God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 947: The secret of Shenghe!

Behind everyone in Chang'an, Tongtian Peak collapsed.

Its body is decayed and its divine power no longer exists, leaving only its remnant body and endless glacier rubble.

"Huh! How exciting!"

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

The energy it took to kill the ghost crocodile caused the two Alengs to release the beast possession.

The crowd stood far away from the corpse of the ghost ghost crocodile.

From this angle, Jiang Chen had a panoramic view of the entire Tongtian Peak.

I saw blue waves rippling, a strange river gleaming with gold, straight across Tongtian Peak!

Jiang Chen's vision suddenly fell into a dullness.

"You never think of what I saw."

Jiang Chen slapped Xiao Hei on the shoulder and jumped up.

When the clear water brought the rainbow around, Jiang Chen had already arrived by the strange river.

It is better to say that the river is better, or the fountain is more appropriate.

This strange river flows backwards.

From the ground up to the sky, until above the nine heavens.

The vigorous vitality spreads out with the rolling water mist, nourishing the surrounding mountains and trees.

Jiang Chen watched the towering giant trees grow from the top of the snowy Tongtian Peak!

Everyone in Chang'an rushed to see this marvellous scene, all in awe.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand slightly, trying to touch the clear and transparent river water.

But what is strange is that Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, but couldn't touch the river at all!

Facing the peculiar river, Jiang Chen was very excited!

"Blue Star has two main bloodlines, one is the river and the other is the Styx."

"The river of life breeds all souls, the river of Styx rules death, and the two rivers reproduce and restrain each other, and they are endless."

"It seems! The water that can be seen but not touched is the water of the river!"

"Shenghe Village! Shenghe Village! That's how it is!"

"But this scale is completely incomparable to Styx!"

"No wonder the crocodile has the ability to control the soul and restore the body!"

"It turns out to be entrenched in the realm of Shenghe!"

Just as Jiang Chen was paying attention to the dazzling miracle of life brought by Shenghe, a huge array of tactical helicopters came from a distance!


In Jiang Chen's stunned mouth, thousands of Kyoto tactical troops landed slowly!

Jiang Chen immediately summoned purple scales.

"Zi Lin, use all your power to seal this place!"


The voice of the dragon yin went straight into the sky.

The dragon's breath came down suddenly.

Billowing coercion swept the Tongtian Peak!

The area around the backflowing river was immediately controlled by Zilin!

"Xiao Dong! Cover the Tongtian Peak with the power of a curse on the basis of absolute control!"

"The secret of life and death is related to the fate of Blue Star and must not be revealed!

"From now on, this land boundary will be under my control!"

Xiao Dong nodded coldly.

"I will give you what you want, Xiao Chenchen!"

Jiang Chen suddenly smiled bitterly.

The ancient beast with a girl's face is called Xiaochenchen!

Ok! He endured it!

But it's definitely not because Xiao Dong's loli sound thief is so nice!

Subsequently, under the huge helicopter, thousands of special escorts brought good news to Jiang Chen.

It seemed that the middle-aged man with the general's might salute Jiang Chen squarely.

"Leader Lord sees the excellent performance of Your Domain Lord."

"We conducted an anonymous survey overnight in 15 cities with a population of over one million in the Northern Territory."

"The support rate of Jiang Yuzhu is as high as 83%!"

"There are 16% abstentions."

"That is to say, the survey rate that supports you as the domain owner shows that you can now legally serve as the domain owner of the northern region!"


With that said, the leader of the **** troop sent the voting statistics and the official commission.

Jiang Chen immediately opened the live broadcast room.

Millions of people from the Northern Territory are already waiting in the live broadcast room! !

I saw Zong Zheng's virtual image flashing beside Jiang Chen.

This is a busy Zongzheng arrangement to influence the clone, the registered life code can represent Zongzheng's identity to do anything in the programming.

First, a huge golden medal was worn on Jiang Chen's body.

"In recognition of Jiang Chen's contribution to calming the Beast Tide of Tongtian Peak, Jiang Chen is now awarded the Final Glory Medal!!"

"May the honor of Yanhuang Bandai be with you!"

"Next, I am honored to read out the first commission of the domain owner since I took office!"

"Jiang Chen is hereby appointed as the domain master of the Northern Territory!"

"Command the 496 cities of the Northern Territory!"

"Now, here, now, take effect immediately!"

After Zong Zheng had finished speaking, the live news screen beside Jiang Chen immediately received shocking applause.


The residents in hundreds of cities in the Northern Territory burst into applause!

Everyone in Jiang Chen even saw the villagers of Shenghe Village who had entered the shelter in Heze City, leaving tears of excitement.

I saw Jiang Chen knelt on one knee and took the commission with both hands.

"I, Jiang Chen, will live up to the expectations, guard my Yanhuang land and love my Yanhuang people!"

The live broadcast soon spread to all areas of Yan and Huang.

The change of domain owner is a major event of the alliance!

In an instant, these reports made the international news.

All are positive reports without exception.

Jiang Chen was regarded as a model who won the hearts of the people and benefited the people, and was announced on the forum by international organizations for leaders of all forces in the world to learn and discuss.

Among these forces is the powerful Chuanmu Group!

In the basement of a secret base.

Only Jiang Chen's news was broadcast in the dark conference room.

Numerous information is displayed around.

"Jiang Chen!"


The metal table in front of Xiong Erguang sags!

The shoulders of his expensive suit were torn vigorously.

Penetrating gritted teeth came from his mouth!

He growled viciously.

"Jiang Chen! Iwilltakeyoufuckingdown!"

None of the dozens of powerful island nations dared to step forward to try to dispel the anger of this big boss.


Suddenly, the communicator rang.

A woman with a seductive silhouette said lazily.

"Light strong people, the Blue Star All-Union Star Beast Master Competition is under preparation, please give instructions!"

Xiong Erguangqiang then took out the fist that had fallen into the table.

"Ah! Nadeshiko!"

"Leave it to you! I will communicate with you if there is a problem!"

The woman bows and hangs up the virtual imaging call.

Xiong Erguang looked towards the end of the meeting room.

There is a picture of Jiang Chen.

There are a lot of information about Tang poetry and Li Xiaofu people hanging around the photos!

"Contact me Hesang!"

Jiang Chen was still at the celebration banquet at this time.

The ministers of the Northern Territory stood up one by one, showing their loyalty and determination.

Had it not been for the spirits of the Northern Territory, Jiang Chen would have almost fallen asleep.

Everyone used various methods to express their conviction.

But Jiang Chen secretly initiated a text message with Qinglongshuai on his mobile phone.

Qinglongshuai's identity position Jiang Chen is also rather vague.

But as soon as Jiang Chen contacted him, he got the following reply.

"Say it! What do I need to do!"

Jiang Chen was about to find out the passing of Shenghe to Qinglongshuai.

Unexpectedly, Qinglongshuai replied without saying anything.

"Since there is no leak, the problem is not big!"

"I immediately sent someone to build a secret restricted area. Don't worry, it's about the safety of the Yanhuang and Blue Stars. I will not take it lightly!"

Jiang Chen was affirmed by the handsome Qinglong, and a big rock in his heart was immediately put down.


Because of being too nervous all the time, Jiang Chen, who suddenly relaxed, went to sleep on the spot at the celebration banquet.

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