God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1353: Black Moon and White Moon

The tree of Kabbalah totem swells wildly.

The scorching light blocked all Jiang Chen's sight.

Jiang Chen could only see countless human figures in the river flowing through the Tree of Life.

The human form spewed out with the hot river water, rapidly aging until it fell into the river.

Endless vitality gushes out, and returns to the river again and again, endlessly.

In the endless cycle of reincarnation, occasionally some strange changes occur. Some people roll in mid-air for a while, but in the end they can only fall into silence and can't afford to drop a splash of water.

The total amount of river water is not affected at all.

Jiang Chen always felt that many incomprehensible philosophies flashed in his mind.

The river of life spurts endlessly, and countless creatures in it are just tourists.

They followed the river, swimming hard, and they might not even reach the end of the river of life.

People struggled to leave the river of life, struggled to break free, but could never control themselves, and fell into the river again!

The endless river of life spreads endless branches.

Each one keeps going backwards.

An inspiration flashed in Jiang Chen's mind.

Once, Xiao Guo was in a coma, Jiang Chen tried his best to find the source of the river.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was lucky to find a tributary of Shenghe River at Tongtian Peak.

Today, the endless waves are rough.

The source of the river of life that Jiang Chen has been searching for is right in front of him!

The surrounding pressure comes from the vitality of the river!

Jiang Chen felt that he fell into the water, it was the water of the river.

This endless river is full of pitch black, like a baby shrinking in the mother's belly, only pitch black can be seen.

Jiang Chen insisted on swimming upward.

But despite all the effort, the body did not move at all, just like those human figures on the tree of life totem, unable to get rid of the shackles of life.

But at this moment.

A pair of brilliant eyes appeared in front of Jiang Chen!


Endless power emerged from those eyes, and unexpectedly pulled up Jiang Chensheng!

There was light in front of Jiang Chen's eyes, like the setting sun, and the aroma of food filled his mouth and nose.

The whole body turned around, Jiang Chen was immediately supported by a pair of gentle arms.

Looking around again, Jiang Chen has already returned to the dilapidated wooden house.

The door opened and the woman walked out.

"Son, have a nightmare!"

Jiang Chen immediately became nervous.

"Mom! Are you real or fake!"

Jiang Li giggled.

"Is truth so important!"

"You just need to know that my love for you will never change wherever you are!"

Jiang Chen said immediately.

"But I have many questions in my heart! Many, many questions!"

Jiang Li stretched out her finger and pressed her son's lips.

"Then I will show you it!"

She took Jiang Chen's hand.

The two opened the door of the wooden house together.

The first thing that catches the eye is a beautiful island.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Li are sitting in the middle of the island.

And around the island, is the endless sea!

"Where is this?" Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Li responded immediately, her tone full of happiness.

"I didn't expect that one day I could answer my son's doubts."

"Son, this is called [The Sea of ​​Dirac]!"

Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"The Sea of ​​Dirac? Is it the hidden ocean on the Blue Star? I have never heard of this name!"

Jiang Li is very patient.

"Son, Dirac is a famous physicist. After the discovery of quantum science, he proposed the concept of the Dirac Sea."

"To put it simply, here is a special sea formed by a special substance. Life is born in this ocean. Not only that, but also endless negative energy dissipates here, distinguishing the substance in the ocean from reality."

"Here is reality, but it is completely different from reality. It is two different worlds with two different substances."

Jiang Chen suddenly felt that a certain part of the ancient memory in his mind had been mobilized.

That is the bloodline memory from the god-king Zeus, which is now passed down to Jiang Chen's sea of ​​knowledge!

As the memory of the Titans recovered, Jiang Chen instantly understood the meaning of the Dirac Sea.

The Dirac Sea is [the projection of reality]. All electrons in the world must have an electronic energy level, and the negative energy level of electrons constitutes the Dirac Sea.

Everything in the real world is contained in the Dirac Sea.

The entire universe is like the small island where Jiang Chen is currently floating on the Sea of ​​Dirac.

Jiang Chen's vision instantly became extremely broad!

Jiang Li seemed to be aware of her son's excitement, and she took Jiang Chen's hand.

"Come with me!"

The two trot into the sea.

Jiang Chen was surprised to find that his feet were no longer under the water!

Jiang Li explained patiently.

"Jiang Chen, you have begun to comprehend [Truth], and now this is the world of truth."

"The sea water under your feet has the same properties as light, and now people generally call it [wave-particle duality]."

"When you observe the existence of light, light is a particle, and when you no longer observe the existence of light, it is a wave."

Jiang Chen replied with a smile.

"Like 173 of the scp foundation, when someone looks at it, it's just a statue."

Jiang Li scratched Jiang Chen's nose very fondly.

"Yes, I don't know how many years have passed since, my son has become so smart!"

"As long as we understand the nature of the Dirac Sea, it will change from [ocean] to [land], so we can walk on it at will."

Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"But I was caught by someone on the bottom of the sea just now, and when I went deep under the surface, I found a big tree fallen down!"

Jiang Li smiled and explained kindly.

"You are so smart, you must have some guesses of your own."

"That tree is the tree of life left by God in the Garden of Eden."

"There are two kinds of fruits on the tree of life, one is the fruit of life, and the other is the fruit of wisdom. When the two fruits exist in one body at the same time, they will be created, God!"


The seawater under Jiang Chen's feet suddenly oscillated in a large area.

However, Jiang Chen could still stand firmly on the sea.

Jiang Li frowned tightly, her expression mixed with anger.

"Son, I'm afraid we have to come soon."

"In short, the tree of life in the myth is here, and the river of life of the blue star also originates from here. This is the origin of all things in human beings, and here is a huge monster."

Jiang Chen woke up suddenly.

"Lilith! She is in the Black Moon!"

Jiang Li took off her cute white rabbit slippers.

"In the Black Moon now, she is not the only one who exists, Lilith."

"Twelve years ago, we discovered their secret research in Chuanmu's secret archives. Son, please stop Chuanmu. They want to open the door to the world and welcome the coming of God!"

Jiang Chen felt the unparalleled amount of information.

"No, Mom, what does this have to do with the Black Moon and White Moon?"

"How did you get into the Black Moon? What is going on with all this?"

Jiang Li was not answering, she suddenly pulled away from her trade.

The mature **** body is fully displayed, a bikini combat uniform is draped over the body, guns and ammunition, axe, grappling hook and other equipment are all available.

Outside the **** body, the metallic luster keeps shining.


White gas spurted out of Jiang Li's feet, and a two-meter-long skateboard appeared under her feet.

She drew her gun from behind and aimed it at her feet.

"Son, this conversation can only end here, I will send you out of Black Moon now!"

The voice just fell.


Great sea shock!

A huge woman's head rushed out from the bottom of the sea, and directly pushed the two into the air.

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