God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 881: Tang family!

Jiang Chen and others didn't know yet, Chuanmu Group had already sent someone to come.

They returned to the suffering village.

Old man Cheng led a group of villagers with many thanks.

Jiang Chen thought about it again and again, the Chuanmu Group's laboratory was taken away by him, and Chuanmu's people came to find out in the future, afraid that the villagers here would be involved.

"Everyone, it may not be safe here anymore."

"In order to better protect you, I sent a thousand-man wolf cavalry army."

"If you are willing to leave, you can follow the wolf ride to live safely near Chang'an City."

"If you have nostalgia, you can stay."

The villagers all had tears after listening.

"Master Jiang! Thank you so much!"

I saw a little girl running over and knelt down in public.

It was the little girl who saw her parents turned into corpses and died.

Few people in this world will see their parents die tragically twice.

Her sloppy little face was covered with tears, and she sobbed for a long time without speaking.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and picked up the girl.

"Go back to Chang'an, where you will find a new home."

Confidence flashed in his eyes, and the little girl was instantly impressed.

At that moment, Jiang Chen saw extremely firm in her eyes.

At this time, everyone in Chang'an gathered around.

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Look, thanks to the man who killed your parents, I also lost my parents."

"But now, I have a new home!"

Jiang Chen raised his head and said to all the villagers.

"Yu Beast, monsters, as long as they have family members, they will no longer be scary!!"

"Chang'an City will give you a new start, a new life!"

"New family..."

Jiang Chen's voice just fell.

"it is good!"


"From now on you will be our city lord!"

"We firmly support you!"

There was an applause from the villagers immediately.

After the disaster, under Jiang Chen's encouragement and guidance, the villagers brought up the power to continue living again.

At the same time, above the 731 experimental base.

The two suspended men in suits probed the entire base carefully.

They are floating in the air like gods, their feet not touching the ground.

The monsters in the laboratory were all killed by Jiang Chen.

Even those instruments were soaked and damaged by fire sprinklers.

The two who had found nothing began to clear the remains of the Chuanmu Group in the laboratory.

After the two of them had removed the traces, Jiang Chen and others had already left the village.

When the two came to the village, everyone in the village spoke coldly to them.

After all, Huogai Meiji relied on the honesty of the villagers to spread the first batch of blood worms.

The people in Chuanmu were not fools, they immediately realized that these villagers were probably related to the destruction of the base.

The two pretended to leave, and actually returned to the Southern Division for help.

But when the reinforcements arrived, the villagers had already left the village according to Jiang Chen's retreat plan.

Chuanmu Group now doesn't know whom to call even if they want revenge.

One day later.

Jiang Chen and others disembarked the airship at the last defensive pass named Kunlun.

This is the closest checkpoint to the Tang family.

The further roads belonged to military special routes, and Jiang Chen and others could not use them.

At this time, everyone Jiang Chen had arrived at the Nantianmen Mountain Range.

Between the valleys is the Lingxiao Pass guarded by the Tang family for generations!

Jiang Chen raised his binoculars and looked down the mountain.

"Lingxiao Pass is so lively!"

I saw the feasting and busy traffic reflected in the lens barrel.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a crowded and lively city in the southernmost border of Yanhuang!

The crowd flew for a long time, Tang Shishi was tired at this time, but still could not conceal the excitement in his heart.

She leaned on her pretty little face and said.

"The place where we are now is the last mountain on the southern land."

"Further south is the South China Sea."

"The villains of Borderlands are in the South China Sea."

"So Nantianmen is the most important natural danger for Yanhuang!"

"Bandit Jiang! Can you not look at my house with a telescope!"

"I always think you are going to grab it!"

Li Xiaofu's focus is different. He is holding a roasted rabbit in his hand.

"South China Sea!!"

"That means the Tang family eats seafood every day!"

Everyone laughed at his stubbornness.

A violent thunder in Tang Shishi's head was on Li Xiaofu.

"Why do you always eat what is in the bowl and think about what is in the pot!"

"How can you marry your little star in the future!"

Little star is a note left by Li Xiaofu for Hua Fanxing.

After everyone discovered this sweet remark, they called Huafanxing like that in front of Li Xiaofu.

Old Li Xiaofu blushed.

"Hey! I'll reduce it when the time comes!"

"By the way, Brother Chen, is it really okay for you to stay at Enchanted University as an exchange student?"

"Master principal will not come to you."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Co-author, you don't want Little Star to stay in Chang'an!"

"That's right, I will let Kyoto University take her away tomorrow!"

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, the little fat man jumped up and hugged Jiang Chen's thigh!

He made an expression of injustice.

"Brother Chen! Don't!"

The stern voice made the birds in the mountains frightened.

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Jiang Chen chatted with Shangguan Kitty.

"I heard that Hua Fanxing has been living with you since arriving in Chang'an City?"

Shangguan kitten is wiping the sword.

Hearing Jiang Chen's question, he didn't care and answered immediately.

"Yeah, we are good sisters!"

"She is very cute, and always loves to tell me about her and her family when she was young."

A light flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Oh? Is she a descendant of the family?"

"I have never heard of a family with the surname Hua!"

Shangguan kitten said carelessly:

"It may be a small family, the rich one or something!"

Jiang Chen bowed his head and secretly denied.

Kyoto University, inner courtyard.

Once, the four masters of Kyoto alone accounted for nearly a hundred places each year.

The inner courtyard is to take in the enchanting nationwide.

As early as in high school, Jiang Chen knew that Beastmaster was a career that spent money.

If it is an ordinary person, I don't know how long and how long can I squeeze into the inner courtyard!

Yue Weiyang claimed to be from a poor family, but in fact Beiyu Yue was the backstage!

How can ordinary people, He De, take down a different-dimensional monster like the Starlight Beast at a young age?

With thoughts like electricity, Jiang Chen chatted with Shangguan Kitty again and rested.

Early the next morning, a group of people had arrived in front of Lingxiao Pass.

The huge city wall of 220 meters pressed across the sky and rushed straight into the sky.

On the huge gate, countless maintenance machinery and soldiers are busy.

The giant dinosaur-like transport machinery rumblingly carried the containers up the city wall.

A huge Tang character is painted on the heavy alloy gate.

Under the gate, there were heavy traffic.

Jiang Chen sighed repeatedly, feeling magnificent.

And Tang Shishi naturally contacted his family immediately.

The crowd waited quietly at the gate.

I saw a team of people rushing out!

The war horse wears a red tassel on its head and a silver saddle on its back.

The soldiers on the horse were majestic and powerful.

Jiang Chen was amazed!

In my heart, I kept thinking that he should have such a mighty teacher in the future of Chang'an City!

Just as Jiang Chen looked at Jun Weihehe in a trance, a sturdy and handsome young man with full-body armor came.

The aura of the soldier is perfectly displayed on him, rigorous and severe.

The advanced tactical armor was set on that person, like a robot, making him even more mighty.

Tang Shishi was shocked.

"Huh? Brother Tang Feng? Why did you come to pick me up in person!"

I saw the man smile heartily.

"Hehe! Miss finally came home, of course I will come to pick you up!"

"The two elders of Ice and Fire have tasks today, and they can't come."

"This... is Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen made a ring of hands.

"It's just Jiang Chen, I'm bothered to drive, how disturbing!"

Tang Feng laughed.

"Brother Jiang Chen doesn't have to be polite. I'm Tang Feng's person and you will know it when you are familiar with it. Just avoid polite things."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, saying that he was a hearty person.

It's good to be free!

Everyone entered the armored vehicle and entered the Lingxiao Pass with the army.

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