God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1241: Star Proof

"Look, look! Here comes the note!"

"There was a good show this time, four armored soldiers, isn't it easy to hit the backs of these books?"

"By the way, how do I think these people wearing sunglasses are familiar?"

As soon as the War Armies landed, the people in the distance shouted.

Jiang Chen everyone took off their sunglasses.

The facial contours were lost, and the black hair and brown pupils belonging to Yanhuang were instantly exposed.

"Huh? I still remember who they are!"

"Jiang Chen! It's Yanhuang Jiang Chen! I saw him in the Blue Star Young Beastmaster Competition!"

"It's over! Speedman killed Jiang Chen's friend!"

Li Xiaofu pouted and took a sip on the ground.

"Bah! Those nonsense mediocrities have nothing to do with us!"

"But this speeding man killed himself for no reason, so he was embarrassed to call the police?"

Jiang Chen stared coldly, but didn't care what the people around him said.

"I said, Speedman, I don't quite understand the rules of Northern Europe, but I think that dignified gentlemen should compete on the decisive battlefield!"

Speedman suddenly showed a frantic expression.

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"You don't understand the Nordic rules? Then I will leave it to you!!"

"This is Northern Europe, and everything here is a hero fortress!"

"I told you that I killed a few people because I wanted to deal with the case, but you wanted to stop it. I would kill you because of reason!"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes suddenly.

"Very good! Very good!"

"Since you want to kill me, try over there?"

Jiang Chen's words instantly aroused the speed man's anger.

"Jiang Chen! The name sounds familiar, today you are going to fall!"

"Since you are obsessed with not understanding, then we will educate you, this scorching little boy!"

"Speeding storm!"

call out!

A clear breeze dissipated, leaving a cracked footprint on the ground.

The speeding man disappeared in an instant.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a sharp wind in front of him.

In the next moment, Speedman's strange and swift fist struck straight towards Jiang Chen!


There was an explosion, and the air instantly dispersed.

The aftermath of the impact reverberated in the street, and instantly shook the crowd watching the crowd!

Even a few soldiers in armor were completely immobile by the wind.

Pedestrians watching the excitement can't help but exclaim.

"Wow! This is Jiang Chen! So amazing!"

The dust of the collision between the two gradually dispersed, and the figures of Jiang Chen and the speeding man appeared.

Speeder looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

"No! Impossible!"

I saw Jiang Chen stretched out his palm, and traces of dragon scales could be vaguely seen on the skin exposed from his clothes.

Jiang Chen took his fist with his palm, and even set the speeding knight who suddenly attacked in place!

And the speeding man's arm was bent in a weird arc, and it was broken into several pieces!


He just listened to countless people around taking a breath.

Most of the people living in Bluestar have heard of Jiang Chen's name.

Now when I saw it, I not only took over the top 300 heroes without any effort, but also shattered the speeding man's arm directly!

Jiang Chen said with an evil smile on his face.

"Who said I was going to kill me just now? I don't have a good memory to remind me!"

Speedman instantly felt his lips tingling and his legs soft.

With a low groan, he collapsed to the ground in public regardless of his identity.

The pedestrians around were suddenly shocked.

Speedman is one of the heroes they fully support, with good conduct and humanity.

Now, it was so cruel to be interrupted by Jiang Chen's group of students!

"Ah! Speedman was beaten and gave up! This Jiang Chen is so terrifying!"

"Tsk tusk! The bones are broken! Does this Jiang Chen really think that no one can cure him!"

"Shhh! Be quiet! Didn't you see this note is still here!"

Sure enough, the armored guard picked up the gun and put his finger on the trigger.

The armors of several people were activated at the same time, and the electric current came towards Jiang Chen.

The people around suddenly felt that justice had grown.

"Good job! Kill them!"

"The Yanhuang people are so rampant, take them back and go to jail! Go to jail!"

People around were yelling, but Jiang Chen didn't care.

He fumbled around, as if looking for something.

"Found it!" Jiang Chen smiled.

He reached into his clothes and touched the proof of the cold starry sky!

"Look first, what is this thing in my hand."

People around immediately took a closer look.

The armored soldiers released various scanning tools and searched everything on the people in Chang'an.

Finally, the gold coin was finally scanned.

After breathing, one of the people watching finally recognized the object in Jiang Chen's hand.

"Star... the proof of the starry sky!"

"That's not right, this Jiang Chen and the hero are facing each other, how can there be a proof of the stars of the Twelve Star Palace?"

Thinking of this, these boring people began to analyze randomly.

"Oh! Understood! Jiang Chen made a fake!"

"No, Jiang Chen has never been to Northern Europe, how can he know the outline and meaning of Starry Order?"

"Hush, look at what these guards say!"

The armor guard has also come to the front.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang Chen, I am very sorry that Speedman ran into you."

"Of course, the most critical mistake was me. I was given false information and had an interview with the wrong person at the wrong time and in the wrong place. We will take the Speedman away."

With that, the armor guard was about to kneel down.

Jiang Chen quickly picked him up.

"You don't need to be polite. The situation in Northern Europe has become more difficult now, and it is inevitable to be negligent.


"You guys think about it, what is this superpower going through the street in such a hurry?"

The armored soldiers wanted to be perfunctory and passive.

As a result, several guards secretly interrupted.

"Master Jiang Chen, you don't know, every part of Northern Europe is controlled by heroes, and this speeding man is one of them."

"We will check everything about him, but it will take a while."

Jiang Chen was stunned.

The few soldiers in front of him were supposed to be the elite backbone of the garrison, but now, because Jiang Chen wanted to investigate the speeding man, they played to stop him.

Jiang Chen could see through it at a glance.

"Take some time? You have a guard, don't you quickly arrest the prisoner and put it in jail, tell me it takes time?"

"Believe it or not, I will just take out the real evidence and drag the Speedman and the entire hero fortress into the water?"

The soldier laughed.

"Master Jiang Chen is really young and promising, he is already thinking about disintegrating the League of Legends at a young age!"

"Evidence, if you have any evidence, take it out and have a look!"

Jiang Chen's eyes changed, and he looked at the speeding man who was playing dead.

Just when the Speedman was keeping an eye on Jiang Chen for his escape, Jiang Chen suddenly grabbed his collar!

"Want to run? Killing so many people, today I will walk for the sky!"

Roar! !

With a loud roar, Jiang Chen instantly entered Longhua.

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