God Rank Hero

Chapter 1037: Attack of the epic hero Dribb

Now Dafei's troops, under the guidance of the ancient Nasir trees, are advancing towards the old mining area. Maybe it was realized that the situation had changed, and the garrison, which had been standing still, finally acted.

The next moment, the city gates opened, and the **** horses and **** dogs of the brigade swarmed out. Then the big flying radar flashed again and again, and a large number of Level 2 soldiers and demon warlords shot from the hidden mine entrance. Da Fei's troops are under the siege of the enemy!

Let me go. This ambush is not entirely dependent on the authorities!

The observer exclaimed: "Master, Lord, these are tentative forces, not your opponent at all!"

Da Fei immediately returned to God, right! They are all regular troops, especially the 2nd-level Demon Warlord. Their only value is to rush forward to play a self-detonation, but Brother's army is mostly the Air Force, afraid of an egg's self-detonation!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Retaliation!"

The next moment, 250 jungle hunters launched their arrows, and more than 40 gun emperor flame chains came out. The demon warlord who rushed to the front row collapsed in a sea of ​​fire!

With the high-attack attribute of Da Fei, plus the 50% damage bonus of the Crusader to the dark creatures, plus the ranger's hatred against the demons, the spike cannon fodder is completely unnecessary. But even so, Da Fei saw discordant subtitles from the full screen floating damage data: "misses", "dodges", "deflection damage"!

Yes, although it is destined to be cannon fodder, but the opponent is an unidentified offensive and defensive epic hero, the cannon fodder is still fundamentally different from ordinary cannon fodder. At this moment, Dafei realized where he was going wrong. Although Da Fei is a master-level archery, none of the sub-skills under archery have been learned. Because I never felt the need to learn.

And now. The enemy is weak. And there are exactly 5 skill points on the body plus 10 skill books rewarded by Makar, that must be learned. So Da Fei immediately took out the textbook of archery and flashed a golden light:

——System Tip: You have spent a skill point and learned the sub-skills “precise aiming”, which can improve the hit rate of long-range troops by 10%.

——System Tip: You have spent one skill point and learned the sub-skill "hitting the moving target", which can increase the damage and hit rate of the remote troops against the moving enemies, and the faster the enemy moves. The more damage you take.

——You spent a skill point and learned the sub-skill “Arrow Array Coordination”. For every 100 long-range troops, the attack speed of the long-range troops increases by 1%, and the maximum attack speed increases by 10%.

These three skills are the universal sub-skills of archery. Needless to say, accurate aiming. Hitting moving targets further increased the deterrent effect on the Air Force. As for arrow formation coordination, it seems that the 1% increase in attack speed is inconspicuous, but the purpose of this skill is only to shoot faster than the enemy's long-range troops, even a little faster. At the same time, because the upper limit of the attack speed coordinated by the arrow array is 10%, the number of long-range troops carried by the players in the later period is at least 1,000.

However, Dafei also has the dwarven hero hidden skill "Iron Army" taught by his elder brother:

——Iron and Steel Corps: The number of troops in the same tactical position exceeds 100. This tactical unit increases defense by 1% and damage by 1%. For every 1 point more morale than the enemy, damage is increased by 2%.

The skills are also superimposed on units of 100 people. This arrow array coordination can be considered to further enhance the power of this skill, so this skill should be learned early. There are also Elemental Arrows, which require a Master Destruction combination, and Enchanted Arrows, which require a Master Arcane combination. These big flying can't learn.

After learning these three sub-skills, Lin Fei certainly felt that the number of "misses" in the sea of ​​fire was much less. In short, since the main battlefield has been opened to attract the attention of the opponent, then Tamilla's side is doing a lot of special.

So Da Fei didn't wait to merge with Tamilia, and directly agreed with Tamilia's request for continued excavation.

Tamilia said positively: "Okay, sir, let us win in chaos!"

The next moment, the blood eagle's perspective saw a stream of water vapor coming out of the lobby, and in a blink of an eye the entire hall was blinded, and there was a rumbling sound in his ear!

Come on, this is an exciting time! Then let Brother make the battle bigger in the main battlefield, and further restrain the joy!

Dafei immediately instructed: "Serbia, keep playing!"

"Roger that!"

The next moment, Serbian harp and flower devil's rattle sounded again. In the case of harassment beyond distance, the effect of sonic attacks cannot be seen, but in such a close combat conflict, Long Wei's fear effect began to fall over and cover the enemy!

The situation became clear instantly. Spider-Man's cannon fodder could not be suppressed by the quantity. If this stalemate continues, Dafei wins the ticket.

At this moment, a row of **** heroes riding on the blood armor **** horse appeared in the city gate. Da Fei's heart jumped. This is Dilibu's deputy hero team? Going out of town?

Then there was a roar in the city gate. Behind the deputy hero team, a giant **** three-headed dog covered with iron armor jumped out. The three-headed dog suddenly pulled a giant trailer, and there were two doors suddenly Very uniquely shaped cannon of flames!

Da Fei shocked the spot. The three dogs and the trailer Da Fei all knew, and they also had it. It was the siege machine trailer that they had seized in the volcanic mountainous area of ​​the city of God of Punishment. But what's going on with the two huge tanks directly on this trailer? Move the artillery by yourself?

Is this too high-end and modern? The reason why there are two cannons is of course that the opponent's war machine science is also a grandmaster, and two cannons can be fired at the same time! Although Dafei was very confident in Nasir, but when he saw the terrible battle of the opponent's cannon, Dafei was completely unconfident!

At this time, the observer couldn't help but tremble with emotion: "Sure enough, it was Dilib. Now she blocked our army's retreat. Our army either continued to attack the old mining area as originally planned, or it was here to fight her! The cover of the city wall towers and the threat of losing organs are not without our army's power. "

Yes, brother's retreat is blocked! If my brother has been harassing her at the main entrance, even if she attacked, my brother could retreat in place and escape, so she kept on guarding and not sending out. Now that Brother's move to the fork in the old mining area is a retreat, no wonder she is so decisive! This epic hero is indeed no small feat! If she didn't have so many deputy heroes escort, brother sent the angel legion to fly and behead!

Da Fei gritted his teeth and immediately decided: "Raid the old mining area, and then fight when there is no way!"

As a result, the ancient tree of Nasir rushed and crushed the road ahead, and Dilib's Hell Dog Chariot was chasing behind him under the cover of the large army!

--boom! !! !! Two loud noises, two flaming huge incendiary bombs are like two suns instantly illuminating the extremely dark underground!

Da Fei didn't dare to watch and waved his hands directly: "All airmen, dodge urgently!"

For a time, the angel gun emperor flower demon vine demon legion roared over the ancient tree fortress and whistled high by!

Boom! !! !! There were two loud sounds behind, even if the Dafei team were in the fortress, they felt the shock of the earth!

——System Tip: Your 250 jungle hunter units were shelled by enemy hero Dilib, all killed!

——System reminder: Nasir's ancient tree was bombarded by enemy hero Dilib with a durability of -4631!

The infantry was annihilated!

Ahhh! Dafei took a sip of water! Let me go. The infantry ’s life is **** damned. Nasir was so badly injured by the gunfire. What is this Dilib's cannon? She is the real artillery!

What should we do now? Under the great sweat and sweat, he hurried to switch to Tamilia. At this time, a torrent of water has spewed out from the ground, and the lava and fire elements full of the hall have disappeared without trace. Is going to break!

Da Fei was shocked again, wouldn't this be the rhythm of playing off the two ends?

Tamilia spoke again: "Master, the water in this groundwater is beyond imagination. This hall and even the entire old mining area may collapse. I may not have time to recycle the vine, but I can ask As the penalty city advanced heroes, I use the energy of the Holy Vine for my use, what do adults think? "

——The system prompts: Tamilia asks to consume the energy of Holy Vine. Do you agree?

Let me go and agree! Hurry, you do n’t need to ask for such a thing!

Tamilla exhilarated, "Yes, sir! I will surely inherit the power of Sacred vine and continue to serve the adults!"

While speaking, a stout sacred vine in the hall broke through the water, straight into the ceiling vents in which Tamillah was hiding, and then Tamillah held the rattan with bleeding red light in her hands. The next moment, Da Fei saw the golden streamer on the vine continuously pouring into Tammelia's body, and the rattan was shrinking at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Yes, everything is the same as the situation of the ambush **** convoy in the volcano of the city of punishment. Those vines who sucked a lot of **** crow **** demon wolf walking dragon blood flesh were eventually taken away by Tamilia because it was too late. The ground sucked, and it was they that quickly achieved the advancement of the Tamelia hero. Since this vine is stronger than the original 5 vines, it's better, let her continue to be Tamilla.

Da Fei was pleased to focus again on the main battlefield. At this time, the question facing Da Fei was not a proper decisive battle, but could he run away?

In anxiety, Nasir grinned: "Rest assured, since the Deputy City Lord has installed the Heart of the Dragon of the Artifact to me, I haven't run across the full strength. I'm afraid that the running will be too fast. The other party is not chasing. Then, Do you want me to get rid of her? Or get rid of her? Or get rid of her? "

What the hell! If you're afraid, just say it! Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Get rid of her!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster!


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