God Prohibitions

Chapter 583: Cold pool

Chapter 583 Hantan

For the obsession that Fanny is showing now, Robben can’t express too much, so he has to comfort him: "Fanny, rest assured, both of us will take the cold water rock safely and leave here. When necessary, we have to separate. I can tolerate the environment here more than you, and the success rate after being responsible for disconnection is also higher."

Fanny still shook her head gently, \"Roben, it was hard for me to be with you in the present situation. In any case, I will not leave you. In the case of our mental resonance, our strength will definitely increase several times. , If you can’t leave safely in this way, what can you do if you stay alone, either we leave together, or we die together, maybe... after many years, someone will find us frozen together Corpse."

   Fanny embraced Robben, her voice with a bit of longing, \"Then I would also..."

   There is no time to convince Fanny now, and I also feel that it seems impossible to convince Fanny now.

  \"Well, then, no matter what the situation, don’t leave me, under any circumstances”

  \"No, even if I die, I will die by Robben's side"

  Roben could not help but poked Fanny in the forehead, \"What nonsense, we didn't come to die, we came here to live well."

  Fanny smiled sweetly, \"Well, we will go back in peace."

   It seems that this time, I have to judge by myself...

  \"Let's go, I think the cold lake that the devil said is already not far away"

   The cold fog in the forest has become denser. Even a few steps away, you can't see anything. It is often when they are about to hit it that Robben and Fanny discovered that there is a big tree in front of them.

   As the weapons became richer and the air became colder and colder, Robben was very suspicious of how these mists dispersed in such a cold place.

  \"Roben seems, there seems to be something nearby"

   Finally, Fanny suddenly couldn't stop her footsteps, and she pulled Robben gently, her face becoming serious for an instant.

  \"Well...have been around us for a while, the speed is very fast, and it turns left and right, I don't know what it is, but it doesn't seem to show much hostility. We watched the changes and continued to move forward.

Robben said lightly, but her heart was a little heavy.Fanny finally clearly felt the existence of something in the forest. This in itself showed that in the dense fog of this forest, the unknown thing was facing herself. The two people slowly approached, and the feeling that this thing gave to themselves gradually became clear. This... really can't be said to be a good thing.

Now the surrounding dense fog has enveloped everything like a white night, and Jane has reached the point where she can't see her fingers, and bursts of strange cold breath are constantly infiltrating from the surrounding cold fog, and Robben is not stopping. The blessing is holding the magic on herself and Fanny.

  \"Roben, that thing..."

  \"Don't make a sound, keep walking"

Robben's mood, like Fanny, began to become tense, and in the thick fog, the unknown thing suddenly heard an inaudible low roar, and in an instant, an astonishing murderous aura came from the cold fog. .

   Are you going to attack? Robben extended his mental power to the extreme, but to Robben's surprise, the breath of that thing suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace.

  \"Disappeared" Fanny's eyes were full of alert.

  \"Perhaps, it is hidden, we are more careful... continue walking..."

   Even though there was only a white mist in front of him, Robben still turned his head around unconsciously, hoping to perceive a trace of something that he didn't know what it was.

   At this time, Fanny exclaimed softly again, \"Roben, the fog is gone"

   Luo Ben was taken aback, turned his head to take a look, he couldn't help but was overjoyed. In front of him, a faint light came from a misty mist. Obviously, the mist was getting thinner.

  \"Fanny, let's go quickly"

   excitedly pulled Fanny to walk forward quickly, but for a moment Robben felt that something was not right again. The light seemed to be bright too fast.

   just wanted to hold on, but Robben and Fanny were still surprised.

   There was a sudden light in front of his eyes, the fog cleared, and the clear vision came back in an instant.

  \"This...is Hantan?"

Two people, Robben Fanny, are now standing in front of a pool with no surprises. The pool water is clear to the bottom, showing an extremely rare icy blue, and bursts of strange cold breath come from the pool, but the pool water does not There was a trace of freezing, quietly in the pool, without a trace of ripples, as if it was not a pool of water at all, but a cloud of icy blue mercury.

Robben turned his head and took a look. Just a step away behind him and Fanny, a thick icy mist was constantly rolling and surging. The cold air from this pool of water turned into thick mist at the edge of the pool, but There was not a trace of fog in a small distance near the pool.

Looking up, Robben saw that the thick fog was rolling tightly around the pool, even above the sky. The dense fog was like a huge barrel wall. The sky above the pool was wrapped tightly. At the highest altitude, Luo instinct could see the light cloud unique to the demon world. The light near this pool was shot down from the sky directly above.

\"I think there will be no other place, this place should be the cold pool." Robben looked around, picked up a branch from the ground, and gently used the tip of the branch. Dip the pond water.

Pulling out the branches, in a burst of fine \"cracking" sound, the pool water that was brought out instantly formed ice blue ice crystals. The ice crystals only existed for a very short time, and there was another \"crack" sound. It was broken into powder and fell on the ground, and even the half of the branches that had touched the lake water just now had been frozen to pieces.

  \"It seems, that's right, this is the cold pool I was looking for"

  Fanny showed a bit of joy in her eyes, \"What kind of cold water rock is cold water rock?"

   Came here with the twelve points of obsession and Robben, Fanny now...I don't know what the cold water rock that can save her name looks like...

Although he came to this cold lake without encountering any danger, Luo Ben didn't have much happiness in his heart.He was able to walk here, and it was still far from success. Even half of the road was not finished. .

This water pool is not large. Upon visual inspection, it is only a few tens of meters in diameter, and it is also very shallow. It seems that the depth is about ten meters at most. In the calm water, everything at the bottom of the pool is clearly visible. .

Glancing around the pond, Robben couldn’t find what he was looking for. He couldn’t help but frowned and said: "Fanny, have you seen the rocks beneath the pond in front of you? It's just that kind of outer layer that seems to have a knot Bright white stone with layers of ice."

  Fanny looked intently at the bottom of the pool, nodded quickly, \"saw it"

  \"We drove around the pool, found the stone closest to the shore, and then went to get it.” Then Robben, you took Fanny and slowly started walking along the shore of the pool.

This Wangtanshui only has such a large area. Robben and Fanny are close together. After a short time, they have already turned around. What makes Robben depressed is that it seems that the devil is not false, and people are constantly coming here. Take this kind of cold water rock to help, now...the cold water rocks on the shore have been hollowed out. After turning around, Robben and Fanny are both found. All the cold water rocks are concentrated on the bottom of the pool. It's not very close to the shore. If you want to get this cold water rock, you have to dive into the pool.


Fanny couldn't help but feel a little worried.It would be dangerous to take it this way.This pool is obviously a bit weird. I'm afraid not only is it very cold, but the smell of the monster in the forest just now has completely disappeared. It hasn't reappeared now. The murderous aura that radiated before it disappeared has proved that this thing is strongly hostile to the two of them. It is not known when that thing will jump out to be harmful to both of them. If it is jumping If that thing attacked two people when entering the pond, the situation would be even worse.

   Robben stands in the same place and ponders slightly, \"Let's get into the water"

  \"Into the water?"

  \"Otherwise, wait for me here and I will be back soon."

  Fanny immediately held Robben’s arm tightly, \"No"

  \"Then prepare, the longer you stay here, the more dangerous it is"

  Fanny still said hesitantly: "Roben, do we...must go down? This pool is very shallow. We can split the pool directly with magic, and get the rocks at the bottom of the water easily."

Robben shook his head gently.\"A place like this cannot be understood by common sense. This pool affects a large area of ​​the surrounding climate. If we rashly bombard this pool with magic, what might happen, Let’s go on like this now, stay alert. If nothing happens, it’s the best. If there is any accident, it’s not too late for us to use magic."

  Fanny nodded clearly,\"Okay, I see."

How cold is the temperature in this cold pool? Robben once asked the Demon King, but the Demon King said that he was not very sure. Of course, when he went to the Black Forest to experience, he did not actually enter the cold pool project. Such princes did not dare to descend into the pool rashly.

The devil just said that it is very cold, and cold can freeze everything to pieces, and on this point, Robben has just tried it, although it may not be able to freeze everything, but it seems that the difference is not special. Many.

   After blessing almost all the magic shields for himself and Fanny, and after blessing a few constant temperature magic in the innermost, Robben took Fanny to the edge of the pool, squatted down, and started digging.

  Fanny was surprised,\"Roben, you...what are you doing?"

Before Robben's answer, Fanny had already exclaimed. Robben grabbed a pile of mud and stuck it on her hand. Suddenly, it was stuck in the black mud on the magic shield, and there was a bone Cool, but fortunately, Robben's constant temperature magic instantly relieved the discomfort. "

   Seeing that Robben seems to be throwing mud on her body, Fanny immediately shouted: \"Roben, what are you doing, aren't we going into the water?"

\"The water in this pool is very cold. As you saw just now, that branch was directly frozen to pieces, but the mud is fine, not much different from ordinary mud, and it also contains some of the water in this pool. Water, I can only be sure that these mud will effectively block the cold. We stick to our body and then go into the water. It is also safer. What are you hiding? It will not really stick to your body, there is a magic shield in front of it..."

  Fastly, Robben smeared himself and Fanny's whole body with mud, and then used a space barrier inside and outside, and a mud barrier was born.

  \"Okay, let's go down"

   Pulling Fanny, Robben cautiously stepped one foot into the pool...

  Cold...too cold to the bone

Robben almost pulled his feet out of the pool water, his face was a little blue, Robben grabbed Fanny who was about to step into the pool water, "Fanny, otherwise, you can wait for me here. , If something happens in the water, I will be flexible alone..."

\"Is it cold?"

Fanny saw Robben's face stepping into the pool water and understood why Robben temporarily changed his attention. She stepped forward and stepped into the water. Fanny's face suddenly turned pale and her body shook involuntarily. stand up.

   Robben hurriedly pulled Fanny out, and at this moment, Fanny's teeth began to tremble.

  \"Cold... so cold, so cold..." Fanny just said these words intricately between her teeth.

   Robben didn't expect that this pool was so cold that he used so many magic to isolate the temperature, but it was already cold and unbearable. Fanny's physique was far inferior to himself, so naturally she couldn't bear it.

  \"Fanny, wait for me here..."

  \"No...no" Although her teeth trembled, Fanny's eyes were firm.

  \"Roben, you can bless me some more magic, the kind that will make the temperature around my body reach hot, bless a few more times, I must be with you."

Robben was silent for a while, but Fanny looked at Robben's concerned eyes and refused to give in at all. In the end, Robben nodded and said: "Fanny, if you can't stand it, please tell me. This pool is very shallow, maybe I can get the cold water rock with no effort at all, you must not do anything about it"

  \"I understand Robben, if I really can't resist, I will definitely make a noise."

Robben emphasized it again. After receiving Fanny’s affirmative reply, he blessed Fanny with a few fire magic spells.The mud layer outside Fanny suddenly flashed a red light, and it was wrapped in it. Fanny was suddenly sweaty from her hot forehead.

\"Okay, let's go down." He also added a magic to himself, Robben took Fanny into the pool again, and felt Fanny's body trembled again, before asking. Fanny's clear voice has been passed over, \"Roben, I'm fine, let's go on."

   Robben nodded silently, and took Fanny to continue walking toward the depths of the pool.

The pool water is clear and transparent, and everything can be seen clearly. When Luo Ben didn't fall to his waist in the pool, he felt that something was not right, but what was wrong, he couldn't tell, and waited for Hefen. Ni completely entered the pool water. As soon as the pool water did not pass Robben's eyes, he glanced at the surroundings through the observation port flowing out of the mud layer, and Robben couldn't help but sink.

  Underwater, the situation is very different from what you see on the water

  \"Roben, this waterhole"

   Robben nodded gently, \"I know, it seems that we were cheated...Be careful, if we can't bear it, we will immediately float up."

When you were on the shore, Robben and Fanny could see this pool with crystal clear water. At most, it was only about ten meters deep. But when you hit the water, Robben, you and Fanny Now, the depth of this pool is much more than that. Standing under the water, the depth of this pool is thirty to forty meters, and the shimmering cold water rocks are shining in the deep water.

  Roben naturally knows that if you look at the bottom of the water, there is a gap between the actual distance from the bottom to the water surface, but this gap is also limited. Robben has never heard of such an outrageous gap.

  The water in the pond is a bit sticky or heavy. Walking down the edge of the pond in it, you can feel very obvious resistance, which is much greater than ordinary water.

After walking a certain distance with Fanny, Robben's heart moved slightly, and he grabbed Fanny, and gently kicked his feet. Robben's body floated slightly, and he stroked his arms, but Robben found his own The body slowly sank...

   There is no buoyancy in this strange cold pool

  \"Roben, what's the matter?" Fanny noticed Robben's unusual behavior.

  \"It’s nothing, but, it seems that when we come up, we really have to use magic. There seems to be no buoyancy in this pool, and it is impossible to swim up.

  Fanny didn't care too much about this. Without buoyancy, there would be no buoyancy. At that time, just like Robben said, just fly out. Even if it is buoyant, it is impossible to swam up from the water holding the rock.

Although the water pool has become deeper, it is only a few dozen meters in total. For a long time, it has also come to the bottom.

   Compared to the surface of the water, the temperature at the bottom was three minutes colder. Robben himself felt a little unbearable. He quickly supplemented himself with a few constant temperature magic, while Fanny doubled it.

  \"It's so quiet in this pool." Fanny endured the cold, looked at the clear and transparent lake, and looked at the rock that was clearly textured after adding it. It felt strange.

   Luo Ben thought, let alone quiet, this pool of water is as silent as death.

Although the pool water is clear and transparent, it looks like there are no bad impurities, and it is far more beautiful than the turbid and white lake water of the bone pond, but in this pool, there are no living things. Walk down all the way, let alone Small fishes and shrimps are aquatic plants. Robben has never seen one.

   But think about it, there shouldn't be anything that can grow in this kind of place.

Robben glanced at the cold water rocks that were slowly shimmering not far in front, and gently pulled Fanny's hand, and his vigilance increased a little more.\"Fanny, let's be careful , We are about to get those cold water rocks."

   The two came to the center of the pool carefully, everything was calm and there was no birth.

  Fanny looked around very vigilantly, but the water was clear and transparent. Turning around, I could see everything in the water clearly, and there was nothing suspicious at all.

  \"Roben, it seems to be safe here. There is nothing." Fanny looked up at the surface of the pond, and there was still nothing on it. The dense fog could even be seen clearly under the water.

Robben was extremely strange. Could it be that he and Fanny were lucky, and they still haven't encountered any trouble. The devil said that there are unknown monsters here, and they seem to be very powerful. When he came, he I have already felt something moving in the forest, but in the end it disappeared... disappeared without a trace.

   turned his head and looked around again, everything was clearly visible, Robben felt that he was too suspicious.

  \"Okay, Fanny, let's take these rocks and leave here immediately." With that, Robben stepped on a cold water rock that was obviously several times colder than the others.

Most of the pools are covered with turbulent rocks, and there is very little sediment. Some of these cold water rocks protrude from the bottom of the pool, while others are buried deep under the bottom of the pool. Robben took a look around and chose a large Part of the cold water rocks exposed in the water walked over with Fanny.

   After confirming that the surrounding situation is safe again, Robben squatted down gently, and a slight blue light flashed under the mud layer on his hands.

The thin friction sound disappeared instantly, the cold water rock, which was controlled by Robben to the right wind blade, passed through the body, and Robben gently lifted it with his hand. This cold water rock, nearly half human, was lifted by Robben. stand up.

   It's very cold, but it's as light as nothing. Robben didn't expect that this kind of rock is as light as a feather, holding it in his hand without any weight.

  \"This stone is so light" Robben couldn't help but uttered.

  Fanny said happily: "That's the best, lest it becomes a burden when we go up for a while."

  Roben couldn't help but smile, \"How come?" As he said, Robben's hand flashed with a black light, this cold water rock was taken into the space ring by Robben, and Fanny couldn't help but spit out her tongue.

  \"For the sake of safety, let's find another piece. If the Yanling says that it will cost two yuan to remove the calamity in our bodies, and we only bring one piece, then there is no reason to go."

Robben and Fanny stepped a lot faster this time. After finding a suitable cold water rock under the water, Robben once again cut the rock with a wind blade. This time, Robben asked Fanny to take the rock back to herself. In the ring.

   There is no danger at all. Apart from the unimaginable low temperature of the water, there is no particular threat to it.

   Robben said very happily: \"Fanny is OK, we leave here immediately, remember to be careful"

  Fanny is also very happy,\"Well, it's so cold here I will never come here again"

   A layer of faint light floated on both of them, their feet left the bottom of the pool and flew towards the surface of the water...

   Finally, anxiety grew in Robben and Fanny’s hearts again... spread...


\"Don’t panic... we came here uninvited and took things again, which made the owner unhappy here." Robben took Fanny’s hand tightly, and was floating quietly in the pool. , No longer flying upwards...

This waterhole, from the surface of the water, was only about ten meters away, and after coming down, Robben found that the waterhole was actually tens of meters deep. Walking all the way down, it also verified this, but now... …

With a pool of only a dozen meters deep, Robben and Fanny have already flown upward for nearly half a meal, but the surface of the water is still not far above their heads, and the dense fog on the shore is still clearly visible. The clear water of the pool suddenly seemed to become an endless abyss.

   looked down, at the bottom of the lake, not far from below, \"Fanny, let's go back..."

Fanny didn't speak, but she went back to the bottom of the pool with Robben in a panic, and stepped on the solid rock under her feet. Fanny looked a little ugly.\"Roben, we are trapped in this pool. Down, but not up"

   looked at the bottom of the water again, everything was very natural, there was nothing unusual at all, Robben frowned, \"Let's go up again"

It is still the same as it is, feeling that the pool water is rolling towards the back by his side, but the surface of the water in front of him, but no matter what, it can't reach it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Roben has used his mental power. After scanning it several times, there was no magic wave at all. It seemed that everything was what it was like before. This short distance of tens of meters, it is no longer known when it turned into a static time tunnel.

Raising his hand, a little cyan starburst shot out from Robben's fingertips. What surprised both Robben and Fanny was that this starburst stayed a few meters above the head, dragging it. The light tail seemed to be flying in a hurry, and the fine light spots behind were clearly visible. In the end, it turned into a streamer and dissipated in the water...

  \"It seems that I have to come hard Fanny and prepare to fight. If the expectation is good, enemies will appear soon"

Looking at the deadly silent pool around him, Robben sneered, "Is it possible that I haven't been burned to death by the disaster, but I have to freeze into ice in this pool? Now... Stir yourself in this calm and peaceful place"

   Robben's hands, the aqua blue light is shining urgently


  ! Smallest!!!!!! 6!

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  !!! The most!!!! Net!!.!



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