God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1256: Great Satan

In the air, there are constantly transparent energy fluctuations.

Jiang Chen tried his best to maintain his mental strength.

And the despicable Lord used Vinci's body as the battlefield to fight against Jiang Chen's mental power.

Jiang Chen burst out again.

"Are you awake! Vinci!"

The power of this sentence is like the arrival of a king, splitting Vinci's eyebrows to break open the wall of knowledge and sweep in.

Seeing this, the despicable lord suddenly pulled out his tail whip.


The fishy wind hit, and the evil spirit mist kept surging.

The energy was shaped like a blade, and the powerful force rushed towards Jiang Chen.

With a thought on Jiang Chen's heart, black gold light burst out all over his body.

"Daikin! Stop it!"


Eight-armed Titan roars up to the sky!

The air currents on the ring vibrated.

The dark gold iron rod swept the airflow, pointing straight at the tail whip.


The sky quashed.

A black crack appeared in the space.

The energy stirred wildly, causing a violent wind in the arena.

The crowd collapsed and shouted.

Their minds are occupied by the Demon King Belial, and they can't even escape!

Jiang Chen looked at the Great Demon King with great resentment in his heart.

He can unite with the little frozen nine witch infants, bless the power of judgment, and behead the big devil.

But at this time the host of the devil is Vinci.

Once Jiang Chen arrives, the mortal Vinci will be annihilated.

Jiang Chen couldn't bear this poor fellow to die.

He broke out of mental coercion again, trying to awaken Vinci, who was already disheartened.

Between the sparks and flints, Jiang Chen's thoughts turned straight.

He suddenly thought of a solution to Vinci's sacrifice.

Blood contract!

The bridge of communication between Yujushi and Yuju.

As long as the blood bond is loosened, Jiang Chen can pull Vinci from the body of the devil.

At this time, Daikin and the Great Demon King Belial continued to fight each other.

The black gold devilish energy and the evil spirit of the demon king continued to surge.

This is just enough to prepare for Jiang Chen's attack!


Jiang Chen roared, and his spiritual power burst out instantly!


Jiang Chen's mental power was like a big axe, slashing in the air, standing on Vinci's forehead.

The blood contract burst out!

The devil's spirit in the emblem was shocked by an axe!

In the next moment, the confrontation of energy begins again, and the shadow of the devil reappears in the world!

The huge divine mind held Jiang Chen's axe handle, intending to rebound Jiang Chen's mental attack.

At this time, Jiang Chen had indeed reached the brink of overdraft.

However, Jiang Chen's Zhihaiqiang is guarded by Xiao Dong, and is holding a deadly devilish energy!


Just hearing this roar, the shadow of the devil qi gushed out from Jiang Chen's mouth and nose.

A frightening madman breath swept the battlefield instantly.

Jiang Chen's mental power suddenly surged, instantly blocking the fearful influence of the Great Demon King Belial on the surrounding audience.

The audience's madness has slowed down, but unexpectedly the influence of the magic is even more terrifying!

"What is that! Why is there such a terrible thing spraying out of Jiang Chen's mouth and nose!"

"Look! That thing confronts the Demon King!"

The audience watched.

That terrifying devilish energy and Jiang Chen's body were the foundation, and it burst out instantly, and the sharp claws became blades, forming a dark storm, the sharp claws mixed in like thunder.

In an instant, the devilish figure had already blasted on the body of the demon king Shennian.


The evil spirit mist that was as thick as liquid was cut off immediately.


The Demon Lord Shennian kept roaring, trying to escape the limitation of Vinci's blood contract.

"This is the timing!"

What Jiang Chen wants is looseness!


Hundreds of soul locks burst out from behind Jiang Chen.


The chain continued to flow, and Finch's weak body was grabbed by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen suddenly shouted.

"God and demon! Possess!"

I saw the black and white rays of light interlaced between the sky and the earth.

Jiang Chen's body was immediately coated with a layer of jet black light.

In the darkness, the power of the holy light continued to wander through the skin.

Jiang Chen's lines and every muscle on her body were clearly illuminated.

The Holy Light is connected and outlined into a line.

An angel-like halo appeared in the air.

Two ferocious dragon horns grew on Jiang Chen's forehead.

The big devil Belilton was taken aback.

It thought it was his own kind who came!

But the aura on Jiang Chen's body is not simply the evil spirit of the demon king, but also bathed in holy light, with sacred majesty.

This is the power of judgment.

The gods and demons judge the people in the world and classify them as sin and holiness.

If you are guilty, you will be guilty and punished!

"Bewitching children, seducing priests, and killing the priesthood!"

"Devil Belial! You can be convicted!"


On Vinci's back, Belial uttered a terrifying roar.

Suddenly, a thick gray breath came out of its mouth.

Jiang Chen was instantly sluggish.

He couldn't be more familiar with this grey breath!

That is the death aura that can radiate from the Styx! !

"Belil! You demon actually gained the power of Styx!"

"Stealing death breath, is it possible that you want to disrupt Blue Star's world laws!"

At this time, Vinci had already woke up, and Jiang Chen's words were all heard by him.

Every sentence punish the heart!

The demon lord tempts the priest, makes him suffer, and finally reaches a blood contract.

Belial's little abacus crackled!

Vinci with a gloomy heart is suffering, and one day he will bow his head like a demon's temptation!

At that time, Belial Finch could be successfully resurrected and descended to the world as long as he swallowed his inner darkness!

Vinci seems to enjoy the admiration of thousands of people, but he is actually just a tool man!

As a third party, Jiang Chen's anger was far less than Vinci's anger.


The boy screamed, his palms firmly grasped the spirit of the demon lord Belial.

Jiang Chen saw that he actually wanted to catch the demon king from the blood contract emblem for a lifetime!


Dark thick liquid spurted from the center of the eyebrows.

That is Vinci's corroded blood!

In this blood, the despicable lord lodged in Vinci's body was born and pulled out!


Countless spectators on the scene disgusted.

But Jiang Chen did not divert his attention at all.

In front of him, there is a great devil who can turn the world into hell.

Jiang Chen rallied and waited for the moment when Vinci was separated from the devil.

He saw with both hands, holding up a simple and gorgeous divine bow.

Above the bowstring, a black and white arrow of judgment is ready to go!

"A little bit! Almost a little bit! Come on! Vinci!"

Jiang Chen cheered for poor Vinci in his heart.

At the scene, there were many audiences who admired Vinci's determination from the heart!

"Go on! Go on Vinci!"

"Your incompleteness is not your fault! We will help you get justice back!"

Shouts of this kind sounded one after another in the audience.

And Vinci seemed to hear these cheering sounds.

He was shocked, and his thin body exploded with power that did not belong to him.

The muscles are like varicose blood vessels, constantly moving.



Finch exploded between the brows of the disgusting black blood.

The next moment, Vinci's tail was suddenly pulled out of his body.

The huge shadow of the demon once again appeared in front of everyone.


Bellier's mouth burst out with roars, turning his body and going to the sky.

Jiang Chen seized the opportunity, and the arrow of judgment in his hand was immediately activated!

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