God Rank Hero

Chapter 1015: Fei Ge organizes people into the mountains

At 18:30 in the evening, Dafei went online again after dinner. ⊙ At this point in the game, one day has passed and Serbia is almost back from the shipyard. If originally planned, Da Fei would probably take her to war. But now Dafei changed his mind.

Although it is necessary to prepare carefully to go to the foot basin area, the blood sea ore cannot be rushed into it. Not to mention she has worked hard all day, so let her rest first. Next stop, Oranto, the home of Teacher Wraith.

Da Fei opened the teleportation map of the elven kingdom, and suddenly found that there was no direct teleportation in this place? Do n’t even have a station? Lying down, is another child from a remote mountain village?

This time Fei Fei hurts, I am afraid it will take a bit longer. However, the more inconvenient the traffic is, the easier it is to reach. My brother has a **** horse to travel, my brother also goes.

So Dafei teleported back to the elven kingdom, and then to Oranto, the elven town closest to Oranto. Before he could admire the tree-lined town landscape, Dafei flew out of the city.

Needless to say, the flying style of the flying flames of Dafei Hell Horse once again attracted players' exclamation along the way. However, this Orlando is obviously the same as the Bucks Town, and it is not a developed town. It is not the development goal of the Grand Guild, and it is not very popular with ordinary players. There are not many players on the way.

Da Fei raced on the tree-lined road for more than ten minutes, and Oranto was in front of the map, but Da Fei's eyes were indeed a dense dense forest and there was no road.

Lying down! A sudden feeling of egg pain suddenly rushed into Da Fei's mind. Wouldn't the home of this genius, the great and unscrupulous teacher, be on the mountain?

Da Fei came to the end of the road, and a solitary system barracks stood at the foot of the mountain. A sign was hanging in front of the barracks: "Olanto Village Barracks. Please deposit troops before entering the village"!

Isn't it? Are the barracks built down the mountain? Is the entire mountain the site of their village? According to the urine of the game, is this a cat-and-cat test with the visiting players?

Da Fei had to summon the blood eagle to explore the mountain. And this misty forested mountain is extremely low in visibility. Things are getting more and more troublesome. The big rush in a hurry is also getting more and more painful.

During the search period, several green spots suddenly appeared on the Blood Eagle radar. Da Fei frowned, and hurriedly let the Blood Eagle fly closer to see, it was indeed several male and female players rushing between the mountains and forests. Is it a local player? Maybe they know the way? Yeah, just follow them and ask.

So Da Fei immediately went up the mountain. The forested mountains are the home of the unicorns. Hell horses are limited in walking in this terrain and are still stuck in the branches. It is better to walk directly. However, the logistics of Dafei Grand Master, plus the power and physical strength of the Crusader and Junior Ranger, even at full speed are not comparable to ordinary players, so it ’s not long before Dafei catches up with the players in front .

"Brothers in front, wait. Ask for directions!"

With this greeting from Da Fei, the men and women players stopped and looked around in amazement, shocked, "Da Fei? We read that right!"

"Yes, it's Dafei! The celebrities in China, the one who donated the prize money some time ago!"

"No, isn't it? He's a human. How could he catch up with our Elven Ranger in the mountains?"

"How impossible? He is Dafei, and God knows how powerful the skill attributes are!"

Dafei listened to the crowd's discussions, refreshed in his heart, and quickly stepped forward to ask: "Sorry, brothers, I ask a way, how do you get to Olanto Village?"

The players were shocked when the scene looked at each other. Then he replied: "We are looking for the village of Olanto, but we only know the general direction. We have not succeeded every time."

Sure enough, he is a fellow in the same circle! Dafei suddenly burst into joy: "Why didn't it succeed?"

The crowd was shocked: "Feige didn't know Olanto? The Hermit Ranger Village was surrounded by a number of different spaces. Even the village itself was in a different space. It was easy for small people to get lost when they entered. Powerful mountain giants blame clearing the field, it is not so easy to find. Moreover, here can not lead soldiers up the mountain, it is even more difficult to meet monsters! "

Let me go! Sure enough, it is the scene that tests the player!

Just then, a female player was pleasantly surprised and said, "Are Fei Ge going to Oranto? If there is a Fei Ge team to take us, then we must be fine."

A group of players then came back to God: "Feige, team up with us, there is Feige, it is not a problem to meet the mountain giant!"

Oh also, it's time to pretend in front of ordinary players! Da Fei laughed and said, "Okay, then team up!"

Everyone happily joined Da Fei, and then Da Fei met these 5 players who are all level 50, 3 men and 2 women, respectively, "Stealing Tmall", "Yuexingyuan", "Seaweed Brother", "Ziqinger" "" Dolls love fruit fruit ", all three male players are rangers, and of course both female players are blood druid nurses.

Dafei asked with a smile: "What method can I use to reach the village as quickly as possible?"

Brother Haiti is obviously the boss of this group of people. He hurriedly replied: "As far as I think, it is still hard to fight. It is the fastest way to defeat the guarded mountain giants. It is too wasteful to walk the maze."

Thieves replied, "But we have few people, and it is impossible for a mountain giant to appear?"

Zi Qing'er hurriedly said: "Unless we invite more players to form a group."

Brother Haiti smiled bitterly: "Who can we shout, others are not birds."

The doll Aiguoguo laughed: "But we have Fei Ge? As long as Fei Ge shouts a word on the regional channel, the players in the town must be crazy and come over to form a group!"

Zi Qinger was pleasantly surprised: "Yeah, yeah, Fei, as long as your guy is on the channel, we can directly push!"

Oh, brother has this appeal? At this moment, Dafei was really excited! Okay, let's try what the appeal of brother is! However, if the players in the town really don't have a bad face, then they will simply give out 100 yuan to shout on World Channel!

Da Fei asked: "How many people do you need to lead a goalkeeper?"

Haiti brother said busyly: "The first two times were the uphill activities organized by the town's Nightingale Guild, and 500 people led to the goalkeeper giant."

Da Fei said, "What then?"

Brother Seaweed replied: "Then the destruction of the regiment was costly, and the Nightingale Guild lost two times before it was organized."

That's it! OK, if even Brother can't drive them, then no one in China can drive them!

——World Channel [Dafei]: Orland Mountain Village, Orland Town, Elven Kingdom, organize a team to do mountain missions. Come around at level 50. Brother waits 20 minutes at the foot of the mountain.

——Regional Channel [Big Flying]: Orland Mountain Village, Orland Town, Elven Kingdom, organize a team. . .

At this moment, the regional channel erupted instantly: "The legendary flying brother has come to our town!"

——Regional Channel [Nightingale]: Feige! We are the Nightingale Guild of this town. There are more than 100 people.

Dafei laughed, "Come and come, shout all the people who know the town!"

Nightingale exults: "It's great! There is a flying brother in the mountains, it is hopeful!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!

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