God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1437: Little nurse

"He is a coward!"

A terrifying voice filled every ghost's head.

The magic sound lingers, as if the evil spirits in the **** are making enchanting slanders.

The endless ghosts and monsters all woke up, the insidious blood red reflected in the twinkling pupils.

boom! !

The explosion shocked the sky.

I saw the huge volcano in the center of the fallen continent suddenly spewing endless magma.

Twelve sculptures suddenly flew out of the magma.

In the ruined and messy pitch-black sculpture, tyrannical forces like the tsunamis continue to erupt.

Following the weird low rumors continued to spread.

A tyrannical mental power in the air violently surged, sweeping through every corner of the fallen continent like a violent wind.

The mental power is fierce and tough, engraved on every ghost's brain like a brand.

The ghosts hissed in pain, but the mark on the brain disappeared in a blink of an eye.

But every ghost and monster had a word in their heart like resonance.

"Lucifer is a coward! Kill him!"

This is like a psychological suggestion, deeply imprinted in the mind of every ghost.

They now have only one thought in their hearts.

Kill Lucifer!

Roar! !

The four lords made a loud roar at the same time.

the other side.

Jiang Chen and Aya have rushed to the royal courtyard marked by Zong Zheng.

This is a wilderness with an area of ​​Guangdong and Guangxi, and even a single hill cannot be seen.

However, in this wilderness, a mysterious building is located in the other courtyard.

The retro iron fence distinguishes the wilderness from the garden.

Inside the fence is an antique quiet path.

The roses are in full bloom, and the maids keep passing by on the small road.

Each maid is equipped with a different black and white lace dress, the skirt is tilted up, like a tutu, straight and slender legs are no doubt.

The beautiful figure is wrapped in translucent high-end suspender stockings, tight and round, very sexy.

Shiny patent leather high-heeled shoes with a cute bow around the back.

This makes every maid look like an angel with wings together.

Or it's more like a Christmas gift wrapped in a bow.

If a man can get this kind of gift, he must be exhausted and die within three days!

At this moment, a maid noticed Jiang Chen.

She walked quickly, but her posture was elegant.

But when she got closer, Jiang Chen blushed suddenly!

The skirt raised by the maid was hollow.

The only thing I can see is the neatly cut, golden hair that is unique to the Nordic people.

At this time, Jiang Chen's mind was blank, only the name of an island country popped out.

Umekawa is cool! ! ! ! (0.0)


Two blood lights in Jiang Chen's nostrils crossed an elegant parabola.

His brain could no longer control himself, and he fell into Aya's arms with a plop.

It was good now, all the maids in the manor gathered around.

"Sir! Are you all right!"

"Quick! Go and call a doctor!"

Jiang Chen fell on his back to the ground, all kinds of suspender stockings, knee-high tights, and the inner cool of the island country named Meichuan!

Not just the maid at the door, but the maid in the entire manor is all a song-empty!

In the psychedelic, Jiang Chen only felt that he was lifted by countless soft little hands.

There was chaos in his mind.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is long golden hair.

A faint scent permeated through the hair.

It turned out to be a woman with a stethoscope in her ears.

Feeling Jiang Chen moved, the woman immediately turned around and looked.

I saw the woman's skin white as frost all over, and her long eyelashes fluttered.

Curiosity and doubts gleamed in the big Nordic eyes.

Beautiful eyes flowed, and the woman asked in a lame Yanhuang language.

"How did you get lucky here?"

And Jiang Chen's language system seems to be on strike.

You can also see the blonde woman wearing a nurse hat on her head.

You can also see the blond woman with a stethoscope between her ears.

At the same time, you can see that this blonde woman is wearing a bikini-like nurse uniform!

Where the **** is the nurse's uniform? This is simply a swimsuit!

Jiang Chen's eyes wandered, and he immediately reacted to the previous scenes.

He bounced up and leaned against the soft feather pillow.

"No, no! Don't come over!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand again and again, but the nosebleeds in his nostrils flowed out.

Jiang Chen repeatedly wiped his nosebleeds with his sleeves and yelled repeatedly.

"Where is this! Am I coming to the daughter country?"

The direct nurse waved his hand again and again.

"This is Ye Lijiena's Royal Courtyard. You are a guest from Yanhuang!"

Jiang Chen slapped his forehead fiercely.

"Oh yes! I was invited by Zong Zheng, the master of Yanhuang League, to come here to discuss important matters!"

The female nurse said immediately.

"Just remember it! Now I want to check your body!"

After speaking, he put the cold stethoscope on Jiang Chen's chest.

The whole body also bent down following the angle of the stethoscope.

Suddenly, the waves of mountains and rivers appeared!

Jiang Chen could even see clearly that the two triangles of refreshing cloth on the nurse's chest were printed with a red cross.

Unexpectedly, he is really a professional doctor!

hiss! !

Jiang Chen was irritated by the cold stethoscope and couldn't help taking a breath.

At the same time, the female nurse leaned closer and closer, and her soft body had been in contact with Jiang Chen extensively.

Jiang Chen already felt that he was not good, and suddenly shouted.

"Who the **** can handle this!"

As the silver light flashed in his left eye, Jiang Chen's body shrank instantly and disappeared into the physiotherapy room.

Unexpectedly, he appeared in the corridor of the hospital the next moment.

Every nurse here dresses very sparingly and looks like a child from a poor family!

I don't want to use fabric to make a suit!

The pants are as short as a belt.

Maybe just put on a belt!

Although Jiang Chen's body has become smaller, the enoki mushroom is still enoki.

It is too stubborn!

As a last resort, Jiang Chen did four hundred push-ups to calm the flames in his heart slowly.

Jiang Chen enlarged his body and rushed all the way to the other courtyard.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a group of maids placing plates.

There are many familiar Yanhuang faces sitting at the table!

Zongzheng, the leader of the Yanhuang League, is the most conspicuous.

There are also ministers of military and political affairs that Jiang Chen knows well, ministers of the Privy Council, ministers of the Academy of Grain and Grass, and ministers of the Academy of Sciences.

It is hard to imagine that on such an important formal occasion, the servants serving these ministers are all cool in Umegawa!

Jiang Chen rushed into the crowd angrily.

"Too arrogant! How can you use this kind of banquet!"

Everyone didn't notice Jiang Chen's arrival, so they were naturally confused.

But just when Jiang Chen wanted to be furious, a burst of amazing sacred power suddenly burst out behind him!

Jiang Chen turned his head in surprise, only to see a middle-aged man with a national character face at the end of the long table.

The man has a majestic face, a bear country uniform, and extremely dazzling epaulettes.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" the middle-aged man asked in fluent Yanhuang language.

Jiang Chen saw the middle-aged man's corrupt belly at a glance.

I was so disgusted in my heart that I asked without any anger.

"I am Jiang Chen, and you are the legendary filmmaker Locke Shiferdi?"

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