God Rank Hero

Chapter 1035: Dafei undefeated myth shattered?

Elf Kingdom Staff, high-end players of the Star Guild are still busy running errands all night. It's also a errand. Naturally, errands in the General Staff are higher-end than the errands in the countryside.

But errands are, after all, errands. In a non-war state, even the staff's errand task may not be much better than the gain of copying a copy. However, as a professional player, there is no choice for the goal, no matter how boring, you must persist.

The appearance of Dafei in the staff is only an episode, and it will not affect any of the professional players' minds.

However, when Uranus returned to the staff to hand over the mission again, the atmosphere of the staff changed, and all the officers plotted the map in front of the magic sand table. The elder looked at the radar on the wall with a serious look!

This is the breath of war!

Uranus was excited and hurried forward and asked, "Elder, do you need any help from us? The more dangerous the better!"

The elder patted his thigh: "The warrior is here! We just found a demon dwelling point in an unknown space deep underground, and now we have captured it-your mission is to enter the dwelling point , To assist the defensive forces in defense and reconnaissance of the enemy situation around them, immediately transmit to the front to report to General Sora! "

Received a war mission! Uranus was overjoyed, and the drowsy spirit suddenly snapped up. Receiving the mission, the mission teleported, and the guild of the Stars crossed the gate of the forest to reach a heavily guarded waterside town.

Just then, some team members found the flying number parked on the dock: "Captain, it's a big flying boat!"

"Don't you say that Da Fei returned from New Oriental's death in advance? His ship returned so soon?"

"This ship is broken like this, the mast and the roof are all gone. No wonder the fly is out of class. It seems that it is not bad!"

"It turns out that Da Fei isn't invincible. One by one blows all the gods."

Uranus was awakened now, and it was no accident that Da Fei appeared in the staff, and we were fighting him again. But looking at Feixiang so declining, Uranus suddenly had a good mood! As the world's top professional player, he has been overwhelmed by the depression of an amateur player.

Yes, Da Fei is not invincible! After all, professional players are also people, and they have a sense of mind.

Uranus was in a good mood and immediately took a screenshot to record the video and report the latest situation to the president.

At this time, the ancient stars had been overnight for the third consecutive day, when the following report was received. The ancient stars couldn't help it: It turned out that Da Fei lost the battle really did this?

Anyway, this is indeed a very worthwhile thing to do. Dolele is not as good as Zhonglele, and by the way, the stars can "catch" the big fly in the wild like a star, and the ancient stars will send the video screenshot to the joint team. Chat room, this time, the ninth heaven royal family Tu Longxue Wei and shocking thunder and so on all know.

And when everyone laughed at how many soldiers Feifei lost, Shocking Thunder was happy to send screenshots to brothers to watch, it is estimated that it won't be long before players around the world will know.

Da Fei had no idea that his invincible myth had been shattered, at this time. Dafei's main force is making noise outside the city, while Dafei himself hangs up in the ancient tree to meditate. The Bloodhawk followed Tamilia all the way to the old mining area where the secret passage provided by the cavemen heroes was located.

Fortunately, the Demons have not had the arrogance to protect the old mining area with the city walls, except for a small number of flying magic patrols, which are basically no different from the original abandoned sites. It can be seen that the significance of the existence of this old mining area is to allow players to find infiltration and complete the task by another method.

Then there is nothing to say, Tamillah easily escaped the patrol, all the way without fear and danger, and once again reached the ceiling vent above the underground bathhouse. Then the sight in front of him moved with another big fly.

The former bathhouse has become a melting furnace of magma. Except that the hot spring in the middle of the lobby bath is still spraying water, there is no extravagant scene of the day. Looking around the hall, dozens of flame elements patrolled back and forth in the magma hall. Only on the ceiling of the hall were faintly seen dried rattan. Needless to say, the devil must have cleared the vine with flames.

But since Tamelia said she felt the breath of Sacred Vine, it means that she is not dead.

Sure enough, Tamilia whispered to the Bloodhawk: "Sir, there is only one strain of Sacred Vine. This strain has shrunk in the spring water, and the strength of this strain is far more than the sum of the five at that time, so even if You can feel its breath far from outside the city. If you want to recycle it, you must activate it, and also destroy these fire elements. It is not difficult to destroy these elemental creatures with the power of this holy vine, but my I am worried that other enemies may be disturbed by the battle. I have two options. Please ask the Lord Lord! "

——The system prompts: You have received the request from Tamilia's offense: 1. Attack immediately. 2. Wait. Please select an instruction.

Da Fei's brow jumped, and it was so cool to have the Blood Eagle in battle. The way Tamillas behaves is really reassuring. OK, since only this one is left, it should really be careful, after all, brother has two days and is not in a hurry. Then choose 2, wait for the opportunity, and wait until the brother opens the situation on the main battlefield, or send angel troops directly to protect the field.

Alicia whispered, "Yes, I'll wait in peace."

The following things are waiting, patience is also a necessary quality of a commander. Especially the siege war, if you are impatient, it will make you impatient. Now Da Fei stopped the blood eagle in the ceiling opening and continued to monitor the field. Then he turned his attention to the drowsy main battlefield with noise.

At this time, 5 am Tokyo time.

While Dafei was waiting patiently, the Japanese Mitsubishi team was impatient. In the face of the threat of Da Fei's attack on the homeland, and the main players were restrained by "friendship" in the European Union, the Mitsubishi team had a dilemma, and it was extremely painful.

At this moment, an interesting thing was revealed on the game forum in China. The flying mast of the flying Fei flying ceiling was severely damaged!

The Mitsubishi team was shocked, and immediately studied the video screenshot carefully. get conclusion. Really hit hard! The mast is a post inserted from the surface deck to the bottom of the ship. If the mast is broken, it will definitely affect the hull structure below the deck, that is, the teeth will be broken and the ribs will be damaged. The actual damage is definitely more serious than it seems, let alone the 4 masts are completely broken!

The Mitsubishi team can already imagine that the interior of the Dafei ship may have started to fall apart. Of course, the most important point, as stated in the forum post, is that the myth of the invincible Da Fei battle is finally shattered! Da Fei is not so invincible and terrible as expected. He also loses his ranks!

At this moment, the confidence of the Mitsubishi team suddenly improved. Igarashi finally made up his mind: "Take down the EU area in tomorrow's total attack!"

That's right, because of the threat of Da Fei, the European Union took the opportunity to strengthen friendship as an excuse to allow the Japanese national team members to continue their selfless dedication. Then the European Union will return to Japan by participating in the Japanese war.

If Da Fei is so horrible, Igarashi may really have to compromise at the expense of 15 main players. But now it seems that Da Fei can't do this, so there is no need to pay attention to the requirements of the European Union, and what to do is to do so.

As a result, the Mitsubishi team immediately made the final preparations for tomorrow's final battle.

. . . . . . .

——System Tip: Your Hua Yao apprentice militia unit has undergone the baptism of battle, and its courage has been greatly improved. Promoted to Flower Demon Militia. Attack +1, life +1. Mana +3. The three-day time limit for stunt short-term expeditions has been increased to one week.

——System Tip: Your co-hero Serbia gets the information of Master Bard.

——System Tip: You get the information of the expert bard.

When the system prompts Ding Dong Lian Lian, Da Fei suddenly wakes up!

Dafei doesn't know when he fell asleep! I have to say that the monotonous flute of this demon is really hypnotic! Dafei hurriedly checked the situation on the Bloodhawk's side. Nothing happened. The main battlefield, of course, is the good situation!

Upgraded! The flower demon militia finally stopped apprenticeship, and he and Serbia got the information of the bard. Based on Da Fei's experience in training the artillery emperor of the Crossbow Artillery, when the flower demon is fully grown, it is estimated that his own bard can also be a master. This is the value of lying training!

Dafei hurriedly checked the time, only at 5 am, and only slept for half an hour. And the half-hour can make the demon promotion once. This upgrade is so easy that Da Fei can't think of it. That is to say, it is not completely impossible to make the demon multiple upgrades in the next time?

While Dafei was very happy, the observer who had been observing the words came to Dafei to clap and laughed: "First of all, congratulations on the improvement of the army of the adults, which can make the flower demon behave like this. The master of the city has to be impressive. .I'm afraid that even the heroes of the flower demon may not reach the level of the master of the city. "

Flower monster specialty? The special features of the 0th level soldiers seem to have never been in the game except for the first epic hero in the Chinese area at that moment.

Dafei grinned and said, "Adults have won prizes, too."

The observer said positively: "However, in addition to the superior commanding ability of adults, fighting against powerful enemies can also make the army grow rapidly, so I have to remind the Lord Lord, our opponents are extraordinary!"

Dafei was shocked. This is the thing that Dafei is most worried about. Last time the fat man in the rice bucket was hung up, of course the Devil had to send a strong general over.

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Is it a hero?"

The observer said positively: "Obviously. Through my half-day observation of the enemy ’s urban defense, the power of the enemy sentry tower is very terrible, and the fire point arrangement of the sentry tower is also very reasonable and meticulous. I am afraid that our elaborate generals may not be able to At this level, this is a hero who is very good at defense. Hell tribe has always advocated offense, and **** generals who can have such defense ability are already able to guess the name of the opponent! "

Dafei asked, "Who?"

Deirdre said, "Drieb! That is the female demon I met when I was an apprentice under Cyrillic, and she taught me the artillery profession." (See Chapter 129, " Hidden Pro Artillery "

Dafei was shocked at the spot: "Epic hero Dylib !?"

Let me go. In the **** tribe, no hero is more impressive than her. The crossbow cannon she commands is completely artillery. Deirdre inherited her skills and could have blown up a lot, but unfortunately, she either dared not take Deirdre to battle, or did not use a crossbow gun at the high end.

The observer said positively: "Yes! If it is a general demon general who sees such a small number of our army, it will definitely not tolerate our provocations and will definitely take the initiative to kill the city. But she did not do so. This is a very deep mind A hot female demon. "

Da Fei Shen said, "That is to say, she is waiting for the demon reinforcements to attack the dock?"

The observer nodded: "Of course, but Dilib is still a little different. Her biggest hobby is turning the city wall into a meat grinder. At this point, she is inconspicuous. She should be waiting for our army to gather, and when she thinks that she must start siege, she will give us a lesson. But-if this mine is not trivial and she is not allowed to make any mistakes, then it is impossible to say, everything is all possible."

Deirdrie also said: "Dirib's rank is higher than that of Hirir, who was the Overseer of the Light at that time. If her generals are dedicated to guarding a mine, it can be seen that this mine is really extraordinary. Everything Anything is possible. "

Da Fei nodded: "It makes sense."

The observer said positively: "Yes, if this mine is so important, of course, our elven kingdom should continue to increase troops to accompany it to the end. OK, I will send a report to the headquarters, and the Lord Lord will continue."

Da Fei busily said: "Master Observer is slowly busy."

Dafei sighed secretly, it was really a branch outside the festival, the muddy water was getting deeper and deeper. However, how deep the brother must be, let the NPC stand. In short, it is still early to forget the recovery of Sage Vine.

Speaking of Sheng Teng, Da Fei suddenly had a strong uneasiness in her heart. If it is a common devil with thick leaves and leaves, just leave a living mouth. But this Dilib is a scrupulous female demon. Will it be so easy for my brother to recover the vine? There must be fraud and ambush! And it is definitely not afraid of the big ambush that hangs the player!

If you think about it, Dafei subconsciously touched the magic ball of the invisible hand. The blood eagle can only see the scene inside the bath hall, and the scene outside the hall can only use the area surveillance function of the artifact.

A magic light flashed, and the magic ball immediately showed the scene outside the hall. There are no soldiers, but there is a machine like a siege collision on the wall, and then the system prompts:

——The system prompts: You have found a suspicious mechanical mechanism!

organ! Da Fei's heart jumped, and she was cheating.

Maybe it was discovered by an outside organization, which led to a flaw in the lobby, and the perspective of the blood eagle also began to explode. The system prompts:

——System Tip: Your blood eagle god-level reconnaissance found suspicious loose stones in the corner! It is very likely that the hall will collapse!

Dafei suddenly realized that this is the rhythm to kill the main force of brother! Sure enough it's overcast and cruel!

(Sorry everyone, it's migraine with eyeball pain, today it can only be 1 more) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!


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