God Rank Hero

Chapter 1022: Brushing hatred is a pain

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Lilim advances! Looking at Lilim's one-time promotion to such an exaggerated attribute, Dafei hurriedly checked Lilim's current attributes:

——Lilim Siren: Large-scale marine spirit elite, attack 165, defense 280, damage 194-224, life 9750, attack speed 10, movement speed 9, mana 1300, magic resistance 75%, ice resistance 95%, Command value: 650, Stunts: Intermediate demon blood, marine life, upgrade evolution (during skill cooling), ring of ice, shield of ice.

Intermediate Demon Bloodline: Lilim restores 3% life and mana per second.

Vampiric Aura: Lilim's Vampiric Aura allows you and your allies to gain 3% of your physical attack vampire effect.

. . . . . .

Dafei drew a breath of sigh of relief, this burst of table damage, this is the attribute of elite Lilim! And this is like the defense of the 3rd-level city wall with the recovery of the middle-level demon blood and the high-damage blood-sucking aura. This is exactly the tank harvester of the low-level soldiers! Not to mention the extent to which Lilim will be dominated by the addition of the brother's anti-sky attribute. Breakout is now!

But calm down! So far, Da Fei has encountered a lot of powerful arms. The comprehensive attributes of Douglas, especially the maneuverability, which was first encountered in the dwarf prison are definitely stronger than the current Lilim, but Still hacked to death by Mao Shen.

Then the Earth Elemental Altar Guardian, who was compiled in the space of the gods, was also full of blood. But Douglas learned a lesson. Da Fei is also afraid that it will be hacked to death. Elemental Minions are also collecting earth damage exclusively for World Channel.

After all, this wave of ss-class arms may have no solution to physical attacks, but they are afraid that others will set magic to fire and kill, and she has only one shot. There are no soldiers who help her share magic damage in the same tactical position. Be more cautious.

So Dafei hurriedly greeted Serbia and Elena: "Our army will immediately start a counterattack. You must pay attention to interrupting the opponent's destructive magic."

"Got it!"

Then there is nothing to say, counterattack!

this moment. Lilim is like an eight-claw tank, jumping directly from the top of the fly to join the front line of battle-yes, this is also the default stunt of some large arms, can directly overcome small arms and low obstacles on the battlefield So that the battlefield is not blocked and bloated because of the appearance of large arms. It is needless to say that Angel Griffin is a large flying unit that can fly. Even unicorns have the ability to jump like antelopes. Of course, human level 6 knights seem to be very painful at this point.

And as Lilim joined the battle group, the battles on the front line were even more devastating, and they started to push backwards! After all, with Lilim's body size attracting and bearing damage in the front, the angels in the back will of course get great physical recovery time.

And just then. The system prompts a jingle:

——System Tip: Your ranger skills and hatred accumulated 10,000 points of hate power, and your ranger level was successfully promoted to intermediate!

Oh yeah! Brother Wannian's junior ranger has finally been upgraded through this simple but not rude way! Although upgrading to the intermediate level will not allow you to have more attribute points. But some vocational skills can only be learned by high-level vocations. Not to mention that the junior ranger severely restricted his sage cause, he must at least fully train all his part-time jobs as masters.

Now Dafei's team rushed out of the passage and reached the blood pond pit.

At this time, Da Fei has two choices, either to break all the way back to the ground island, first save Lilim, and then come again next time. However, this is tantamount to admitting that his attack failed. And there is still a problem. Now Lilim is only 650 points, and the rate has been seriously exceeded. It is estimated that the artifact cannot be transmitted.

Then only the second best, staying at the entrance on the island. It is believed that the power of Mao God cannot be released so far, and the spider monster on the ground can be resurrected. As long as he held it, Dafei was slowly trying to find a way, either to go back and continue to transport ammunition and soldiers to send reinforcements, or to send the Feixiang to the entrance of the Blood Sea Vortex to take the flying troops back to the city.

And the other option is that Da Fei wants to see what is going on with this Mao God's resurrection spider demon army? After the battle of the Undercurrent Temple, Dafei knew that as long as the sea soul battle sucked the enemy's soul, even the enemy soldier could not be resurrected. So Da Fei now wants to fight with each other in the water, and see if the sea soul battle can restrain Mao God, if it can, then say nothing, counterattack Mao God!

Then fight, Da Fei Corps, under the leadership of Lilim, swill into the blood.

——System Tip: When you enter the naval battle environment, the extreme survival of the god-level navigator skills comes into play. Your army ’s maximum physical strength is increased by 50%. Your ultimate sea monster hunter ’s achievement is brought into play, and your army ’s maximum physical strength is increased by 20%!

come on! Water battle is your real home, not to mention the Penalty Crusader, which increases the damage to dark creatures by 50%, and the ranger's hatred strike bonus. Fighting demons in the water, this effect can hardly be imagined. !!

The disadvantage is that Dafei lost the channel terrain advantage and the spider demons started to besiege on all sides. However, even if the siege is on all sides, with the defensive bonus of Dafei like a city wall and the 30-point army bonus, even the vine monster is not able to move by ordinary spiders, which makes Dafei instead. The overall pressure on the troops has been greatly reduced.

That is to say, even if all the vine monster ammo is used up, it can still be used as a flying meat shield!

At this time, another spider demon fell in front of the Dafei unit, and a slight red mist began to emerge from the spider demon's body and entered the sea soul battle in Serbia, able to **** the soul!

Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! Souls are all sucked. Are you showing up to Brother? Counterattack Mao God!

and many more! Still calm down! Don't be complacent at the critical moment!

Although the other party can't be resurrected, most of the spider demons killed by themselves are small and medium-sized cannon fodder spiders, and the large ones did not kill much. When the spider heroes fled here, there were hundreds of remaining spider spiders, which means that the opponent's main force was still there, and their ammunition was not much, and there was no state of starting a decisive battle. And the spider demon hero has never appeared, which is even more fraudulent, so we must not rashly kill God.

Just then Serbia frowned: "Captain, did you notice that the sea soul battle can absorb the soul of the small spider, but it cannot absorb the soul of the medium-sized spider!"

Da Fei's heart jumped next: "Is this still happening?" Well, npc said yes there is! The situation that the sea soul battle cannot **** the soul on the water, Da Fei has only encountered it once, that is, the orcs of the slave fleet in the east!

That is to say, it must be the opponent's Mao God sheltering the souls of large and medium spiders, so that they will not be sucked out by the sea soul battle! If so, counterattack Mao Shen is even more unrealistic! Maybe this task is not the kind of fast beheading that was imagined at first, but a battle of attrition!

OK, the hatred value of the consumption war brushes the rank brother favorite! Dafei made a decision immediately: "Withdraw! First break into the cave entrance!"

As a result, the team was fighting and fighting, all the way back to the entrance to the burrow, at this time the Fujimon army really did not have ammunition. But this also means that Da Fei is invincible.

Dafei handed over the beacon of space, the orb of artifact transfer, and his ammunition bag to Deirdre: "You fly back to the ground alone to escape the battle, and then teleport back to the city to replenish the ammunition. You can also bring troops over. Orb's cooldown time is teleported! "

Deirdre nodded: "Master, the cooling time for transmitting Orb is one day, which means that I can only come over a day later, the master must stand up."

Dafei grinned: "Of course, it is no problem for an opponent of this level to stand up to one day."

"I see! Then I'm gone!" Between words, Deirdre leaped to the sky and flew off the ground.

That's right, if you can't hurt yourself with a hairy man, you will lose it. How can you justify your own artifact? If there is endless ammunition on board, why is that so? OK, brother is here to brush the hatred value and pain, let alone, brother has 2 bottles of instant medicine full of blood and blue invigorating potions, 5 bottles of the abyss lord grid blocking medicine, brushing it for a day is absolutely no problem. (My novel "God Heroes" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign "Add friend" at the top right, Search for the public account "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated and faster!


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