God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1428: Deserves to be the one I chose

Jiang Chen was shocked immediately.

The two rivers that can alarm Lucifer, Jiang Chen already has the answer in his heart.

"You met Shenghe and Deadhe!"

Lucifer's eyes lit up suddenly.

"Look! I am indeed the one I chose!"

"Don't you know a lot of information!"

Jiang Chen snorted.

"Not as much as you!"

"You, the big demon king, would actually go to the life and death rivers, why?"

Lucifer's eyes shifted.

"Confidential, it's not convenient to say."

"How did you know the life and death?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Confidential, inconvenient to say!"

The two looked at each other and immediately laughed.

Jiang Chen sent a message and said.

"If you are not a devil, maybe I will be good buddies with you!"

Lucifer nodded.

"The world is so much better than hell."

"Hey Jiang Chen, listen to me, I am not a devil, I am an angel, and the one who is dominated by me in **** is the devil!"

"So, don't get me wrong."

Jiang Chen nodded.

Lucifer continued.

"In short, after seeing the rivers of life and death, I know many things."

Jiang Chen's expression suddenly became complicated.

"Many things? Don't you mean not saying it!"

Lucy is French.

"OK! fine!"

"I can only remind you that he will hear too much!"

Lucifer pointed to the top of his head.

"Listen, why is there an extradition Styx in most myths in the world?"

Jiang Chen's face suddenly became distressed.


"What's talking about is in the mist!"

Lucy speaks French again.

"I'm giving you one last tip. If you understand, then you will understand. If you don't understand, then forget it."

"Think about it. Why don't the different cultures believe in the same **** on Blue Star, but there are always similarities in the process?"

Jiang Chen listened for a long time, but still didn't understand what Lucifer wanted to express.

"Big brother, don't tell me, I was a little guessing about life and death, but I was messed up by you!"

Jiang Chen said this, but he was full of feelings in his heart.

Lucifer’s statement almost completely confirms that the so-called angels or gods are related to life and death.

The signs and even the power of Shenghe and Deadhe appeared in Xiaoguo's palm.

Plus some known evidence.

In the dark moon, he saw the river flowing in the tree of Kabbalah. Since the tree of Kabbalah grows backwards, the river is also an inverted river.

If classified according to positive and negative yin and yang, then there will be dead rivers in the white moon.

In the end, I dared not think any more.

A voice kept echoing in his mind.

"Xiaoguo is related to myth!"

Now Jiang Chen can't sleep at all.

Lucifer put on a suit of clothes at some time.

This makes him, who has an elegant temperament, immediately look like a gentleman.

"There are many things that need to wait until the right time to tell you!"

Jiang Chen looked at him and asked.

"So where are you going now?"

Lucifer smiled.

"If you don't worry, I will go with me!"

"Since you haven't killed me with Longinus's gun until now, I don't have to continue to pretend."

"I'm looking for a better bar to talk about life with those pole dancing girls!"

With that, Lucifer fastened the buttons of his suit and left the city lord's mansion.

Jiang Chen looked at his back, feeling very complicated.

At this moment, a slender hand was resting on Jiang Chen's shoulder.

The warm temperature instantly spread from Jiang Chen's shoulders all over his body.

Tang Shishi did not know when he had come behind Jiang Chen.

The blanket on her hand is already warm.

It seems that Tang Shishi has heard some dialogue.

Jiang Chen gently took her hand, no longer hiding the pressure in his heart.

Tang Shishi gradually relied on Jiang Chen's shoulders.

Jiang Chen lowered his head, feeling that Tang Shishi's brushed eyelashes kept licking his face.

The eyes are facing each other, so close can not help but make people feel short of breath.

Tang Shishi immediately felt a fire ignited in her heart, constantly burning on her face.

Moonlight lingered, and the two kissed each other lightly.

In the quiet night, the two gradually embraced affectionately.

"No matter what happens, I'm always there!" Tang Shishi said softly.

Before you know it, everyone has grown up.

The real world is like this, everyone has their own background story, everyone has their own burdens and fetters.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Chen who carried everything on his shoulders and seemed even more illusory.

Tang Shishi's eldest lady couldn't change her temper, but she would never allow Jiang Chen to endure the pain alone.

She held Jiang Chen tighter and tighter, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

The two are in the middle of the courtyard at the moment.

So intimacy, why not nervous Jiang Chen!

But at this moment, neither of them is willing to let go.

On the contrary, the tighter the hug, the closer and closer, until the gaps in the clothes almost disappeared, and the touch of the skin came.

Jiang Chen lowered his head, just in time to meet Tang Shishi looking affectionately.

The two people's hearts were immediately released!

"kiss Me!"

Tang Shishi lightly breathes, it is already full of heat!

Jiang Chen's mind went blank, and he kissed Tang Shishi's red lips.

Half an hour passed by this kiss.

You chase me, and neither of them wants to be separated.

The accumulated emotions finally broke out, and the pressure in Jiang Chen's heart was swept away.

Until the middle of the moon, the two gradually separated.

The heat in the air dissipated, causing the two of them to breathe white mist.

The beautiful eyes of Tang poetry and poetry flowed, and the autumn waves were rippling.

"Go back to the room!"

The two noses are facing each other, close to each other.

But Jiang Chen restrained his next move.

He picked up the beauty and walked towards the bedroom.

Along the way, Tang Shishi's face has been buried in Jiang Chen's chest.

"Hate it!"

Tang Shishi groaned.

Jiang Chen didn't know, so he looked at her strangely.

Tang Shishi's eyes suddenly turned to one side, and his hands gently opened Jiang Chen's neck, drooping down, and gently dropped Jiang Chen's shoulders.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen wanted to understand, his face flushed!

"Mist grass! Withstood it?"

Jiang Chen never expected that he could lift nearly a hundred catties!

Looking around secretly with his eyes, Jingtai in the garden was quiet, and he would not be found embarrassed.

The two looked at each other sweetly, only to find it very funny.

"Hahaha! Changing to an ordinary person will definitely break it!"

"That's right! Don't look at who I am, Dragon Bloodline, Titan's body!"

"Ahhh! I got it! At this height, I will use it as a horizontal bar press today!"

Laughing all the way to the door of the room, Jiang Chen gently opened the door with his foot, and then hooked the door tightly with his foot.

The two looked at each other, and there was no more laughter, and they immediately kissed each other.

Tang Shishi jumped down and hugged Jiang Chen's neck tightly. Jiang Chen also opened his big hands, feeling the slenderness of Tang Shishi's waist and the rapid breathing.

The two got closer and closer to the bed.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen stopped.

Tang Shishi suddenly looked back suspiciously.

A pair of curious eyes peeked out from behind the bed, and the golden mask had been taken off somehow.

"Master, you continue, I am silent!"

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