For a while, it was like a vampire eating people, and the soul fire on the skeleton evil spirit flared again.

Where have ordinary people seen such battles?

At this moment, I think they remembered what Tang Shishi had warned.

Each of them looked as if they had seen a ghost, turned and ran.

Shouting while running.

"Run! Run! Kill!"

However, the skeletal evil spirit that the Guardian turned into at this time had a power level that was at least the level above Domination.

With a wave of a big hand, the sharp blade formed by the skeleton bones instantly swept the entire block with endless dominating power!

This terrifying force destroyed dozens of ordinary people in an instant!

For a time, blood flowed in the streets.

The people became more and more frightened, and they didn't care about the people in front of and behind them when they ran.

The person catching up from behind threw the person in front over and stepped on his feet.

If only dozens of people were killed in this blow, then the rest of the people on the street would have been trampled to death!

Tang Shishi can't stand it anymore.

There was a shock behind her, and the flame wings formed by the strength of the Divine Phoenix retracted instantly.

The fiery red armor also converged to its original brilliance.

Bang! !

Tang poetry fell from the sky like a goddess of war.

Seeing this, the fleeing people were shocked.

"It's over! This is all over!"

"Fighting on both sides, we can't run away!"

The panic on their faces completely contrasted with the arrogance just now.

Tang Shishi frowned.

"I didn't come to kill you! I didn't come to kill anyone!"

"I stopped this monster, you must escape, remember not to trample on each other!"

After Tang Shishi stopped, the people who fled finally got some order.

But life is worrying, and it is impossible for these ordinary people to be orderly and evacuate like an army!

At this time, some people who are already in a safe position have already begun to prepare to call the police.

In this case, the people must believe that they belong to the police station in Washington for the first time.

Sure enough, within a minute, six armored vehicles drove up the street.

The horns of the armored vehicles continued to expand, sending out bird language that Tang poetry could not understand.

But don't ask, this must be a threat to intimidate Tang Shishi.

Because these armored vehicles are all gathered behind the skeleton evil spirits.

The muzzle of more than ten black holes on the armored vehicle pointed straight at Tang poetry.

Tang Shishi suddenly snorted coldly.

"Up and down! It seems that you Trump people are all the same!"

Tang Shishi's expression is quite tough.

A look at the armored vehicle shows that this is clearly unwilling to surrender.

The Trump army has always been domineering.

Seeing Tang Shishi's appearance, the main gun on the armored vehicle immediately charged.

At the same time, on the flank of the armored vehicle, eleven small missiles with firelight and tail wing, crossed the skeleton evil spirit, and flew straight to Tang Shishi.

This is to start a fight without knowing it!

Tang Shishi gritted his silver teeth, no longer caring whether the people in the tank were innocent.

One point on the boots, kick the spear of Cassius directly into the air.

Zheng! !

The spear of the artifact burst into a burst of brilliance.


The small missile was instantly hit by this brilliance and broke into two halves.

Wait until all the missiles are flying in midair as if they have failed.

Rumble! !

The flame erupted at the same time as the explosion, completely covering the slender figure of Tang poetry.

A conversation came from the armored vehicle.

"How? Did you hit the target?"

The driver said uncertainly.

"It seems... like a hit!"

The person who might be the commander over there cursed immediately.

"Dignified Trump soldier! Report to me?"

"It seems that this word will appear in the mouth of the soldiers! Hit! Or miss!"

At this moment, the gunpowder dissipated.

Tang Shishi hasn't even changed her posture.

With her left hand akimbo, her right hand held the Cassius gun that had just landed.

On the tip of the gun, it showed a sharp edge like stars shining!

The soldiers driving the armored vehicles were speechless.

Don't underestimate the Trump Alliance missiles, which condense the highest technology on the entire Blue Star.

A missile community, even a car will be blown to ashes on the spot.

However, Tang poetry has nothing to do with hair.

There were no traces of bombing on his body.

The soldiers reported immediately.

"Report! No hit!"

The commander scolded.

"Then what do you eat! The dignified Trump Union soldier can't even hit a stationary target!"

"Hurry up and fire me the main gun!"


The armored car in front of Tang Shishi shook violently.

I saw countless blue and white rays of light gathered in the muzzle of the armored vehicle, like a transformer box generating electricity in a power plant.


When the shot went down, the air was instantly squeezed and scattered to one side.

Suddenly a spiral of water vapor appeared in the midair like ripples.

Look at Tang poetry again.

She suddenly squeezed Cassius' spear, and the power of the Divine Phoenix burst out.

The battle armor of the Divine Phoenix was red and translucent as if it was plated with blood.

The power of horror is released instantly.

The powerful air pressure even tilted the main gun of the armored vehicle downward!

Everyone was surprised at once.

boom! !

A violent explosion resounded across the sky.

A huge gully was shot out by the main artillery on the originally dilapidated street.

The Tang poetry has long since disappeared.

The asphalt on the road was blown into the sky, and the people evaded one after another for fear of hurting themselves.

Amidst the flying sand, I saw a fiery red figure flying out of the fluttering sand.

The two wings of the Divine Phoenix burning behind, the war armor from head to toe.

Tang Shishi seemed like the **** of fire descended from the sky, raised Cassius and stabbed it suddenly!

The air forms fierce spirals driven by powerful might.


Tang Shishi descended from the sky, and the spear pointed at the skeleton evil spirit.

With one shot, a sharp light broke out between the two.

With a plop, the shoulder of the skeletal evil spirit was cut open by Tang Shishi holding the Cassius spear.

But originally Tang Shishi's shot was to pierce the skull of the evil spirit.

It's just that this guy's fighting strength is really strong, and he escaped from the lock of Tang Shishi's spear and turned his head away.

But even after avoiding it, the monster's shoulder was greatly frustrated.

The light blue soul fire spewed out, obviously injured.

Tang Shishi did not hesitate when he saw it.

Turning around for a sweep, the spear drew across a crescent arc in an instant.

Zheng! !

The air vibrated, and the powerful energy burst out instantly.

However, the skeleton evil spirit has recovered.

The bones up and down the whole body are constantly moving like a machine, unexpectedly forming a pure white shield on the chest.

Boring! !

Metal strikes, as if a gong blasted in the ear.

Tang Shishi's spear point instantly took out a hideous gully on the chest of the evil spirit.

However, it failed to completely penetrate the skeleton evil spirit's defense.

Clenching her teeth, Tang Shishi jumped, bursting into endless flame power instantly.

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