God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1430: Shake, mortal!

"Chang'an City still exists as the headquarters of the pioneer organization, but all major combat forces must go to the Eastern Region."

"In this way, no one knows that our main force has shifted. If Chuanmu strikes out, we will deal a fatal blow to the island nation from the Eastern Region."

Shangguan kitten asked.

"But if we leave, what will Changan do?"

Jiang Chen said immediately.

"We are not leaving, just temporarily transferred."

"Chang'an City, please ask your uncle!"

With that said, Jiang Chen bowed slightly and saluted.

Tangshan waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I will not let foreign thieves step into Chang'an if I die desperately in Tangshan!"

Jiang Chen nodded, but still said with some worry.

"The Southern Region and the Eastern Region can form a joint defense line so that the two sides can support each other. This formation has a miraculous effect whether it is to contain the enemy or defensive attack!"

"Shishi, you will be responsible for the joint defense when it comes!"

"Xiaofu! You came from the Western Regions, what was the final situation there?"

Li Xiaofu responded immediately.

"The pyramid soldiers there have retreated, and now I don't know why they have begun to turn into a defensive state. Tens of thousands of enemy troops have surrounded the dangerous checkpoints of the Western Regions into a railroad. It seems that we are afraid that we will cross the border!"

Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"It looks like the Pyramid Alliance is conspiring, absolutely doing something big!"

"But now is not the time to take care of them."

"Although I don't know what Chuanmu is up to, but desperately stepped in and suddenly ran to Black Moon, they were too interested in Black Moon!"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Chuanmu definitely knows something!"

At this moment, the door of the chamber was pushed open by a pair of small hands.


Xiaoguo hugged the pillow and walked in with sleepy eyes.

The Nightmare Emperor and Gu Lina couldn't stop them either.

Jiang Chen immediately changed his face.

"Xiao Guoguo~ I got up early today!"

Xiaoguo rubbed his eyes.

"Brother! You are a liar!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Tang Shishi immediately persuaded.

"Xiaoguo! What are you talking about! How could your brother lie to you!"

Xiao Guo hummed around the room.

"Brother Xiao Cong is here, Brother Xiaofu is here, Sister Kitty is here too!"

"Brother! Tell me if you were always together last night! You coaxed me to say that I went to bed after everyone was gone!"

call! !

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

It turned out that Xiao Guo was talking about making her go to bed early yesterday.

Tangshan immediately patted the armrest of the chair.

"Come, Xiaoguo, sit next to Uncle!"

Xiaoguo walked over dumbfoundedly.

In the meantime, Tangshan suddenly took out two big white rabbit toffee from his sleeve.

This is what Tangshan knew he was going to meet with Jiang Xiaoguo and used it to make a good relationship.

Now it is used to attract Xiaoguo's attention.

Xiaoguo's eyes widened suddenly.

"Roar! Big white rabbit! My brother never let me eat candy, did he give it to me!"

Tang Shan smiled very kindly.

"Yes, it's all yours!"

At the same time, he quickly waved to Jiang Chen everyone.

Means, hurry up, I will hold her!

Everyone in Chang'an immediately received the signal and began to move cautiously.


Everyone tiptoed, for fear of attracting Xiaoguo's attention.

After leaving the door, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

About to rendezvous with other people.

Suddenly, a flame strode under Jiang Chen's feet.


The fire snake surged, blocking Jiang Chen's path instantly.

Jiang Chen looked down the ground.

I saw Little Totoro blocking Jiang Chen's road with a grumbling face.

Behind it stands a little pink loli.

Little Lori looked timid, but still bowed her head and waited for Jiang Chen to go.

The two little pets are clearly stopping Jiang Chen from escaping Yaoyao for Jiang Xiaoguo.

Jiang Chen suddenly smiled bitterly.

It seems that bribing Jiang Xiaoguo is not enough. You have to bribe these two little guys together!

Jiang Chen flipped his hand.

"Come on! White Rabbit!"

The saliva of My Neighbor Totoro and Little Lori fell instantly.

Jiang Chen easily handled the little guys.

It was not that he lied to Xiaoguo.

The small fruit is really too big!

Jiang Yuan repeatedly told Jiang Chen to protect Xiaoguo.

Jiang Li desperately made Jiang Chen look at Xiao Guo at any time.

Until last night, a conversation with Lucifer suddenly made Jiang Chen understand his parents' intentions.

At this time, Xiao Guo had already far exceeded the status of his sister in Jiang Chen's heart.

Jiang Chen couldn't bear Xiaoguo to know all the sins in this world.

After deceiving Xiao Guo, Jiang Chen immediately reunited with everyone.

As soon as he pushed the door, Jiang Chen said.

"I had a chat with Lucifer yesterday. I think I don't have a thorough understanding of the dangers this world will face!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

"What do you mean, brother?"

Jiang Chen took a long breath and said after being calm.

"I think our army is not enough!"

Now it was Chang'an's turn and everyone suddenly sucked in air.

An army of 160,000 in the Northern Region, an army of 200,000 in the Southern Region, an army of 50,000 in the Eastern Region, 40,000 in the Western Region, and 20,000 in the Beastmaster of the Ice Spirit Temple.

Jiang Chen has such a terrifying military power, he actually feels that it is not enough?

When everyone was shocked, Tang Shan's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Chen'er! What are you worried about!"

His sleeves are right, and he is righteous.

"I gave Xiaoguo to your Aunt Yun, don't worry."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that a stone fell in his heart and his aura became stable.

It seems that having an old family is like having a treasure. This is absolutely reasonable!

Jiang Chen felt at ease and quickly bent over, bowed, and wrapped his hands in salute.

"Back to my uncle, I am worried that the hidden war in the world will break out when I leave!"

With that said, Jiang Chen grabbed Lucifer who was eating melon seeds.


Jiang Chen pressed Lucifer on the chair.

"Speaking of which you may not believe, this man is not only the chief of the fallen continent, he is also the chief of hell!"

Tang Shishi said immediately.

"Oh! The word metaphor is very appropriate. The Fallen Continent is simply **** on earth!"

After speaking, Tang Shishi gave Xiao Qian a look.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend, you are different!"

Xiaoqian has long been accustomed to the strange look of others, and will never be dissatisfied.

However, Jiang Chen denied it.

"No, the Fallen Continent is not purgatory. The people there have their way of life. It is our incomprehension that led to the differences!"

"This is not the point! The point is, he really is the Lord of Hell, Satan the Devil!"

Tangshan was taken aback.

"Myth? Isn't it a metaphor?"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I'm sorry to let everyone see the devil!"

Jiang Chen patted Lucifer's face vigorously.


Lucifer rolled his eyes helplessly.

Roar! !

Suddenly, his face turned fiery red like lava.

The scarlet eyes and goat-like pupils were shocking.

A pair of horn-like eyebrows spread to the top of the head.

"Shake! Mortals!"


Li Xiaofu picked up Thor's hammer and threw it on Lucifer's face.

"Devil, right?"


It was another hammer suddenly.

"Trembling? Isn't it?"

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