God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 870: Letter from the Tang family!

Jiang Chen's sincerity and trust made Mo Yan flattered.

As a powerful and noble super handsome, she has never experienced such a feeling in her life. She insists on not wanting to show it, and she is unavoidably shy in her heart.

"I... can it really be!"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Yes, you see that you can write down all the travel routes inadvertently. You are a genius for intelligence!"

Mo Yan smiled bitterly.

"I mean, can you really trust me..."

Jiang Chen's expression immediately shocked, and then he said seriously.

"Mo Yan, you are now one of the people I trust most in this world."

His eyes were firm and sincere, which deeply moved Mo Yan.

Jiang Chen said afterwards.

"Haha, you also have a senior who specializes in intelligence."

"He Fatty, come in."

In Mo Yan's surprised gaze, Fatty Shadow Soul He slowly passed through the door!

Jiang Chen smiled and shook hands with the shadow, this scene was extremely magical.

When Jiang Chen introduced Fatty He to Mo, Mo Yan's little mouth was shocked.

"So, from now on, Fatty He will help me manage the assassination organization of the pioneer organization."

This night, Fatty He, Jiang Chen and Mo Yan handed over the work of the intelligence agency.

Mo Yan took office early the next morning.

Jiang Chen went to find Chu Tianxing and Ergou again.

The two were drinking at the residence and could drink two or two without food.

Jiang Chen asked Chu Tianxing and Ergou to manage the evil beasts university together.

And deliberately long-term friendship with Kyoto University.

In this way, not only will talents drive talents, but also the member incubators of pioneer organizations will maintain the highest efficiency.

The most important thing is that Monster Monster University can be among the prestigious schools!

There are too many choices for the students of Monster Monsters University after graduation!

Star Palace, Tianwu Commander, Chang'an Army, Heisehui, and the pioneer organization in secret.

Jiang Chen has completely achieved the distribution and employment!

Romir and Dabao continued to control the Chang'an army.

Jiang Chen arranged 60 beast masters for the two Romirs this time.

Hope that these beast masters can play a role in the real battlefield.

Not only the war between humans and monsters, but also the war between humans.

Killing monsters and killing people is not a concept at all.

Without the trouble between the Yue family and Shangguan family, Jiang Chen finally had time to accompany Jiang Xiaoguo to ravage the little soft egg.

By the way, I will "appreciate fireworks" with Tang poetry.

But the revenge of Kyoto must be reported.

Jiang Chen discussed with the brothers.

"This month the family has repeatedly turned against Chang'an! Even dare to move Xiaoguo!"

"So far, no one has sent someone to explain our intentions. I'm afraid that we are all good old people, and the scars are forgotten to hurt?"

"Lao Tie, do you want to choose a day to directly sweep the Northern Territory with the Dire army, and wipe out the Yue family!"

Li Xiaofu agreed with Jiang Chen's words.

And Romir also raised his hands with everyone in agreement that he should attack the Northern Territory.

But at this time, Tang Shishi took out a letter and said with a wry smile.

"My family, we are going to continue to choose."

This sentence disrupted everyone's rhythm.

Li Xiaofu and the others immediately questioned with concern.

This is the selection of the successors of the Southern Tang Family, and its importance has almost reached the level of attention of the world!

The Tang family is a huge family with both history and power.

The branches and collateral lines alone account for forty-five large and small cities in the Southern Territory!

The collateral line is an accessory of the main clan under the rule of the main clan system.

But the selection of successors is different.

It is purely based on strength, and it doesn't matter whether he comes from a sideline or direct line.

Therefore, every time a successor is selected, it becomes a good opportunity for the sideline superiors!

Therefore, the competition is fierce!

Originally, Tang Shishi, as the eldest daughter of the family, did not need to participate in this dispute.

But Tang Chuan, Tang Shishi's elder brother, suffered a severe physical injury in a battle against Borders, and at this time he could not represent the Tang family's direct line to participate in the battle!

However, the Tang family's collaterals are eyeing again. If they take this opportunity to secure the seat of successor, then the Tang family will definitely change.

Therefore, Tang poetry must take up this important task.

"Sorry, I don't want to cause any trouble, but trouble will always come."

Tang Shishi said sorry to everyone.

The original plan was disrupted, and she was full of apologies.

Who knows Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Affection is a top priority!"

Li Xiaofu echoed.

"Yes! Yue family is there, playing tomorrow is the same as playing next year."

Wang Sicong is even better:

"I just used my love crazy one hundred and sixty-eight diamond-encrusted local tyrant gold to call Wang Gang."

"The Wang Family will do their best to eliminate the Yue family power in Kyoto."

"The Star Palace will also help secretly!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Xiao Cong did a good job. Even if you don't have time to kill the Yue family, you can't make them feel better!"

"The Nightmare Emperor, you arrange 50 elite assassins to follow Fatty He to Kyoto to kill a few people!"

When the Nightmare Emperor heard that someone had been killed, he immediately agreed!

The 50 Nightmare was about to break their heads in order to kill.

After all, they are night dire, bloodthirsty by nature.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Chen to stop the place and not allow the night dire to kill innocent people, these night diaries would have been tempted to take up the task and kill people!

All things arranged, Jiang Chen opened a long street feast.

Countless people from Chang'an gathered on Chang'an Avenue to dine and drink with the lord of the city.

For a time, the lights and the colorful, crowded, so lively!

Jiang Xiaoguo returned to his hometown, very excited.

Pulling Aleng, the Lich King, and the four little sisters to go shopping together every day.

Jiang Chen's banquet was even more fun.

Li Xiaofu seems to have received Hua Fanxing's approval.

The two met for several months, and finally made substantial progress-went to the bath city to take a bath together.

After washing and eating a Chang'an characteristic ice cream, I went back to the City Lord's Mansion.

Jiang Chen and Wang Sicong laughed and scolded Li Xiaofu for being too embarrassed.

But Li Xiaofu always felt that something was wrong, but it was hard to say.

As a result, everyone dispersed.

Have fun all night, skip watching the fireworks.

The next day, Jiang Chen everyone was ready to go.

The people in Chang'an who had experienced wind and rain assembled again and went to the Southern Tang family with Tang poetry.

As the border guard of the Southern Territory, the location of the Tang family is also a fortress.

From the Tang family on Chang'an Road, you need to go through a total of 35 levels.

On the way, Jiang Chen settled down in a village beside a checkpoint.

In order to show his intentions, Jiang Chen everyone specially emphasized that his identity is the Beastmaster.

The profession of Beastmaster is the most respected in the entire Blue Star.

Generally speaking of these three words, ordinary people will treat each other with courtesy.

But this small village is a bit different!

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't say that he was a beast master. As soon as he revealed his identity, the villagers immediately avoided.

They seem to be very afraid of the beastmaster, as if they have seen a scourge!

I knew that Jiang Chen directly reported that he was the City Lord of Chang'an!

Just when Jiang Chen was at a loss, thought the old man was coming slowly.

"How many are the beast masters from Chang'an City?"

Jiang Chen turned his head, saw the old man, and responded politely.

"Yes, we are going to the frontier, passing by, hoping to find a place where we can settle down!"

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