God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1290: Star Prison

Without the knowledge of Aries, Ye Lanyi was already prepared for battle.

"Miss, now that death is approaching, I will be more compassionate, and I will tell you a little bit about a fatal mistake you made!"

"Star jail!!!"


On the wall of the corridor where the two of them were, hot stars suddenly burst into light.

Unexpectedly, energy projected from the eyes of the surrounding famous paintings.

Countless rays crossed, frantically tangled, forming a huge fence trap above Ye Lanyi's head.


Light fell from the sky.

Ye Lanyi was immediately clasped tightly.

Aries laughed presumptuously.

"Ouch! Hahaha!"

"Why don't you say that you are a big lady, you don't even have the most basic sense of prevention!"

"A girl like you who has been held high in the palm of your life will never understand the sins of the world!"

Ye Lanyi was expressionless, just staring at Aries closely.

Seeing Ye Lanyi's appearance, Aries suddenly felt that he had no sense of accomplishment.

"Oh! Why are you so rigid? You just lost one game."

"Oh! I almost forgot, if you lose this game, you will directly kill you!"

"Stars!! Collapse!"

Aries shouted, and the huge fence surrounding Ye Lanyi suddenly began to shrink.

Ye Lan didn't expect this move and immediately looked around.

Seeing Ye Lanyi's look of panic, Aries aroused the excitement of victory.

"Hahaha! Look! Are you panicking too?"

"Seeing you are about to die, I am not afraid to tell you the truth, in fact, I am not a clone at all!!"

Ye Lan frowned.

It was not that I was surprised by this result, but keenly felt that Aries was about to reveal useful information!

These are all things learned from Jiang Chen, wit and courage, intrigue.

So Ye Lanyi quickly put on a panic expression.

"What! You are not a clone!"

She exaggerated.

Aries has a wicked smile on his face.

"Hee hee~ This kind of performance is right!!"

"That's right! I am the only body inheritance in the Twelve Star Palace!"

"Just a few more words, I proposed the replication plan of the Twelve Star Palace inheritance, and I also introduced the human cloning technology!"

"In other words, all the clones of the Nordic royal family came from me, and even Crown Prince Charles's transformation plan was leaked by me!"

Ye Lanyi's expression gradually became cold.

"Stop talking! You seem to be very proud!"

She heard what Aries said, and immediately realized.

If everything in the mouth of Aries is true, then she is the root of all wars in Northern Europe! !

Countless people died because of her, countless clones, because of her suffering!

For this kind of person, five horses and ten times are not enough to solve their hatred!

Ye Lanyi immediately cursed regardless of the lady's image.

"Do you know how many people have died because of you, they all say that the most poisonous woman's mind, as a woman, I didn't agree with this statement, you, a crazy woman, really shame our lesbians!"

Aries does not understand why his prey is so excited.

She calmed down and stared at the angry Ye Lanyi with big eyes that only appear in anime.

"Oh! It seems you have a misunderstanding of me."

"The term female compatriot is not accurate to me!"

With that said, Aries changed his golden holy armor.

The shoulder armor fell off, and the breastplate fell to the ground with a sonorous voice.

Subsequently, Aries untied his combat uniform.

The body under the combat uniform is full of muscles and looks like a man!

Ye Lanyi was shocked immediately.

Aries has a grinning smile on his face.

"I was also a simple boy. My mother was from the Eagle-British League and fell in love with my father when the Eagle Nation intended to colonize the island nation."

"The disaster war that our family avoided, and we lived happily and relaxedly at the foot of Mount Fuji. Like many people with leisure and elegance, I occasionally like to see cherry blossoms."

"Originally, my life was unremarkable, but suddenly one day, a war ended my happy life."

"The island nation has not yet established a system after the disaster, and is still in a fragmented situation, launched a war of aggression!"

"A small island nation alliance, even if it takes advantage of its emptiness, even if it has many elite soldiers, it can't compete with Yang Yang Yan Huang."

"The men of the island nation are exhausted, and all those who can get on the battlefield are filled with strong men, and I am no exception."

"Young, militant, and powerful. I have been galloping on the battlefield of Yanhuang for several months, and I can be regarded as the leader of the younger generation."

"But war is always sinful. God punishes me. In the East China Sea battlefield, I was seriously injured and I lost my roots in being a man."

"It seems that I woke up for another trial. After the Yanhuang War, the Eagle Nation launched a surprise attack on the island country. My father died in the surprise attack."

"I am disabled as a member of the Eagle country, extradited back to China with my mother, but unexpectedly the catastrophe broke out, the beast invaded, and my mother died overnight!"

Speaking of this, Aries paused.

"Dear Miss Ye Lanyi, you must be thinking now that everything I have suffered should have dragged me into the anti-war team."

"Yes, as a victim of war, I finally squeezed into MI6 with years of hard work, and strongly advocated against all wars initiated by Eagle Nation."

"Guess what my ending is like?"

"The trauma I suffered in the war was dug up by the main combatants in the Eagle Nation Alliance. They bought in public opinion and spread the news that I was disabled."

"Do you know what the people in the British League thought of me?"

"Dead man yao! Hahaha! Those coalition people who have been favored by me and escaped a war under my leadership, the first reaction after seeing these news is to scold me for being physically disabled."

"Under the pressure of public opinion, MI6 quickly expelled me, and the main combat party did a better job. My bedroom was found containing a large amount of drugs, which was a felony, and I was directly sent back to the island country, and finally forced to become a member Kabuki Geisha, male performer!"

"In the past ten years, my body and soul have been injured continuously, until Chuanmu appeared!"

"The Chuanmu Group investigated my background information and thought I had the talent to use. It was them who gave me a chance for the ultimate world war!!"

"I want to replace all humans on the Blue Star with clones! There will be no war in the Blue Star!"

Aries is very excited when it comes to this.

But Ye Lanyi became more and more calm because of the fact that was supplemented.

"I still don't understand one thing. If all your tragedies originate from the Island Nations Alliance and the Eagle Nations Alliance, why is your preferred target the Nordic Alliance?"

"All the suffering you have suffered has nothing to do with Northern Europe!!"

Aries laughed.

"Hahaha! Who said that the first target is Northern Europe!!"

"You guys haven't found the latest news yet!"

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