God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1370: fear!

The sound was like a stormy sea, spreading wild outside Chang'an.

Even the city heard it clearly.

"Young Master is back?"

The White Tiger Suzaku rushed out excitedly and saw Jiang Chen for the first time.

Fatty He turned into a black shadow and attacked directly, attaching Jiang Chen's body.

At this moment, reunion in Chang'an!


Gu Yuesha plays the piano with one hand and holds the flute with the other.

A heart-broken song spread across the plain instantly.

Suddenly, the speed of Yu Beast's impact slowed down.

The Elf Queen blessed by the Black Moon almost has the ability to control her thinking.

Each of her songs can force the audience into emotions

At this time, no one in the Golden Armored Army, which was rare even at the Emperor rank, could escape the sound of Gu Yuesha's piano.

In an instant, all the offensive momentum suddenly stopped.

Jiang Chen took the lead, standing in front of the big array and yelling.

"Beast King, old thief! Secretly sell domestically produced products, communicate with foreign countries, and harm the people. Here is the evidence!"

Jiang Chen grabbed the emperor and threw it to the ground.

All the books in his hand fell on the face of the Emperor.

There was no voice of doubt around the Beast Emperor.

It's not that everyone's three views are upside down, but Jiang Chen misunderstood the duty of the Dark Emperor!

The emperor of Darkness in each alliance is a vacant position, and will not be recorded in history.

But the emperor of Darkness is a master of one in a million, and has experienced endless blood and blood.

Literally explained, the Emperor of Darkness was originally the boss of the secret, the Emperor of Fangtu.

In other words, they are the bosses of the disaster.

When the Alliance needs to use these powerful arms to help, they will be recruited by their side and be lured.

In other words, the reason why the resources can be sold arrogantly is that the emperor of the dark is a condition for peace, and it is the price they pay for being obedient and not ruining one party.

When a major event occurs, the leader or the Privy Council and other competent units can order the Emperor of Darkness to dispatch, sign an agreement and pay the corresponding price.

To put it bluntly, senior thug!

But in the long run, this rule has changed.

Due to the power of the Dark Emperor, coupled with many times of resisting the tide of beasts and saving the people, the voice of the Dark Emperor among the people is getting higher and higher.

And the Alliance will never allow a big hand to be more majestic than its own, so it will use the water army to suppress public opinion and warn the emperor of darkness not to do things like this.

Therefore, the Emperor of Darkness is completely hidden in the dark, only some idlers will use it as a legend of heroes, and occasionally mention it.

The Dark Kings calmed down, dormant and developed, doing despicable behavior behind their backs.

Over time, the Emperor of Darkness and the Alliance gradually formed a rivalry relationship.

At this time, the leader will naturally do everything possible to solve the problems caused by these dark emperors.

For example, in Northern Europe, Charles directly killed the original Dark Emperor and replaced it with his cloned clone!

Zong Zheng is no exception. Originally, the time he took office was relatively short, and he couldn't reach unity with the emperor of darkness, so conflicts would naturally arise.

While Zong was in distress, Jiang Chen suddenly appeared in front of him.

Zong Zheng immediately obeyed Aya's advice and supported Jiang Chen!

But Jiang Chen has become the only variable in this "war of power" gambling.

Zong Zheng kept sending out tasks to Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen continued to practice.

This seems to be the constant care of the elders and younger generations, but the deeper meaning is to show it to the Four Emperors.

The subtext is:

"Look! Free thugs who don't need to spend money! When Jiang Chen grows up, it will be when you four emperors fall!

With this early confrontation between the two parties, the Beast Emperor naturally hated Jiang Chen very much.

In other words, he was afraid!

Jiang Chen's growth rate is too fast.

I went to the Island Nations Alliance and bombed half of the central island nation.

After returning, it swept all the major forces within Yanhuang and directly cleared all the members of the alliance.

Smart people can instantly understand, what does an alliance without members belong to?

The alliance no longer exists, and some are just unified!

This is the purpose of Zongzheng!

Yanhuang is no longer an alliance, but a unified collective.

As the sole leader of this large collective, Zong Zheng will survive forever!

Jiang Chen is upright and loyal, and will never have two hearts with Yanhuang.

As long as Zong Zheng takes out the bottom line and focuses on Yanhuang, Jiang Chen is his strongest support

Now, the Emperor Zhan fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the Emperor stood beside Jiang Chen in full spirit.

The Beast Emperor knew deeply that he was caught in the trap set by Zong Zheng at this time!

In this dispute, Jiang Chen's reputation, benefits, and promotion are far more abundant than the combined resources of the young people on the Blue Star!

From this perspective, Jiang Chen, the third party, has become the most profitable person in the struggle between the two parties.

By now, Zong Zheng must have already thought out all the next moves.

No matter how the Beast King struggles, there will never be a chance to escape Zongzheng's mercy!

Now, all he can do is to die gloriously with the oath of war.


The huge lion's mouth on the chest of the Beast King suddenly opened.

At this moment, the endless emperor's might roll out!

The old and withered body suddenly swelled, and the figure of a giant was shocked.

Roar! !

"Jiang Chen! Come to the decisive battle!"

The Beast Emperor gave up the army and prepared to fight to the death.

He has given up Yanhuang and himself.

Seeing this, Aya stepped forward immediately, and this would have to kill the Beast Emperor with the power of absolute overwhelming power.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen grabbed her forearm.

"Sister, let me come! He named him by name, it's not good if I don't go!"

Jiang Chen's voice warmed Aya's heart.

But she finally got acquainted with Jiang Chen, how could she let Jiang Chen take risks against the Beast Emperor!

But after hearing Jiang Chen continue to say.

"My right eye is the true eye in the legend, able to perceive the true strength of the Beast King."

"He hid a hand, not just the emperor's strength!"

"If you make a move first, you can't react in time if you fall into a trap, you will surely be dead!"

Aya is very worried.

"I knew it, I should guard the Black Moon in Xiong Country, and you will lead Ah Leng to sanction this guy!"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"The situation in the Black Moon is extremely complicated. A Leng is the soul life, and the body is just the coat given to her by the item, and will not be affected by the Black Moon."

"As for the bandits in the Trump Alliance, I didn't take it seriously!"

The two looked at each other, and Jiang Chen glanced across the people in Chang'an.

"Brothers, I will go to fight, take care of Xiaoguo, and protect Chang'an."

Fatty He popped up.

"Young Master, it's been a long time since we fought together!"

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Then you have to make me nervous, I'm afraid your shadow is not long enough!"

Fatty He, a black question mark, turned to the crowd and asked.

However, everyone in Chang'an looked up to the sky and squinted at a 45-degree angle and began to whistle.

Fatty He looked dumbfounded and was about to retreat.

Jiang Chen suddenly drew his right fist to his back.

The power of endless Titans burst out! !

The magic pattern is lingering, like a winding and twisting flame, shining brightly.


Jiang Chen's fist suddenly became as huge as a tank.


He flicked hard, and his dark fist burst into the air.

The endless scales rushed out of the skin, giving off a bright purple light.

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