

"In short, be careful in everything, our goal is to get my father's relic, and not let it fall into the hands of outsiders!"

"Tang Yiyi has a special life background. From this we can also see that the situation in Northern Europe is chaotic, with many parties and warlords."

"However, these have nothing to do with us. Even if Tang Yiyi's life experience cannot be found, we can always take her with her to protect her from being violated!"

Hearing Tang poetry and poetry, I was very moved.

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