God Rank Hero

Chapter 1019: Dafei's contribution

I got it right? !! Da Fei is incredible! This feeling is like when you took the key exams at school, you were so helpless that you had no choice but to answer a few multiple-choice questions. Fortunately, it is always long-lasting! No, no, no, this is not rampant. This is the ultimate subconscious answer to Brother ’s long-standing question. This is strength!

At this point, the village chief continued to wave his hand: "Sit!"

Da Fei sat down again excitedly: "Please enlighten me!"

The village chief said positively: "The ranger profession has a very impressive feature, that is, hate memory. Rangers can deal very high damage to several specific arms on the hate list, and they are very targeted. It is foolish to be hostile. "

Da Fei nodded again and again: "The village chief is right!" In fact, this is indeed the reason why Ranger pk is easy to use.

The village chief continued: "That is to say, to support the Ranger profession is not only the power of nature, but also the hate will of the Ranger himself, and your junior ranger is actually Tarana pouring all his hatred will to force you to attach Inheritance of heroes, so your ranger is an incomplete version of ranger, and the only support is hatred! It has nothing to do with the power of nature. Most of the ranger skills that ordinary rangers can learn cannot be learned. "

Dafei suddenly realized: "It turned out that my Ranger is incomplete! How do I upgrade?"

The village chief shook his head and sneered: "I was lazy to deal with you in the usual time, but for the sake of your being not stupid and about to cross the region, I'll give you a hand first-stretch your head over!"

It's done! It turned out that the brother had to thank him for taking on the national war mission. Otherwise, God knows how much predator missions should be received.

Dafei stretched his head forward in a hurry, this posture is not much different from kneeling. But he is also the teacher's father anyway. I can bear this worship.

at this time. The village chief put his hand on Da Fei's head. Then palms became red, and Da Fei felt a red light flowing all over his body. The whole room was also red, Da Fei knew that this was a direct transfer of skills!

Sure enough, the red light flashed:

——System Tip: Village Elder Taranna of Oranto Village teaches your ranger's special skill "Hate Accumulation"!

——Hate accumulation: Passive skills. Every time you kill an enemy, you will accumulate a certain amount of hatred. When the hatred value accumulates to a certain level, you can be promoted to the professional level of the Ranger. (Note: Your current hatred target is a demon creature)

That's it! Dafei overjoyed, "Thank you, the village chief!"

The village chief shook his head tiredly: "There are many ways to upgrade the level. The general common method is to use skill points. Some people who cannot use the skill points need to be understood or need to accumulate proficiency of specific skills. You have this Many master-level **** skills, you must know this very well, so this hate accumulation skill is specifically used to redeem the ranger level, to be precise, it is used to redeem the grandmaster ranger. And after the grandmaster ranger, also There is a special skill that can release the accumulated hatred value. The more hatred value is released, the greater the damage. Originally, this is the secret of non-transmission. But-the pass is passed to you, then say nothing. In the future, you can come back to learn skills after your career advancement. I'm tired, you can go! "

It turns out that this old man is still cold and warm in the final analysis! Dafei was overjoyed: "Village, please rest assured, Taranna is my teacher, and I will use my achievements to restore him to glory!"

The head of the village froze, and then raised his eyelids: "He is dead and he still cares about him? I can only teach you the skills in the future, and you can make our village glorious. Guard, drop off!"

What the hell! Your village wants to glorify a fart! Da Fei busyly said: "The student said goodbye to the teacher. The student will never disappoint the expectations of the two teachers and will definitely kill the Quartet."

The village chief said impatiently, "Go, go, and wait until you kill the Quartet."

Da Fei was busy saluting and left, and his heart was filled with emotion. It seems that this trip is worth it, because the next stop is to go to the Bloodsea Gem Mine to deal with the spider demon. Isn't this specifically designed for Brother to accumulate hatred value? Wa hahaha!

Just before Da Fei was about to go out, the tall guard who sent Da Fei out of the door suddenly said: "It seems that my father appreciates you very much. I am Tarana's brother. You can also call me Tarana. Let me see my brother's relic? "

Oh yeah Trigger the plot again? No wonder you were so dragged just now, it turns out that you are a younger brother, hello younger brother!

Dafei hurriedly took out the bow of the tree elf: "Please look at Mr. Taranna!"

The younger brother took a look and then shook his head and sighed: "This was originally a component of my brother's combination artifact Phantom Bow, but unfortunately only this one piece is left. I don't want to see my brother's relics lonely. I Just give you a difficult task, collect the other two components of Phantom Bow, Unicorn Mane, Angel Feather Arrow. Even if you can only bring one, I can integrate it in a special way. "

——System Tip: Taranana Little in Oranto Village will publish you the task of "Gathering Artifact Phantom Bow Components".

Da Fei suddenly stunned, and then laughed! Brother's last trip to the European Union was really true!

Dafei hurriedly pulled out the unicorn's mane: "Brother, uh, Mr. Taranna, please see!"

Taranna brow and exclaimed: "It is indeed a warrior appreciated by my father. It turned out to be prepared. Although it is not my brother's original, it is also good! The unicorn's mane is the most suitable material for making strings The light material itself has supreme magic, let me put this string on the bow of the tree elves! "

Between the words, Taranna glittered in his hands, then a white light flashed, and the system prompted a bang:

——System Tip: You have completed the collection of unicorn mane in "Collection of Artifact Phantom Bow Components", and you get the s-class strategic treasure "Unicorn Wooden Bow" reassembled by Little Taranna!

-Unicorn wooden bow: s-level strategic treasures, accessories, heroic archery effects increased by 40%, long-range troops damage +1.

Dafei frowned: "The two can be combined, and the attributes seem to be more than the two pieces together!"

Taranna proudly said, "Of course, because this is what I assembled for you. Combining with you warriors yourself is not a concept at all, at least it can help you make a place for accessories."

That's right, the key is to make a space for equipment after 2 in 1! Da Fei nodded again and again, seeing how the younger brother looked at it. "Thank you Mr. Taranna, does that know the whereabouts of the last component angel feather arrow?"

Taranna said lightly, "You are from the Church of Light. You should know this better than me."

As it turns out, Da Fei was busy: "I will find a way, thank you Mr. Taranna."

My brother really sighed, "Go, go, I really envy you those free warriors ..."

Da Fei couldn't help but hesitated, what seemed to have connotation? However, there was no time to discover the connotation, and Da Fei was relieved to walk out of the administrative department.

At this time, the whole village was crowded with people, all of them were players entering the village. There are long lines in front of each npc.

Seeing that Da Fei appeared, Nightingale Seaweed and his party immediately crowded the crowd and rushed to Da Fei: "Fei Brother, Fei Brother completed the task? Is there anything else we can help?"

Dafei laughed and said, "My mission is to spread a message, and it's done. How is everyone's situation?"

Nightingale feels: "The npcs in the village are very dragged, the dialogue triggering tasks are not easy, and the hidden skills are not so easy to learn. It seems that we have to continue our struggle here. But anyway, this is already a huge Leap. "

Haiti brother said busyly: "Fei brother, we are so lucky to meet Fei brother, can we take the liberty to add a friend to Fei brother? Fei brother can call us at any time in the future, anytime!"

The Nightingale also hurriedly said, "If Fei Brother doesn't dislike it, add me a friend, our guild can help Fei Brother!"

Da Fei laughed with a smile: "Okay, just add a few of you, I can't be too busy with too many people."

The crowd rejoiced: "Thank Fei Ge, rest assured, we will never disturb Fei Ge!"

Not bad! Dafei laughed: "Okay, then I'll go first. Although the npc here is dragged, but as long as they scold humans and other elves in the elven kingdom for their hypocrisy, they will be more comfortable and talk better. "

The crowd suddenly realized: "Thank you Fei Ge for pointing! We send Fei Ge out of the village!"

Therefore, under the greeting of the Nightingale, the crowded players in the crowd immediately split a road and shouted, "Thank Fei Ge! Fare to Fei Ge!"

Wow ha ha ha, what I want is this cool.

. . . . . .

At this time, the video of the Raiders of the Oranto Village has already become the headline of the China Forum, and it has shocked other regions in the world. It's not just that Da Fei has demonstrated amazing tactical skills. The significance of this battle is that at least 2,000 ordinary Chinese players can learn to hide skills.

what does this mean? Its significance is no less than that of the Crusaders in the European Union, where thousands of people took office. However, those who have served the Crusaders in the European Union are already experts and do not care about being stronger. But these 2,000 people in China are just ordinary players, which means that there are 2,000 extra troops in China.

Dafei's contribution to China has attracted worldwide attention.

At this time, the ancient stars have responded quickly and issued instructions to the following people: "I will arrange for me and the president of the Nightingale Guild to meet to discuss the cooperation and support plan. We will help them to receive all 2,000 Into the guild. "

"Roger that!"

That's right, a huge new guild in China is about to rise. He is a nightingale. This time, the ancient ancient stars wisely adopted the cooperative support method instead of the objectionable digging and recruiting. Otherwise, the other side would fall all the way to Dafei, which ancient ancient stars would not like to see.

From the point of view of the Nightingale's combat command, it is indeed amateur, and it does require professional guilds to guide it. As for funding, it is even more necessary. Prospects for cooperation are unlimited, and the national war in China is expected to break.

I have to say that this time, even the ancient stars also thank Dafei indirectly. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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