God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1421: Affinity

Jiang Chen picked up Xiaoguo and headed to the City Lord's Mansion amidst the blessings of the residents of Chang'an City.

The crowd returned to the City Lord's Mansion noisily, and was about to open the door to enter.

Coincidentally, Tang Shishi happened to push the door.

Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi collided with each other.

The eyes are facing each other, it can be called sparks!

Xiaoguo immediately went down to the ground with interest and ran into the courtyard.

Jiang Chen held Tang Shishi, as if to squeeze her out of the water.

at this time.


Tangshan's dry cough came from behind.

Jiang Chen straightened over immediately, standing straight with Tang Shishi.

Tangshan swept away from his wounds and had recovered his burly and wise.

On the contrary, Tang Shishi’s mother, Liu Yun, was a little haggard, and she must have taken care of Tangshan for a long time.

Jiang Chen was clever and quickly called for someone.

"uncle and auntie!"

After speaking, he quickly stepped forward to help Tangshan.

A smile suddenly appeared on the faces of the two elders.

Tang Shishi bowed her head timidly and did not speak.

Tangshan saw Jiang Chen's weird dress and there were new faces in the team, so he asked.

"Chen'er is in the south, is progress going well?"

While speaking, the invisible king's majesty broke out instantly.

This is the majesty of a general on weekdays!

The breath that people in high positions exude involuntarily.

Once in Xingxiao City, it was such a terrifying and serious coercion that completely suppressed Jiang Chen, and even got his feet underneath.

But now, Jiang Chen's strength is far beyond the emperor, and when he faces it again, he does not have the sense of urgency before.

The king-level coercion was on Jiang Chen, as if the breeze was passing by, and it had no effect on Jiang Chen.

Of course, Jiang Chen also knew that Tangshan's coercion was not against himself, but Tangshan was sneaked by the four lords, the complicated people were all injured, and the soldiers of Star City were killed and injured countless.

The war even spread all the way to the magic capital.

This makes Tangshan extremely resentful!

With mixed feelings, this could not conceal his anger, and released the pressure beyond ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen not only doesn't blame Tang Shan, but he respects him a little bit more in his heart!

At this moment, he saluted.

"Uncle, I will show the results and report of this trip to my brothers and sisters at a dinner party later!"

"But now I can tell you the truth, the four lords who invaded Yanhuang have all been killed by me!"

Tang Shan's eyes suddenly brightened, and his pupils dilated instantly.

"What are you talking about? Kill all!!"

Jiang Chen immediately bent over and said.

"The younger generation is thinking of the countless dead and wounded people of the Li people, so they start a little harder!"

"But please rest assured, uncle, the four lords are completely dead, and there is no possibility of a resurgence!"

Upon hearing this, Tangshan quickly dragged his injured body to kick Jiang Chen up.

"Hurry up please! Hurry up please!"

"My Haochener, really my Yanhuang hero!"

Jiang Chen quickly waved his hand again and again.

"Uncle is in front, how dare I call a hero in vain!"

Tang Shan grabbed Jiang Chen's hand.

"Don't worry about the etiquette, let's have a banquet quickly!"

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky.

It was just after noon, and it was not the point of the dinner at all.

"Uncle in no hurry! Uncle in no hurry!"

Liu Yun could see through Tangshan's mind at a glance.

"Chen'er! Your uncle is anxious about this matter and wants to hear you talk about Pingding the Four Lords!"

Jiang Chen immediately rolled his eyes.

"If uncle wants to hear, why wait for the family dinner!"

"Come here! Bring me top-quality green tea from the Elves, and Master Tangshan and I are drinking tea at the Accord!"

The two men immediately came to the backyard amidst a crowd of servants.

These handymen were very excited.

How can an ordinary person, He De, see the two pillars of the Yanhuang Alliance?

Only in the Chang'an City Lord's Mansion can you have the opportunity to encounter such a spectacle.

The two pillars are going to discuss the battle between the Beastmaster and Borderlands this afternoon.

Those girls and servants who admired Jiang Chen couldn't hold back their minds, rushing to serve the two of them for tea.

But Jiang Chen only asked his servants to send themselves to the gate of the garden, which prevented everyone from entering.

At this time, the doors and windows in the Accord opened, a furnace of light fragrance and a pot of tea.

This tea is unique to Chang'an City.

To be precise, it is unique to the elves of Chang'an City.

Except for the elves, only Jiang Chen can enjoy it.

This tea is grown on the land beside the tree of life and can sprout once a day. The tip of the tea absorbs extremely strong life force, and it is the finest Maojian green tea.

At the same time, the elven girl picking tea must not be younger than fourteen or older than sixteen.

Every morning before the dew evaporates, the girls must pick off the buds of these fragrant tea.

Before the sun fully rose, the girls put the young leaves of green tea between the two strands and kept rubbing and rubbing them.

Endless maiden sweat and pure morning dew will seep into the tea.

When the time is right, the general tempered tea leaves are evaporated and dried for later use.

When this tea was boiled, it immediately caused a strange smell to float in the entire city lord's mansion.

Smelling the scent, Xiao Hei immediately rushed to the seat regardless of the scent, and slumped at the four corners of the square table, staring at the tea to complete.

Tangshan is not serious anymore.

Seeing Xiao Hei rushing up, he just thought it was a child, and didn't care about his manners.

At this time, Jiang Chen arranged for Xiaoqian to play a simple and elegant song.

The string sound instantly rippling in every corner of the garden.

In the fragrance of tea and rhythm, Tangshan Liu Yun, as well as Tang Poems and Yu Beasts and other audiences, sat quietly beside Jiang Chen, listening to him telling stories from these days.

Jiang Chen explained all the foxes' experiences with the foxes, the flame ghosts intercepting their relatives and so on.

Everyone was shocked to hear.

Only Xiao Hei.

The goods didn't stop when they returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

First, a wave of little fairy foxes were fucked, and then they flirted with a few little maids.

After finally having a humanoid body, he was holding the waist of the maid and teaching them to cook!

The look at Xiao Kun Kun also became proud.

It seems that the elemental spirit summoned by Xiao Kun Kun's evolution is envied!

Had it not been for Jiang Chen to gather it, Xiao Hei would still be reluctant to give up in the tender country!

However, Xiao Hei's nature is lively.

Although I finally got a good tea after waiting hard, I fell asleep after not drinking two sips.

Listening to people telling stories is simply a torture of patience!

The more he sleeps, the more attractive his posture becomes.

It's just a kitten alive!

Face up to the sky, four feet wide open, eyes half-open and half-closed.

In a daze, Xiao Hei suddenly felt his nose tingle.

hiss! Hiss!

It was blowing its nose stupidly, but the itching was not relieved and continued.

Half-dreaming and half-awake, it saw a feather!

"Who!" Xiao Hei sat up angrily.

Xiao Guo stared at Xiao Hei with big eyes.

That expression seemed to be a serious fake monkey king.

"Are you Xiao Hei?" Xiao Guo couldn't help but asked.

Xiao Hei nodded repeatedly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After speaking, he subconsciously put his head under Xiaoguo's hand.

Xiaoguo's affinity is still effective for humanoid beasts.

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