God Rank Hero

Chapter 1025: Decapitation in the realm of time

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and want to receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to "God Heroes"! When thinking of Serbia also saying hello, Da Fei felt a little complicated.

So Da Fei asked Serbia, "What do you think of Deirdre's trip?"

Serbia said lightly: "Even if there is no gain, there should be no problem in seeing the Duke casually say a few words to increase friendship."

Lying down! you know too much! Dafei asked, "Are you sure?"

Serbia said indifferently: "Of course, isn't the existence value of the female succubus and succubus a charmer to please the big man?"

Charm please? Dafei suddenly realized: "Did you order Deirdre?"

Serbia was right: "Is it not the captain's current strategy to use the Duke? Of course, I have to do my part as a client."

Dafei was shocked on the spot! A little nun who will make a beauty! What's wrong with this world? And what about the dead lord who can count on Chinese and Americans? The thought of his wife asking another wife to wear a hat for himself, Da Fei's heart broke instantly.

At this moment, Deirdrie, wearing a blue-and-white bodysuit and carrying a transparent cicada, appeared on the streets of São Paulo again causing a stir.

"Look, Da Fei's deputy is back on the street!"

"Oh my god, wasn't this heroine a banshee before? What exactly is this now?"

"Is there any truth? Well, x has let Dafei give it to x!"

"Behold, the deputy heroes can enter the Duke's Mansion! I have been on the mission for two months and I can't enter now!"

"I can't take it anymore, I just want a heroine. Why haven't the taverns found heroines so far!"

"That is, isn't it to say that the chance of a heroine is adjusted after a good game, is the game company a lie?"

. . . . . .

At this time, any movement of the Blood Wei Studio and the city of St. Paul can't escape the eyes of the gossip of Wei Wei's beautiful women.

Wei Qiqi sighed: "As soon as we returned the book to Dafei, this banshee was born and reborn. I always think we are still a little bit lost. At least Dafei must tell us this Besib strategy. what."

Xue Wei's holy gun said faintly: "Da Fei is not your brain powder. Don't expect him to take the initiative to send the beauty to the beauty."

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "Who said? It's just that Da Fei usually has no chance. You see Da Fei sending a joy to Shen Mei and Ding Mei in the city of punishment. This is no different from other men. . Not to mention that the performance of Da Fei in the clothes before is no different from those hanging men, after all, men are not the same. "

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "That is, I am in the city of divine punishment. Dafei is not the same as sending gifts to me."

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "You? I think you still forget it, you used to scold him in the street in front of Da Fei, you didn't count on it."

Xuewei Qiqi cut a voice: "Big deal, I'm sorry to him, give him a little face, and then he is not obedient to give me things."

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "Are you sure?"

Xuewei Qi snorted coldly.

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "Let ’s say that before, there was no chance to meet and then I didn't say anything. We will simply arrange for you to meet with Da Fei to see if Da Fei will bow down your skirt."

Xuewei Qiqi was surprised: "How to arrange?"

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "Sister An, these two days, we are discussing cross-regional wars in Japan. We are also the first guild in China. If you do n’t send a personal statement, you ca n’t justify it. Send Qiqi? If Da Fei is willing to take her to fly. That is to say, if she does not take her to fly, then she will return to the septic tank and take a bath. "

Xue Wei Shenggun laughed: "Isn't it? Then when Qiqi went to Japan, those otaku men in Japan were still not surrounded by Kiki on the street? Kiki could bear it?"

The beauty in the studio laughed: "Kiki can bear the pit, but she's afraid of the siege of the uncle?"

Blood Weiqiqi was furious: "Go and go! I have to decide on this position, no one should fight with me!"

. . . . . .

1:30 am Beijing time. A new day has come and Da Fei is well prepared for the night. At this point Dafei brushed another two hours of hatred. There are tens of thousands of spider monsters killed. And Da Fei did not see any signs of diminishing the power of this spider hair god. On the contrary, countless small spiders swarming in the blood under the silk cocoons, and there is no sign of a decline in the number. This reproduction ability is simply amazing.

In other words, is this spider demon **** in spider form? My family's Lilim is also a spider, shouldn't they be relatives? If so, is this Mao God also Lilim?

While thinking about it, the system prompts:

——System Tip: If you spend more than 2 days in the special waters, you and your team hero will gain the additional experience of “nautical training” of the god-level navigator skill + 1.12 million, and your team will gain additional growth potential!

Da Fei was so excited that another day passed, and should Deirdre come?

Sure enough, after a while, more than a dozen green dots rushed behind the radar, and it was Deardley who returned again:

——System Tip: Your Deputy Hero Deirdrie leads 15 Leader Angel Forces to join your team!

coming! Bring almost all the angels of Brother! Brother has to win this battle!

At this time, Deirdre flew down and overjoyed: "Master, Duke Markar was very pleased to hear my report of the situation. He also appreciated the host's caution and he sponsored an artifact to support the host!"

——The system prompts: You get the artifact “Time Hourglass” leased by Duke Makar.

——Time Hourglass: Renting an artifact, after using the artifact, a realm of slowing time will be created around the user. The user and the army are not affected by time deceleration, but the user must use his own time to pay for the loss of time in the field. (The leased items cannot be dropped or traded. After using this artifact, users will not be able to upgrade for a longer period of time.)

Dafei was startled suddenly: "It's time hourglass again!"

Delderly laughed: "But this time the artifact is different from the last one. Only the user was not affected by the time slowdown last time, and this time the user ’s troops were not affected by the time hourglass! So The best thing about this artifact is the use of his master. And the Lord Duke also said. As long as the master can complete this task perfectly, this hourglass artifact will be his reward for supporting his master in cross-region operations. "

Let me go and give the reward in advance! Makar, why are you so dragging? And thinking of Makar's time control, how can he be against him?

Da Fei looked at Serbia in shock, Serbia looked pale! Needless to say, she was scared too. But anyway, let's move forward step by step. The last time I slaughtered Hydra at a critical moment by the hourglass. And this time, the resurrected Mao Shen is even less in the eye!

Dafei said positively: "Very good. Now that the reinforcements and ammunition have been replenished, everyone adjusts the skill cooling and physical preparation for the total attack!"

"Roger that!"

Finally, after all preparations were completed, the Da Fei Corps attacked the cocoon with no worries.

at this time. The whole blood of the sea of ​​blood suddenly boiled like boiling water. The soaring speed of a group of sub-heroes soaked in the water suddenly stagnated, and their health values ​​began to go crazy!

Da Fei's surprise intersection, and she really has an ambush! Brother foresight is also a god! However, this dung pit only affects the brother who is soaking in the water, and has no effect on the brother's angel cannon emperor army!

At this moment, the long silent laughter came again: "Human, you are wrong to be in the **** domain that should not involve my tribe, you will be punished by blood!"

At this moment, there was a large red spot on the Dafei radar. Countless spider monsters on the ceiling are mixed with cobwebs to fly down, and countless giant spiders in the sea of ​​blood suddenly show up!

It was also at this moment that Da Fei finally saw the long-lost Naxahaha among the spiders. His body is like a tank with a metallic streamer, and the dazzling blood-red hero aura is like a gundam in the dark, so shiny and so dazzling!

You finally came out, brother clearly saw a "shit" on your head! Go shit!

——The system prompts: When you use the hourglass, you get 5 seconds of static stagnation effect!

Da Fei uses the artifact without hesitation! This moment. A golden mask spreading and covering the entire audience, in the mask. The cobwebs hanging down, the giant spiders outcropping, and the boiling blood and water instantly settle!

The world is still before the eyes of Da Fei. This is the realm of God!

In the realm of gods that only God can fight against, Dafei doesn't know if this realm can last for 5 seconds under the resistance of Mao God, but Dafei knows that beheading this Naksahaha will not take 5 seconds!

Not waiting for the command of Da Fei, Deirdre, who had been tactically prepared before the war, activated the cursed armor special effects for the first time. The Angel Legion, the Artillery Regiment, and the Fujin Legion flew up against the still spider web. The next moment, Da Fei immediately started the lucky hand, and a rainbow light rose to cover the whole army!

Then in the next moment, the light of light of the invisible hand opened the light field, and the Dafei Legion instantly shrouded in the light field-after beheading the enemy heroes, Dafei had to clear the field by the healing bonus of the light field!

After Da Fei made a big move in one go, the emperor and the vine demon also reached the range, and dozens of flame chains and nearly a hundred magic bullets were woven into a gorgeous barrage whistling and intertwined at one point!

——Boom boom boom boom! !! !! A sea of ​​fire and magic shines! Hundreds of single-digit lucky blow damage jumped out!

Da Fei was shocked, what a defense!

And the next moment, the force angel army flew down-chopped! Blade light and blood light intertwined, misery and fire light coexist!

——System Tip: You beheaded and killed the enemy hero Naksaha, and the enemy lost the hero's leadership to enter the autonomous combat state!

Beheading success! Da Fei Chang Tian laughs! What is the difference between a lost army and a monster!

At the next moment, the golden light in the time domain collapsed, the world began to run again, countless cobwebs fell from the sky, and the artillery emperor flower demon legion fell into the blood and could not fly. Hundreds of giant spiders are continuing the previous instructions to launch a siege to the Flying Army!

And all this is no longer a threat! (The novel "God Heroes" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign "Add friend" on the upper right and search the public No. "qdread" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued)



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