God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1287: Emergency moment

In a critical moment, the tremendous pressure that makes people feel collapsed fell from the sky!

The stars are connected to form a huge magic circle.

The magic pattern turns, like a vivid **** lion.

Between the golden light shining, the magic circle fell in the air.

Suddenly, the nebula in front of Shangguan Fanxing and the magic circle had a fierce collision.

From Shangguan Fanxing's perspective, the magnificent scene in front of him is like the Big Bang!

That amazing aura and gorgeous colors all show unparalleled scenes in the wonderful universe.

However, immediately after the Big Bang, there was an overwhelming destruction!

The tyrannical energy surged in and hit the solid constellation palace.

Shangguan Fanxing's body was instantly thrown away by Qi.

Seeing that his weak body was about to hit the palace pillars and turn into a puddle of mud.

The next second, a rainbow crossed.

The starry unicorn spread its wings in the energy turbulence, and easily caught its master.


There was a long moan during the explosion.

The sight of countless stars erupted from the explosion.

Shangguan Fanxing seemed to be in a gorgeous sea of ​​stars at this moment.

The beauty only lasted for less than a few seconds.

The next moment, a stream of light burst out of the nebula.

The chilling murderous aura poured out instantly.

The blood-red sword light is like a spaceship flying straight into the sky.

Behind the sword light, a powerful beast with an alloy armor all over, is sweeping by with the powerful wings of the unity of ten thousand swords.

It is the Slaughter Saint Demon King under the cat seat of Shangguan!



Shangguan Fanxing shouted with all his might.

But the **** giant sword seemed to be thousands of miles away from her.

Behind the Slaughter Saint Demon Emperor, Shangguan Kitty's figure was clearly identifiable.

However, Shangguan Fanxing discovered that her sister's figure was running counter to her.

Fanxing was puzzled.

But after seeing the huge sword light, a powerful light like a meteorite swept across!

"Sister! Be careful behind!"

Shangguan Fanxing said impatiently.

She has recognized the owner of the meteorite!

It is the lineage of Leo, who is possessed by the beast and is wearing the star armor, Eoria.

But because of the distance between the two, no matter how Shangguan Fanxing screamed, Shangguan Kitty would never hear anything.

The attack cannot be stopped.


There was a shocking explosion.

Shangguan Fanxing could clearly see that the dazzling starlight tore a huge hole behind the Slaughter Saint Demon Emperor!

In almost a second, Shangguan Fanxing's eyes were bloodshot and became extremely blood red.

Two strange spots suddenly appeared on her wonderfully long thighs, and the eyes of Shangguan Fanxing became bright red at the same time.

In that instant, the bright red spots burst out with tyrannical rays!

Endless killing intent skyrocketed.

The strong aura instantly dissipated the stars in the air.

Suddenly, outside the golden hair of the starry rainbow unicorn, slowly condensed into a blood red armor!

The single horn on the top of his head instantly became sharp, with blood shining brightly, like a horn of a **** or devil.


The roar of the unicorn turned into a roar like a beast.

Endless murderous aura burst out suddenly.

Sagittarius exhausted the power of the stars that bloomed, and was instantly swept away by this tyrannical murderous aura!

If Shangguan Kitty’s murderous aura is a fierce spear, then Shangguan Fanxing’s murderous aura is a calm shield!

This is the murderous aura from the guardian.

The energy wave is like a shield, instantly clearing the sky.

Shangguan Fanxing rose in the sky, and an astonishing killing intent broke out in his blood-red eyes.

A bright crystal nucleus is gently suspended in her palm, which is the constellation inheritance of the dead Sagittarius.

There seemed to be countless planets circulating in the crystal core, as if it were a miniature universe.

The vast number of planets bloomed with the power of bright stars.

The dazzling brilliance came out in full bloom and gathered into countless winding rivers, flowing into the body of the rainbow unicorn in the starry sky.

Shangguan Fanxing galloped on his horse, her light pink dress constantly flowing.

On the white thighs, there seemed to be two bright red butterflies dancing lightly.

At this time, Leo has noticed the existence of Shangguan Fanxing.

That monstrous killing intent carried through his eyes, and the scarlet color was like a ghost seeking his life.

If Li Xiaofu saw his good sister Shangguan Fanxing showing such a hideous look, he would definitely find the washboard on the spot and knelt down on the ground, yelling his wife for mercy.

Leo has a cold face.

"Kill the big one and then the small one, you guys will never finish!"

"But it doesn't matter, I will kill one if you come, and I will kill one if you come!"

"Success! Humans!"

Eoria roared with all his strength.

In the double fist, so there are endless stars!

"Star rays!!"

A roar.

A golden light burst out of Eoria's mouth.

The hot energy broke through the sky instantly.

Above the sky, the clouds scattered like ripples, forming a huge hole.

In the center of the hollow, the power of the endless stars condenses and merges, forming a golden lion's mouth with unprecedented power.


The giant lion roared, and a particle beam fell from its mouth instantly, covering all the space around Shangguan Fanxing.

However, Shangguan Fanxing had long been holding the mentality of death.

The strong coercion fell in the air, but she did not care.

She wants to avenge her sister! !


In the blood-red eyes, Biao shot a thick killing intent and instantly locked Eoria.


The starry rainbow unicorn spread its wings.

In an instant, the tyrannical killing intent stirred the sky.

In front of Shangguan Fanxing, a huge crossbow slowly opened.

The body of the rainbow unicorn in the sky slowly formed a crossbow!

Use wings as bows and horns as arrows.

The killing intent is condensed, the stars are dim!

The sharpness on the arrow, carrying the power to pierce everything in the world, burst out!

The violent energy swept in instantly.

Facing this ruined arrow, Eoria smiled.

There was a little Leo overbearing in his smile.

He slowly uttered the last word in his life.

"It's worth it!"


The **** giant crossbow shot out loudly.

A strong air wave swept the sky.

A blood-red light flashed, and Aiolia's body was instantly cut in half.

In his view, as a clone, being able to kill two human powerhouses with his own power is already a worthwhile business.

But a clone is a clone, and he suddenly realized before he died that he was really not Eoria.

It's really not a qualified Leo heritage.

He gave up his life casually, completely inconsistent with the real Aiolia's never-giving up vitality.

He chuckled lightly, laughing at himself.

In the last scene where he closed his eyes, a huge shield rose above Shangguan Fanxing's head.

The hot particle light from Leo hit the shield heavily, almost without damage.

The light dissipated, and the stars shone on the blood-colored shield.

This is an absolute defense dedicated to Shangguan Fanxing, a gift from the bloodline of killing and the inheritance of Sagittarius.

When the dust settled, Shangguan Fanxing saw a hideous warhorse phantom engraved in gold on the scarlet shield.

"Oh no, no, such a domineering magic pattern doesn't match this lady's clever temperament!!"

So Shangguan Fanxing called it. . .

"Haha! Sister, look at my little shield of love~"

Shangguan Fanxing picked up Shangguan Kitty and said excitedly.

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