God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1331: Real dragonization! !

Elizabeth smiled grimly.

A spear was pierced again in his hand, followed by the third and fourth!

The heavens from the country of Xiong turned into flowers and butterflies nailed on the specimen plate.

The light in Jiang Chen's left and right eyes dimmed suddenly.

Tears couldn't stop falling.

Men’s tears are worth a thousand dollars, but are they worth the lives?

"Elizabeth! I'm fighting with you melon!" Jiang Chen burst out.


There was an astonishing hum above his head in an instant.

The huge halo of chaos unfolded instantly, directly shattering the dome of the castle.


The scales on Jiang Chen's body slowly opened, and the turbid and high-temperature white gas could not restrain the gushing out.

On Jiang Chen's body, a spell of Titan suddenly shined.

At the heart that was invisible from the outside, the Titan spell burst out with amazing light, dazzling.

A dragon's heart trembled violently, continuously injecting the dragon's blood into every inch of Jiang Chen's body.

The heart roars like an engine, and Jiang Chen's body is full of abundant power!

Roar! !

Jiang Chen roared like a beast.

Behind the scenes a flame of demonic energy was burning!

Capabilities emerge in endlessly, overlapping.

Not to mention that one plus one equals two, the bloodline alone has greatly increased the bonus to Jiang Chen's body by several times!

Elizabeth, who believed that she had been deified, was taken aback.

She has never seen such a powerful human!

The monsters are strong enough, how can humans exercise themselves?

But Jiang Chen is different.

He endured the humiliation and withstood the most difficult dragon blood forging body, and also had thunder spirit forging body, and the indelible Titan curse imprinted on his heart!

Even the arrogant and domineering demonic energy had to succumb to Jiang Chen's tenacity.

And Elizabeth just used the ancient alchemy circle, lying in the belly of a giant dragon, and then added the power of God.

Compared with Jiang Chen, who is the **** and who is the man?

For a while, Elizabeth forgot to obstruct Jiang Chen.

Demonized, dragonized.

Jiang Chen's body vessels are on the verge of collapse!

The bloodline drew endless power from the chaotic light above his head, but it caused an irreparable burden on his body.

But he knew in his heart that even this couldn't eliminate the deified Elizabeth.

Jiang Chen had to add another bet!

"Purple Scale! Shenlong possessed!"


The Purple Scale Dragon King in midair burst into a roar.

The endless power of the dragon turned into a clear spring and flowed into Jiang Chen's body on the verge of breaking.

Giggle giggle

The dragon scales on Jiang Chen's body made a sour grinding sound.

The scales changed wildly, and they mutated quickly in a short period of time, forming a mecha-like appearance, extremely cool and eye-catching.


Jiang Chen opened his mouth.

Between the dragon's teeth is scarlet flesh and blood, and hot air is constantly squirting from his mouth.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Unforgivable sin!"


Jiang Chen broke out a roar of warfare.

The chaotic halo above his head instantly became muddy.

The power of endless chaos instantly twists and rages!


Jiang Chen's feet did not move at all, but the ground collapsed suddenly.

His whole body was like a demon, with a scarlet blood basin cracked in the pitch black, and he floated in front of Elizabeth out of thin air.

The speed is as fast as teleporting!

"So I want to go to Jian to see God, I will send you on the road!"

"Dragon Fist!"

Jiang Chen pulled his arm violently and burst out suddenly.

Purple gold light instantly spreads across the front of the boxer.


Terrifying energy erupted from the tip of the fist, and a ghost of the dragon appeared on the fist.


This fist wrapped in the might of the dragon, fierce and merciless, and punched Elizabeth's pretty face.


Elizabeth fluttered out instantly.

boom! !

The Tree of Cabal smashed into the wall and embedded in the wall.

Elizabeth was suddenly confused.


"I am close to the existence of God! Impossible! This is impossible!"

"How could I be hit by a mortal, this is impossible!"

She screamed frantically.

And Jiang Chen is not well.

His fist and wrist suffered severe bruises.

Even with the treatment of Zidi Wujiangvine, even with the rush of magic pressure to relieve pain, Jiang Chen still felt a tingling pain in his brain.

With a punch, his hand was broken!

Jiang Chen's injury recovered instantly, and the pain immediately made him sober.

This woman is not something that everyone in Chang'an can beat.

At least not yet!

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

"Kun Kun! Open the door to space!"

With the continuous evolution of the small world, Kun Kun's spatial power has directly reached the level that can open the door of space, and it can easily transfer the people of Chang'an without turning the Kun Kun roller coaster.

call out!

The silver-white rays of light flowed, the magic lines swayed to firmness, and the door of space opened immediately.

"Vera! Vera!"

Jiang Chen shouted.

Vera was still in a state of charge.

The sacred weapon such as Longinus' gun has consumed most of the energy in her body.

Although Vera's life is still alive under the protection of the Angels, her body is now merged with the Spear of Longinus and cannot be separated at all.

Just when Jiang Chen everyone was anxious.

Suddenly, there was a burst of electricity on Vera's wrist!


The energy in her body is already at the limit, and the Longinus gun is absorbing the electricity from the Vera armor!

Vera's body was quickly burned to black by the out of control electric energy!

"Does it hurt?"

When Vera was weak again, she seemed to hear someone asking her in a low voice.

"No! For Darling! It doesn't hurt!"


With a loud shout, Vera's body broke out instantly!


The bones on her body were constantly twisting, her waist was bent to a surprisingly weird extent, and she threw a spear with all her strength.

call out!

The air trembled, forming a light like a meteorite breaking through the atmosphere.

The edge of the Longinus gun cut through the space almost instantly and pierced Elizabeth!

At this moment, time and space seemed to freeze.

For the first time, Jiang Chen was dying alone in his heart.

"Die! Die! Die!"

In a daze, he once again entered the world of black and white.

In addition to the line here is the line!

He turned his head and looked around and found that the black line on top of Elizabeth's head had not been connected, and he saw that the black line on top of Vera's head had been connected to him.

Jiang Chen suddenly cursed.


At this moment, he ignored Elizabeth.

He wants to break the black thread on Vera!


Time and space recovered instantly.

At that moment, Jiang Chen broke the straight line of fate on Vera.

And the next moment, the Longinus gun suddenly penetrated Elizabeth's defense.


The wings behind Elizabeth dissipated, the tree of Cabal totem also turned into golden light, and even the body became quiet.

The door of space opens.

Jiang Chen grabbed the unconscious Vera and rushed into the door of space.

Huahua kept an eye on it. It released endless vines and took away the dying body of the golden dragon at the moment the space gate closed.

But at the moment when the door of space is closed!

A piece of white energy tentacles sneaked into the space door.

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