God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 845: Lord of the Stars

Too many things happened this day,

Fortunately, Xinyuehu is still willing to chat with Jiang Chen!

"I'm really sorry, I didn't even notice that the super handsome was transferred!"

Xin Yuehu said sincerely.

Jiang Chen waved his hand immediately and said to Xin Yuehu.

"Big Brother Fox said this and he was out of sight!"

"The attack against me was originally a surprise attack, and you were deliberately diverted by them!"

"Don't blame yourself, now I'm still wanted, and you and I are at the risk of death while chatting!"

Jiang Chen never compares these things.

What's more, people have been successfully rescued at this moment, and even the three major families and the high-level alliance against them have all been eliminated!

He was in a good mood immediately, and he called Xin Yuehu to drink together! !

Xin Yuehu agreed to it!

Jiang Chen followed him all the way into the Star Palace!

As soon as he pushed the door, Jiang Chen was stupid!

The stars in the palace are shining, and they are connected to form a pattern of constellations!

The entire starry sky exudes tyrannical power for absorption!

This Astral Palace is actually a small world!

Xinyue Fox nudged Jiang Chen, and the two of them stepped forward at the same time!

In an instant, Jiang Chen felt like he was trapped in the world!

His body can float with his mood at this time!

The stars above your head are constantly shed, forming a road!

Xinyue Fox is even more elegant!

I saw him stiff and his robe lifted.

The whole person does not make any movements, but can move fast!

Jiang Chen tried several times, but didn't understand it!

While he was trying various chemical poses, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen accidentally pretended to be full of arms with this person!

A bunch of soft things stuck on his face instantly!

I saw this person as light as a swallow, and the flaming red dress surging like magma, the whole figure was still like a koi in the pool, and he instantly retreated more than ten meters!

Jiang Chen touched his face.

"When will a young lady come out!"

"Sorry I didn't see you!"

After hearing the red "koi", he was covering his chest and his face was flushed with ears!

Xin Yuehu hurried forward!

"Master Palace, Jiang Chen has never seen you before, please forgive me!"

Jiang Chen was immediately blinded!


"The princess of the alliance!"

Xinyuehu's complexion.

"Brother Jiang Chen! Come here!"

"Meet the Lord of the Astral Palace!"

Jiang Chen heard this, and then realized it!

"Meet the Lord Palace Lord!"

Unexpectedly, this constellation palace is so mysterious and disciplined that the person in charge is actually a woman!

But careful observation, this woman is not only fair and beautiful with long legs, but also a murder weapon!

It looks like a coquettish mature posture!

Compared with her, Xu Qinger may be just a girl movie!

Xinyue Fox is afraid that she will call her sister!

Although it looks mature, it has unlimited flavor!

The woman stroked her sleeve robe, her hands rustled with silver strings, and the red veil lightly covered her face.

After that, she opened her lips and teeth lightly and said.

"Here is Jiang Chen!"

As soon as these words were spoken, they echoed in the stars!

It sounds like an infatuated Yanzi whispering in people's ears!

Endless magnetism rushed into the ears!

Jiang Chen only felt his blood boiled!

Just listening to the voice made Jiang Chen feel that this woman should only be in the sky!

Still like a fairy in the mortal world! !

But Jiang Chen's Jiang Chen is very powerful.

Almost immediately, he recovered!

"Exactly! Meet the Lord Palace Lord!"

The woman slowly lowered her sleeves.

The complexion has returned to normal!

On the way of spiritual practice, men and women are all old foxes!

"No need to be polite, just call me Wei Yueyan!!"

The sound is lingering, like a succubus coming to the world!

After hearing this, Jiang Chen immediately cleared his ears with mental energy and changed Wei Yueyan's voice!

Then, bowed to salute.

"Yes! Sister Wei Yueyan!"

Wei Yueyan chuckled lightly!


At this time, even if Jiang Chen turned on mental interference, he was dizzy by this enchanting voice!

But Xinyue Fox seems to have nothing!

Jiang Chen felt strange, and Wei Yueyan spoke again.

"Listen to Xinyue Fox, have you caused a lot of trouble?"

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, looking indifferent:

"Yes, but fortunately, it's all settled!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Yueyan immediately snorted.


"The tone is not small, do you know that my Constellation Palace is a hundred king-level elites every day just as a guard on duty?"

Jiang Chen was shocked!

One hundred king-level elites!

What concept!

As long as this woman is willing, it is not a problem to break through the realm capital!

Almost immediately, Jiang Chen thought of the implicit meaning in women's words.

He salutes immediately!

"Thanks to Palace Master Yan!"

Wei Yueyan said very clearly!

If she hadn't ordered the transfer of this Hundred Kings level, Jiang Chen would not have thought about getting into the Astral Palace today!

"Ha ha ha!" Wei Yueyan hid her mouth and chuckled.

"It's a bit smart, it's a good choice!"

Jiang Chen heard this, beep in his heart, a good choice?

Does this woman choose her husband?

Xin Yuehu bowed immediately.

"Subordinates highly praise Jiang Chen!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, his heart was cold.

Brother Fox, Brother Fox! I know I have a woman!

Didn't this push me into the fire pit!

Brother, please push harder!

At this moment, Xin Yuehu continued:

"Jiang Chen has now acquired the inheritance of the Tianwu Commander!"

"Title Demon Ape Handsome!"

"If you become a **** general again!"

"This dual identity will surely keep him safe!"


After Xin Yuehu finished speaking, the air instantly quieted down!

Wei Yueyan pondered for a while!

"Ha ha ha! Well said!"

"As expected of Xinyue Fox!"

"Such a good policy, only you can do it easily!"

"But I can't release the water either, the **** will belong, and he must have the power to destroy the sky and the earth!"

"In this case..."

"Jiang Chen! Quickly break into my Astral Palace for trial, Astral Tribulation!!"

"Achieve a god, let you go!"

Jiang Chen was shocked.

"Brother Fox, what is the Star Tribulation?"

"Is there any benefit to being a god!"

Xin Yuehu pointed to the sky very seriously!

He said softly: "God will be able to save your life! Even more good!"

"The inheritance of the gods has no less benefits than the inheritance of Tianwu, so quickly raise your head!"

Jiang Chen raised his head slightly.

I saw the top of my head suddenly shine!

The stars are connected, the stars are in the sky!

Twenty-eight starry sky, forming twenty-eight star beasts!

The psychedelic beasts, corresponding to the twenty-eight gods!

"When you step into the starry sky, the power of the stars will naturally feel with you!"

Jiang Chen was skeptical, and with a thought, he immediately floated into the starry sky!

Ups and downs, Jiang Chen seems to have lived a lifetime!

At this time, Xingchen has been stepped under Jiang Chen!

Twenty-eight stars form a twenty-eight star array!

Endless power swept like waves!

As soon as I set foot on it, I feel full of power!

Jiang Chen was so excited, he immediately floated and strolled in the starry sky!

He must feel attentively for every star formation!

Hornwood Jiao, Kang Jinlong, Ditu raccoon dog, Fangri Rabbit, Xinyue Fox, Tail Fire Tiger, Kei Water Leopard!

The Eastern Seven Stars seemed to have entered Jiang Chen's body!

He felt that the power of the dragon in his body was about to move, but he didn't have any clear induction or instructions!

Jiang Chen levitated again and quickly came to the Northern Seven Star Array!

Fighting Muxie, Niu Taurus, Female Earth Bat, Xuri Rat, Dangerous Moon Swallow, Shihuo Pig, Wall Water Scorpion!

Twenty-eight stars walked around, and Jiang Chen felt the power of various beasts, but there was no sense of the stars at all!

Could it be that he has no chance with this constellation god? !

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