God Rank Hero

Chapter 997: Borrowing debt to complete tasks

For the current big fly, it is most important to complete the Leviathan mission quickly, so as to avoid night long dreams. Not to mention the noble mission of scrubbing the basin is waiting for you. Therefore, Da Fei missed the 1,500 single tribute of the Underworld Shrine Director. After the tribute was hard-earned, the current condition is that he is unwilling to miss it anyway.

So Da Fei immediately agreed to the conditions of the city owner.

The Lord of Thunderknife is overjoyed: "So the Warriors, let's sign the Poseidon, so that our contract will take effect."

As he said, he pulled out a piece of golden sea animal skin: "Look at the warrior, just sign up if you are satisfied."

Dafei quickly checked the contract:

——The owner of the lighthouse island city Dafei is willing to use the land ownership of the lighthouse island as a collateral, and owe 1,000 units of Poseidon tribute to the owner of the city of Leiji, return it one year later, and add 10,000 units of pearl interest. If the lighthouse archipelago city master Da Fei fails to complete the contract as promised, the territory will be arbitrated by the **** of the sea and owned by the thief city master. At the same time, during the period of contracting, the two sides are friendly trade relations with each other and must not attack each other. Once an active attack occurs by a party, it will be considered an active breach of contract. . .

Dafei frowned! It doesn't matter if you have credit or interest. Anyway, the Lighthouse Islands are contracting to let out, and the big guilds are carrying it down. The point is that the last sentence of the contract must not attack each other, that is, once this contract is signed, I cannot attack him? Does that mean he has been safe for a year?

When Dafei was in shock, Lord Leiji laughed and said, "Although there is 10,000 units of interest, the Warrior's wine shipment should be able to sell a good price and offset some of the interest. However, I suggest that the Warriors are not busy first. Pay interest. Instead, use the first money you make as your starting capital ... "

Is that so? sometimes. It feels too smooth, but Da Fei still feels uncomfortable. Da Fei always feels that he should talk about something. Although there are so many big guilds to resist, how can we not give everyone so much pressure?

Dafei coughed, "This, Master Leicheng, can you be cheaper?"

The owner of Leiji City immediately shook his head: "It can't be cheap. As usual, I lent the Triton tribute. The interest I received should also be the Triton tribute. I appreciate the warriors' willingness to maintain friendly relations with the warriors before using ordinary pearls as interest. I've lost money. "

Bargaining, bargaining is an attitude and a pleasure, not necessarily because you have to take a small advantage. The point is that you don't let it go at all. This makes the bargaining brother very frustrated, okay? Da Fei remembered that the tributes of the **** of the sea had snatched more than 200 units from George, and there was no need to borrow 1,000.

So Dafei asked again: "If I only borrow 800 units of Triton tribute, what is the interest?"

Lei Zhicheng laughed: "Then come in proportion, 8,000 pearls. How?"

Dafei's brow jumped, in fact, he can still bargain? but. Da Fei suddenly remembered that the **** of the sea sacrificed Heliana when she set off, and reminded: Because I don't know Leviathan's preferences, 1000 units is only the minimum standard. For insurance, the more the better.

In this case, is it enough for me to borrow one at a time? After all, this kind of diplomatic opportunity that can quickly get a lot of tribute may be missed and never again. This time, we must make good use of it.

As soon as Da Fei moved, he straightly said: "Master, the Leviathan has a changeable temperament. I don't know if she can be satisfied with 1,000 units. In order to insure I want to borrow 2,000 units, please ask the master."

After talking about Da Fei, he immediately bowed down and made a big gift. Playing games to this extent, Da Fei also worked hard.

Lei Jicheng was indeed silent for a long time, and finally spoke: "The warriors have something to say, but the 2,000 units of Poseidon tributes are not trivial."

Can do it! Don't be afraid that he will offer conditions, but he will not borrow!

Dafei gritted his teeth: "But Lord City Lord, this is the key moment to witness our friendship!"

The master of Leiji City nodded: "This way, since the Warriors have to borrow an additional 1,000 units of sea **** tributes, it is not impossible, but the interest must be handled in accordance with normal rules. After one year, you have to return me 1,000 units of sea **** tribute as interest, that is, I lent you 2,000 units of sea **** tribute, and one year later you have to repay me 3,000 units of sea **** tribute and 10,000 units of pearl. How about that? "

Dafei slaps his thighs: "Okay! Just do it! Sign up!"

The owner of Lei Ji laughed: "Okay, sign the contract. I believe that Livitan protects the warriors. The warriors will easily pay off my loan!"

Dafei laughed: "Thank you for your appreciation!"

The skin of the animal flickered and the contract was officially signed! At this moment, Da Fei and all citizens shareholders joining the Lighthouse Islands received a message at the same time:

——System Tip: Beacon Islands City has opened a friendly trade cooperation relationship with Leiji City, and signed the Poseidon Contract, with a debt of 3,000 units of Poseidon tributes and 10,000 units of pearls, please pay off within one year. Otherwise, Lighthouse Islands City is owned by Leiji City.

At this moment, the shareholders of the Blood Nine Royal Family in the ninth heaven of the stars were all shocked! Not because of debt, but because everyone doesn't even know what they owe! Of course, everyone knows a little bit about pearls. The key is what is the tributary tribute?

For a time, Dafei's friends flashed incessantly!

Da Fei sighed, Yeah, I used the wine that everyone bought to buy and sell. As a result, I did n’t have time to divide the accounts, but I owed a debt to the bottom! The key is whether this debt is for the benefit of my brother. No way, who is calling the chairman of the board without supervision? The point is, who dares to ask brother to supervise? Like Xiaoli Xiaofang in the city of Shenpu, the whole state of the connection to the headquarters of Xuewei is under full surveillance, don't think about it.

Rao is Da Fei's thick-skinned, but he can't help but open the message of President Xue Wei: "Fei, what's the debt? What is this sea **** tribute?"

Da Fei gave a cough, and immediately used his long-awaited rhetoric: "This city of Thunderknife is the most prosperous and powerful city in the Eastern world. I am owing protection fees. Otherwise, if you run the Chamber of Commerce in the Eastern Seas in the future, The pirates were robbed of shit. I believe that running a year with our guild power to pay off the protection fee is completely fine. As for the tribe tribute-- "

Dafei directly above the picture: "Very high-end things, everyone's goal in the future is this thing! Everything else is floating clouds!"

Xuewei Rose was really calmed on the spot: "You can still add attributes!"

Then Dafei explained to other friends one by one.

Now that the signing of the contract has been completed, the owner of Leiji City is also in a good mood: "Warrior, these 2,000 units of tributes will be shipped to your ship immediately. I have something urgent on the sea floor, see you next time!"

Dafei grinned and laughed, "OK, see you next time!"

And just as the Lord of Thunderkill turned and launched, he suddenly turned back: "Yes, I am reminding the Warriors that the 2,000 units of Poseidon Tributes are not trivial. Even if the Warriors have obtained the right to trade in the Empire's waters, it will not be guaranteed that other lords will treat you Disadvantage, warriors be careful. "

Da Fei's heart was stunned and he hurriedly said, "Thank you Lord Lord for reminding me!"

The last word of the Lord of the City really reminded Da Fei, but fortunately, in order to deal with this situation, he asked for a large army transfer scroll from the Elf King to transport troops and material convoys, but he could not transport ships.

Then just in case it's used up, everything is stable now. Yes, I will send Alicia, the Vice City Owner of the City of Light, to return and complete the Leviathan mission now! But it also meant that she would end the voyage early. But it doesn't matter, it's almost time to end the voyage when the brother gets the wave.

Under the **** of the guard, Da Fei returned to the harbor again. At this time, a squad of mermaids escorted a bunch of pearly sea **** tribute onto the ship under the **** of the squad Naga soldiers.

This is obviously not enough, it's time to sell wine! As for selling wine, of course, such a big deal still allows Deirdre to sell and let her rush to level 50! As soon as she passes the 50 level, she will become an official hero, and never worry about her hanging out!

However, if such a large deal is handled by Brother himself, he may be able to meet the employment requirements of an "arms transporter"? It doesn't matter, it matters. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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