God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 894: Tang's little milk dog

The tyrannical coercion spread instantly, shocking the armed forces!

But at this time, the most shocking thing in my heart should be the sixty-four collateral family heads!

The smiles on their faces solidified, turning into surprise, and then worrying.

It's extremely complicated, but very exciting.

Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi couldn't help but laughed on the spot!


"Look at the expressions of them!"

"Oh my mom laughed at me!"

Liu Yun comes in styles.

"Hey? Jiang Chen! Where did my mother make you laugh!"

Jiang Chen looked at each other for a moment.

Shi Shi quickly explained.

"Mother! Not really!"

"We are laughing and separating, haha, let me tell you!"

She happily spread Liu Yun's shoulders.

"They thought that Jiang Chen and I were the only ones who could play in our family, and the eldest brother was sick and couldn't fight, so they thought they won the third game!

"But actually, Brother Chuan was cured by Jiang Chen long ago!"

"We played a big show with 64 families!"

Liu Yun understood it immediately!

"Haha! The three of you are really ingenious. Over the past sixty-four years, the family has waited for this opportunity to surpass this family. This time the plan has been mixed and ruined by you!"

The three of them were very happy.

Look at Tang Chuan in the ring again.

"Brother Rufeng, give you a paperkerchief to wipe your face!"

Tang Chuan's face is full of love.

The descendants of the direct line are all surnamed Tang, either younger brother or younger sister.

Even if you hit, you can't drool all over your face.

Tang Rufeng, a young man, was shocked by the sudden Tang Chuan.

Even Jiang Chen had forgotten to wipe the saliva on his face.

"Tang... Tang Chuan... Why are you discharged from the hospital?"

Tang Chuan picked up a folding fan and snapped it on top of Tang Rufeng's head!

"Brother Mu Wu! Call me brother!"

Tang Rufeng was stunned for a while.

Then he said hideously.

"It's never too late to bid!"

"If I win, I will call you brother, if I lose, you may call me brother!"

Tang Rufeng smiled wildly.

He thought Tang Chuan was holding on.

I saw that Tang Chuan came up again with two folding fans.

"Brother Mu Wu! Gossip!"

Tang Rufeng snapped twice.

Tang Rufeng gritted his teeth!

"I'm fighting with you!"

I saw him jump up on the spot, and the white mist exploded under him!

A splendid sword-toothed dragon with crystals all over appeared!

The huge back wings were bent and caught Tang Rufeng and sat on his back.

The dragon's mouth suddenly touched the white and transparent dragon's breath.

Wherever the dragon's breath went, the ground immediately condensed a layer of crystal shell!

Boom! With a stamp on his feet, the crystal shells shattered!

With a dazzling temperament, Tang Rufeng, as a genius, immediately had the look of watching the arena!

Jiang Chen immediately saw the data of that magic dragon.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Crystal Wind Demon Dragon

[Monster Level]: Level 60 (Overlord)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attribute]: Rock/Wind

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: Hybrid dragon, can control crystallization, and can also make good use of airflow

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Fighting System/Super Power System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen yelled.

"It's a dual-line dragon!"


But Tang Chuan didn't panic at all.

Jiang Chen had healed his injury long ago.

In addition, Jiang Chen expected that the number of challengers in his family would be insufficient, and he adjusted Tang Chuan's body and directly restored him to his peak state!

Even one point better than the peak.

At this moment, Tang Rufeng summoned Yu Beast, and the audience suddenly applauded.

All the splits shouted cheers.

"Rufeng! It's up to you this time!"

"You have to fight hard to win!"

"Being a brother or a smelly brother, it depends on the result of your contest!"

Seeing this, Tang Chuan waved his hand!

Card! !

Skyrocketing coercion swept the arena!

A terrifying cry came from the sky.

The blazing heat wave began to twist.

The appearance of a mighty giant bird shocked!

The wings are golden, and the beak and claws are like a machete!

Between the eyes, the blazing sun was filled with divine fire, forming a stream of light as it flew.


The giant bird landed and landed by impact.

Standing on three legs, the whole body is flamed like a huge ancient golden tripod!

Card! !

Screaming again, the pure gold armor on his body banged loudly.

The heat of the sky is released on the spot!

The moisture in the air evaporates instantly.

Everyone was sweating on their foreheads, all holding their breath!

And Jiang Chen's eyes are shining!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Arakawa Three-legged Golden Crow

[Monster Level]: Level 65 (Overlord)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Fire/Flight/Superpower

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Character of Monster Beast]: Above Arakawa, the golden crow inhabits the giant hibiscus tree

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Fighting

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

"Three-legged crow!"

Jiang Chen has a long experience today.

Unexpectedly, Tang Chuan still has such a strong Royal Beast!

Tang Poems and Liu Yun are gratified and proud!

I saw Tang Chuan's eyes blazing.

Wearing a pure gold armor on his body and holding a pure gold chain in his hand, it looks like a golden crow guard in a heavenly palace!

The chain wheel spun like flying, and slammed into the ground.

The bricks are shattered! The soil is annihilated!

Tang Rufeng withered instantly.


"Brother! Brother Chuan!"

"Take a moment, don't slap your face!"

As soon as the dragon under the seat heard the master say this, he turned around and wanted to run!

But Arakawa's three-legged Golden Crow giggled, and the huge body in armor jumped up and rushed towards the Crystal Wind Demon Dragon!

The crystal wind devil dragon's expression stagnated, and immediately turned into endless wind blade!

Roar! !

Amidst the roar of the dragon, the Wind Blade rushed out!

But right in front of it, Arakawa's three-legged golden crow instantly cloned!

All of a sudden, it turned into nine identical Arakawa three-legged golden crows!

And every beak contains extremely powerful sunspots!

Zheng! !

Endless power envelopes the arena!

Nine beams burst out!

The hot air instantly swept everyone's lungs, suffocating!

This blow closed all escape routes, and the Crystal Wind Devil Dragon had nowhere to escape!

But Tang Rufeng deserved to be called a genius, with an inspiration, instantly condensed in the air a three-hundred-six-degree mirror with no dead ends reflecting the sunlight!

call out!

The powerful sunspots are instantly reflected!

The violent energy swept the air!

Tang Rufeng managed to escape and laughed immediately!

At the moment of being proud.

I saw a huge flame folding fan waved out of thin air!


Tang Chuan folds the fan on Tang Rufeng's face.

Tang Rufeng grinned in pain.

"Oh My God!"

"Brother! Brother! Don't hit me wrong!"

The crystal light dispersed, everyone was stunned.

I saw Tang Rufeng lying on the ground, his face full of love.

And Tang Shan, with golden crow flames in his eyes, was frantically beating Tang Rufeng's **** with an energy folding fan.

Tang Rufeng said bitterly.

"Brother! Please, let me go down with the lead stick. It's not painful for you to hit like this, but it's too shameful!"

Tang Chuan heard and educates directly.

"Are you embarrassed? Huh? Don't learn how to do it!"

"You have half of Jiang Chen's skills, but you are still being dismounted by the horse?"

After ten minutes of straight education, Tangshan couldn't stand it anymore, and then stopped the two with a wry smile!

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