God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1297: Despicable!

Jiang Yuan yelled in pain, holding his head in his hands and holding the metal strange horns tightly.

Above the sky, Jiang Chen's head is full of halo!

The endless power of chaos swept back and forth in the halo.

In an instant, a scorching light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The huge black and white halo suddenly fell from the sky!

The endless mighty rolling rushed straight to the ground.

Some people who know a little about tactical coordination have already felt Jiang Chen's target point straight.

"Leader! Help!"

A group of "loyal and righteous" men launched a crazy sprint and went straight to the mythical leader Elizabeth!

From a high altitude to the ground, at a distance of nearly one kilometer, Jiang Chen had arrived in a second!

The chaotic halo opened up, forming an animation that was constantly moving in black and white like a hypnotic circle.

It seems plain and harmless, but a slightly careful person will surely find that the horrible energy is forming a beam of light from the center of the ring, quickly pouring into Jiang Chen's body.

Under the halo formed by the power of Chaos, it becomes an invincible existence.

In the area covered by the power of chaos, no one can bring up a trace of elemental aura!

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan seemed to perceive the danger, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at Jiang Chen for a second.

Those eyes were lifeless, like a machine that only obeyed orders.

At that moment, Jiang Chen took the opportunity to aim at Jiang Yuan's left eye that exuded chaos!

The dragon claw was swung out suddenly!

call out!

Jiang Chen pierced Jiang Yuan straight with the momentum of breaking through the air.

Suddenly, a black and white light flashed!


Jiang Chen's dragon claws collided with the black and white light, making a roar like a metal impact!

Two powerful energies face each other, shining brightly, and the endless aftermath collapses to form a circular wave of air.

The function is distorted, the ruins collapse, and the battlefield is suddenly flying sand and rocks!

In front of Jiang Chen, Jiang Yuan's broken lens.

Jiang Yuan's right eye was blood red, and the terrifying power of Chaos burst out from his left eye, and a huge palm was formed against him.

Jiang Chen's dragon claws wrapped in endless might really collide with Jiang Yuan's endless chaotic power.

The tyrannical energy burst, and the two could not help but separate.

Jiang Chen's eyes were gradually flushed with devilish energy.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, even Devil Qi himself is a little bit unconfident!

"Fuck! Fuck! The devilish energy is over! Why does he trust me so much today!"

"Sister Xiao Dong! Persuade you! If this continues, Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness will collapse!"

Xiaozheng stepped on the sea with bare feet, and the waves slapped on its translucent skin.

"To shut up!"

"What Jiang Chen is going to do is not something you and I can interfere with. I have absolute trust in him!"

"If only a little bit of devilish energy will cause him to collapse the Sea of ​​Consciousness, my Lich King would have succumbed to death in this Sea of ​​Consciousness!"

"What you can do now is to pray silently. When Jiang Chen wins, you will definitely get a first-class skill. No matter how many kidneys you roast or how many desert beauties you find for you, it will definitely be nothing!

Although Xiao Fong said so in her mouth, her heart was still very tangled.

Because Jiang Chen is not facing someone else, but his father Jiang Yuan!

The endless anger aroused Jiang Chen's madness, and the devilish energy had completely exploded at this time, without any cover!

If Jiang Chen continued like this, he would definitely arouse his mind and hurt the sea of ​​consciousness, and the ending would be very tragic.

Xiao Dong hopes that Jiang Chen can release it, and after fighting the Lich King's soul body, he will also crush Elizabeth's heart to pieces!

Beyond the sea of ​​knowledge.

The energy fluctuations continued to spread, and Jiang Chen and Jiang Yuan actually confronted each other!

Jiang Chen was full of horror.

"Unexpectedly, this Chaos Eye is so strong! One eye is comparable to the emperor's power!"

"It's not a way to fight like this, you have to change it!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen took action.

"Daikin! The dark gold iron rod dismantled this android!!"

With a loud shout, the endless black gold light burst out from the center of the eyebrows!

With the dragon possessed, Jiang Chen once again exploded with superhuman mental power, controlling the eight-armed Asura Titan.


The power of Shura skyrocketed.

Eight arms burst out, endless muscles wriggling on Daikin's arms.

The dark gold iron rod suddenly increased!


The black gold shines to the sky!

"Eat my old gold a stick!"


The dark gold iron rod pierced the air and slashed in the air!

The power of Shura suddenly swept, forming a turbulent flow of energy in mid-air.

Around the dark gold iron rod at this time, the energy was dissipated, and almost no one could stop the blow!

Jiang Chen's right eye has released the light of victory.

At this moment.

The golden horns burst into the sky!

The earthquake trembled and the space was torn apart.

The golden star light turned into a bull's helmet, covering the whole body of Taurus!


Boom! !

The dark gold iron rod in Daijin's hand and the Taurus helmet crashed together!

Jiang Chen's raid plan fell in an instant!

Just listen to the arrogant words of Taurus.

"Jiang Chen! Could it be that you forgot us?"

"You killed our six major star palaces, you don't think I'm still alive!"

Jiang Chen was speechless.

He really did not expect that he would catch Daikin's attack under the Chaos Aura!


Daikin felt that he was embarrassed by the owner, and suddenly roared.

There was a shock behind his back, and eight arms came out.

Under the feet, the Thousand Illusion Somersault Cloud and the power of the Titan are working together!


The power of Shura suddenly broke out!

I saw the body of Taurus suddenly smashed to the ground.

However, his vitality has not been damaged by Daikin in the slightest!

"Hahahahaha! You rude beast is a little capable!"

"But my Taurus armor is not vegetarian!"

"This is the refining of constellation meteorites, the material is not even on the periodic table, and the hardness is far beyond all metals on the blue star!"

"This iron rod must be dark gold, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate my defense!"

Jiang Chen gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Damn, is that forcing a mockery?"

"Little freeze! Dry him!"

The devilish energy broke out again, and Jiang Chen became more and more mad!

The power of the soul turned into a blue skeleton, floating in the air.

The fire of the soul is blazing, and it turns into a beauty in the twist and sway.

It is the Lich King, Xiao Dong!

"Soul lock! Thousands of refining become souls!"

The Blond Lich King let out a low growl, and an endless soul lock burst out of his body.

call out!


Almost instantly, the clubhouse pierced the Taurus body like a spear!

Taurus' frantic eyes gradually became dull.

The next moment, the iron rod that Dajin pressed against the Taurus shook, and the Taurus armor instantly turned into thousands of fans!

Xiao Dong pulled out the soul lock, her blue eyes stared at Elizabeth!

"Despicable woman! Design everything to harm my master and die to me!"

With a wave of his slender hand, the soul lock swept over the sky.

Jiang Yuan wanted to save Elizabeth, but was entangled by Jiang Chen.

The mythical leader is inevitable!


Xiao Dong and Soul Lock all stopped!

Jiang Chen felt the power of space in an instant.

I saw a monster with an antelope head and a fish tail appearing behind Xiao Dong with a grinning smile!

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