God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1382: Wraith Lord

Above the boundless karma, a group of red lotus seemed to be in full bloom.

A weird figure wearing protective clothing all over, floating in the air like a bioshock.

Endless karma fires gushing out of the body.

The blazing flames in the entire magic capital city came from the person in front of him.

"It seems that the culprit has been found!"

Wang Sicong was furious instantly.

With a wave of his hands, the thick black smoke in the sky was instantly torn apart.

A huge frost meteorite fell from the sky!


The world collapsed and the meteorite fell.

The low-temperature chill that chilled the back broke out instantly.

The power of endless frost instantly covers the fire field.

Huh huh~

Several huge gaps were opened in the dark and thick fog.

In the confrontation between ice and fire, the power of karmic fire quickly lost its continuous burning power and extinguished completely.

Such a powerful frost power came and was immediately noticed by the figure floating in the red lotus.

I saw that figure waved its big hand, and the fire element between heaven and earth was instantly violent, as if endless fire snakes were dancing!

Jiang Chen immediately shouted.

"Daikin! Fuck him!"

In front of the armored car in which Daikin was incarnate, an iron rod suddenly stood up.

This seemingly blushing scene engulfed endless power.

The terrifying dominance aura spread.

For a time, the fire element and the ice element gradually separated, forming an opposition.

Daikin stretched out his hands and pulled out the dark gold iron rod.

The huge dark gold iron rod like Optimus Prime turns like flying.

The rapidly rotating dark gold iron rod entrained the violent flame tornado, and the horrible atmosphere broke out instantly.

The flame tornado formed a sturdy swimming dragon and jumped up suddenly.

The dragon head is high and majestic.

The terrifying flame mouth suddenly opened, and terror swept into the flames.

Boring! !

The endless karma fire collided in the air.

The gust of wind mixed with terrifying heat, suddenly turned into a powerful shock wave, shaking the earth.


In the violent shock, the boundless karma fire slowly dissipated a gap.

Daikin gave a low cry.

"Everyone is seated!"


The engine of the armored car erupted with a deafening noise.

Daikin crashed into that weird sound.

Wang Sicong kept calling frost meteorites to fall from the sky.

In a sea of ​​red fire, smashed countless blue rings of frost with the force of frost.

Wherever you go, the flame is extinguished!

At this moment, Jiang Chen finally saw the figure floating in the flame.

In its cuffs and neckline, there is no body at all.

Under the protective smoke mask, a pair of weird eyes hovered out of thin air, and the monstrous fighting spirit burst out!

Endless data entered Jiang Chen's right eye.

A set of Royal Beast data emerged.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Lord of Ghost Fire

[Monster Level]: Level 88 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Mutated Flame/Evil Spirit

[Monster State]: War Intent

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: Embraces endless ghosts and cannot be killed by flames.

Evil spirits have the ability to transform flame attributes, and different evil spirits can transform different flames.

The Wraith Lord can absorb all the flames and release them when needed.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Holy Spirit

[Evolution route]: There are 5 evolution routes...

Tang Shishi suddenly felt a chill in his back after reading it.

"I have an ominous hunch."

Jiang Chen said immediately.

"Don't worry about Concubine Ai!"

"I know what you mean. You are worried that the flames of the Divine Phoenix of Uncle and Big Brother will be absorbed by the Fire Lord, but this does not mean that they have had an accident."

"From the data point of view, the ghost fire lord can absorb all the flame power!"

At this moment, Ye Lanyi woke up suddenly in a coma.

She whispered very weakly.

"Brother Chen! Save people first!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Behead this arsonist first! Don't let him rob me of the title of the arsonist!"

Thick water vapor suddenly condensed in Jiang Chen's left eye.

A drop of blue water element dripped from the corner of the eye, like a tear.

Roar! !

The Qilin phantom engraved in the pupil suddenly burst out with a terrifying roar.

The violent elemental power instantly swept the fire.

The momentum of the boundless karma fire suddenly depressed.

In the powerful aura, a water element unicorn phantom burst out from Jiang Chen's left eye.

The surging waves swept the city instantly.

Zi Zi Zi

The flame was instantly extinguished by the water element.

Jiang Chen and Wang Sicong turned into small fire-fighters, and turned from arsonists to ambassadors for the Songkran Festival.

At this moment, the Lord of Ghostfire broke out with a terrifying roar.

"So you are Jiang Chen! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

"You said that you are an evil spirit. If you wait for something bad, you have to wait for death!"

Lord of Wraith and Fire suddenly sluggish.

Its brain doesn't turn as fast as Jiang Chen, and he didn't want to understand why he couldn't wait for his death.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to care about it.

"Xiao Hei! Put out his fire for me!"

Roar! !

Xiao Hei roared.

The power of the endless water element gathers on the ground.

The aura of heaven and earth began to condense.

Shui Qilin's posture suddenly exploded.

boom! !

The violent waves swept away from the Qilin figure.

An endless waterspout burst out of the ground.

Like a snake, the tornado ran into the ghost fire lord.

The Wraith Lord evaded immediately.

Unexpectedly, there are too many attacks.

Thousands of waterspouts suddenly flooded the entire body of the ghost fire lord.

A symphony of victory was immediately released from Daikin's acoustic speakers.

At this time, Xiao Hei's endless water spout and music matched, it was like a fountain on the square.

The black smoke cleared and the rainbow descended.

The beautiful sight caused Jiang Chen to take out a coin, gently make a wish, and toss it into the water.

The flame faded.

Jiang Chen was very witty and did not choose to fight fire with fire.

After all, this ghost fire lord can absorb and transform flames.

The reason why the whole city is burning is because the flames transformed by evil spirits cannot be extinguished.

Everyone came all the way to the Lord of Ghostfire.

Specifically, the ghost fire lord has only a trace of the soul of flame at this time.

Although the power of flame is not strong, but the wisdom is still there.

It curses wildly.

"Jiang Chen! You have repeatedly fought against me in the land of no owner! You must die! You must die!"

After listening, Jiang Chen looked disgusted.

"Oh! I seem to be told by a dead soul in Borderlands that I can't die, it's really funny."

"But what I say next may be more ironic."

"Lord Ghost Fire, if you destroy my Yanhuang City, I will sentence you to death!"

The Wraith Lord suddenly ridiculed.

"Death penalty? You actually told an undead about the death penalty?"

"Look at your culture, what qualifications do you have to sentence me to death?"

At this time, Zong Zheng, the leader of Yanhuang League, suddenly spoke.

"In fact, I want to say... We decided to disclose the existence of the Dark Emperor. The new Dark Emperor will be appointed by Jiang Chen!"

After listening, Jiang Chen scratched his head.

"My lord, I am not the kind of underground ruler who can smuggle arms and sell technology patents."

Zong Zheng said with a smile.

"Since it is publicly announced, the position of the emperor of darkness must have functions authorized by the alliance, and is no longer the dark side of the national alliance."

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