God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1247: Claw Dragon

"Dear viewers, look!"

"In this formation, Jiang Chen seems to have formed an alliance!"

On the screen, Elizabeth saw the screen, so she deliberately made a gesture of hooking her shoulders and putting her back on her back, as if she was so intimate with Jiang Chen.

The meeting discussed how to deal with Jiang Chen's zodiac starry sky and noticed instantly.

Scorpio said sinisterly.

"Huh! Sure enough, Jiang Chen will be in alliance with the emperor!"

"As expected of the mythical leader, he predicted this point and put Jiang Chen and Elizabeth together in advance."

"There is a good show to watch now."

When he spoke, the Scorpio tattoos on his face kept squirming, as if he had come to life.

The other constellation inheritance laughed and said nothing, everyone started watching the game again, but without exception, they focused on Jiang Chen.

On the first ring.

Jiang Chen was still on guard against the emperor, but all the players had discovered the alliance between the emperor and Jiang Chen.

At this time, the players on the first ring could not sit still.

"Jiang Chen's group of people, except for himself who is a weak chicken, every other team member is extremely powerful. When we join forces with the emperor, we will definitely have no chance to win!"

The players talked a lot, and for a while, the chaotic battle situation instantly fell silent.

Everyone on the first ring has only one goal left.

Jiang Chen!

Some players who felt they were particularly far-sighted shouted immediately.

"Jiang Chen is the lowest combat force in the entire team. He must have hired many thugs under his command. As long as Jiang Chen is killed, those thugs will automatically give up!"

It turned out that the data tested during Jiang Chen's on-site confirmation was too low, making many people mistakenly believe that Jiang Chen is just a very ordinary dude, but the team around him is relatively hard.

After seeing Jiang Chen's power on the public screen, more and more players agreed with this idea.

"Chong! Expose Elizabeth's wall and kill Jiang Chen!"

The peripheral players yelled loudly, they naively thought that Jiang Chen was an incompetent dude.

Standing in the "safety circle" created by Elizabeth, Jiang Chen didn't understand why all of a sudden the players on the field began to be excited.

"Xiao Cong Xiaofu, they seem to be a little excited."

Li Xiaofu said indifferently.

"They are so petite, and I feel itchy!"

Jiang Chen glanced at Elizabeth behind him and said to Li Xiaofu.

"It's okay to practice your hands. If you encounter one or two strong opponents, it can be considered a worthwhile trip!"

Li Xiaofu waved twice, summoning Thor's Hammer, and responded.

"Good Le!"

As soon as the voice fell, he dashed to the outside of the safe area.

"Your fat man is here!"

The current situation outside the safe zone is very strange.

All the players drifted away from the periphery, bumping into the wall from time to time and then immediately retreated.

To put it bluntly, they yelled loudly to knock down Jiang Chen, while fearing the strength of Jiang Chen everyone, they did not dare to step forward.

Everyone is waiting for the first person to eat crabs.

Just when they hesitated, Li Xiaofu had already rushed out, but did not attack for the first time. Instead, he posed a pose in the crowd openly and brightened his face.

"Chacha! Your fat grandpa is here, who dare to step forward!"

Li Xiaofu almost teased Jiang Chen and Wang Sicong.

They shouted apart.

"Fatty man, play fast, don't pretend to be Zhang Fei!"

"There is no Long Banqiao here, and there is no Zhao Yun!"

Li Xiaofu nodded his head naively.


The surrounding players immediately saw this scene in their eyes.

Some more sincere players questioned.

"This little fat guy is from Jiang Chen's team, and his score has exceeded one million. Why does he look so stupid?"

The people around began to mess up.

"Don't you know, Yanhuang people are stupid at first, haha!!"

"Why don't you go up and try, if it's really stupid, we'll go up together and kill him."

The sincere player scratched his head.

"What if it's not stupid?"

People around laughed.

"Not stupid, we will help you too, don't worry!"

The man nodded as if suddenly realized.


With a loud shout, the player made a charge.

call out!

With a whistle, he summoned his poaching dragon back.

Thump thump!

A two-meter-high bipedal dragon rushed forward at an incredible speed.

The man jumped up and sat firmly on the dragon's back saddle.

"Little fat guy, eat me a great!"

Riding a dragon, the player picked up a huge mace used by medieval knights.

The black iron barbs were ten centimeters long, and the blade shone with cold light.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, a set of data emerged.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Sharp Claw Xunlong

【Monster Level】: Level 64 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Metal

[Monster State]: War Intent

[Monster characteristics]: With the blood of ancient dinosaurs, it has the ability to metalize, run like thunder, and sharp claws cut iron like mud

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Rock

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen said to the communicator immediately.

"Xiaofu! Someone cut in at the left rear, with a speed of 170 steps. It is a metal dinosaur, good at using slashing attacks, overlord level!!"

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, Li Xiaofu had realized that he had been attacked.

I saw him step forward across the waist, and a mighty thunder burst out all over his body.

Zi Zi Zi!

Thunder formed a horrible web, and instantly bounced the surrounding beasts that had been attacked by Li Xiaofu.

In the next moment, Li Xiaofu's body flashed with green glitter.

In the dazzling light, an armor was draped tightly.

"Home run!"

Li Xiaofu shouted, rounded out Thor's Hammer!

clang! ! !

The metal hummed.

Lightning burst!

The blue and white electric light instantly stung everyone's eyes.

The thunder formed a high-speed twisting vortex that instantly blasted towards the claw Xunlong.

The dragon rider also wielded a mace, trying to offset Li Xiaofu's hammer.


The black iron mace broke instantly.


Everyone could only hear the sound of the skull cracking.

The dragon rider's arm twisted unnaturally.

Obviously, his bones have been broken by Li Xiaofusheng.

Not only the beastmaster's arm was broken.

Li Xiaofu's hammer passed directly through the mace, and hit the claw Xunlong **** the head.

clang! !

Metal clashing, Thor's Hammer exploded again with tyrannical thunder power.



The big bang swept!

Sharp Claw Xunlong's neck bones quickly broke, tilted to the side, and immediately lost the ability to move.

The few Beastmasters closest to Li Xiaofu were affected by the aftermath of energy, and their bodies were instantly bounced off and fell heavily on the ring.

The audience looked silly.

"This... Is this a human or a monster?"

"A hammer broke the bones of the monster beast?"

"It's not that it's a mismatch!"

"Bullshit! It's too fierce to fight misplacement!"

The electronic screen instantly displays the outcome of the previous battle.

I saw the dragon rider's information displayed on the screen.

The audience was stunned again.

"I am Nima! I am the dean of the Nordic Star Academy, a new star in the future!"

"He is at the overlord level, and he was defeated by Jiang Chen's next move!"

"Look at the combat power comparison! What! The difference is 600,000! Let's make trouble!"

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