God Rank Hero

Chapter 1039: Zavala

mission completed! This seems to be the first time Dafei has completed the task with the assistance of the NPC troops. The relief of completing the task made Dafei relax all night long. What task rewards and what proportion of mines are distributed Dafei does not care. Dafei just wanted to take a rest after returning to the city.

Then Da Fei went downstairs again and called for a large bowl of beef noodles with eggs, then adjusted the alarm clock and hurry up to sleep. Now there is only one last thing left, the Mage City bids. After the bidding was over, I was asleep.

At 10 am Beijing time, Da Fei, who was bewildered by sleep, was awakened by an alarm clock.

——System Tip: The auction of Holy Crown City will start today. Please be sure to arrive at the auction house before the daytime.

Finally waited for this day. However, there is still plenty of time, so go to the Kingdom Staff to receive the reward first. The prestige reward of taking off the task will further benefit your bidding.

At this point, Alicia came to Dafei mysteriously and said, "Master, Lord, I'll tell you the good news. The mineral of the demon mine has been initially analyzed by the kingdom. It is the Saron evil iron mine! So now this mine It was officially named the Saronite Iron Mine by the Kingdom. "

Da Fei couldn't help it: "Evil iron? What kind of mine is this?"

Alicia shook her head: "It's not very clear. I heard that during the last solar eclipse, an evil **** named Saron died in that mine. His blood penetrated into the iron ore, and the refined Saron iron produced it. The equipment has cursing effects, but it will also curse itself. It is difficult to say whether this iron ore is suitable for our elves, but it is better to have mines than not. By the way, the Lord and the Lord rest for the two days. I put 5000 units on the dock The evil iron ore was distributed and shipped back several times. "

Another dead god. Is this world tree a god's graveyard? Dafei exclaimed, "Curse yourself? Can't this mine be sold?"

Alicia sighed: "Before researching the specific role. I am afraid it will be difficult to sell. But after all, there is a main root of the world tree at the mine, so the kingdom will still attach great importance to the defense of the mining area."

Having said that, Alicia smiled again and said, "Yes, the distribution of the staff has come down. Our city owns 50% of the mine's revenue. This is the result of the efforts of the observer. The elders are not particularly busy right now, and adults will get the task rewards. "

well. Sure enough, it is 50%, otherwise, how can it be worthy of my brother's perfect completion! Da Fei remembered the incident and asked, "What about that **** general called Dilib?"

Alicia sighed with a smile: "The teleporter fled, but unfortunately did not have the opportunity to seize her two hellfire cannons."

Dafei suddenly suddenly! Why the name of this cannon is so rampant! Da Fei thought he had been embarrassed to have ten Dragonbow Crossbow Cannons, but now it seems that he is terribly wrong. Maybe he hasn't really touched the high-end threshold.

But the sky boat is different, who is not high-end? OK, hurry up.

Da Fei teleported to the Kingdom Staff, and the Staff was busy at this time. Of course, such a busy scene will not be obstructed by other players.

The appearance of Da Fei immediately caught the attention of the elder. He beckoned and laughed and beckoned: "Master City Lord. You are just here. We can easily win this mine with your excellent tactics inseparable!"

Dafei grinned and said, "Where and where. It is mainly the Observer's guidance."

The elder nodded with satisfaction: "Now we are busy setting up defenses to deal with the counterattacks of the **** tribe, so many words will not be said, this is your reward!"

——System Tip: You have successfully completed the meritorious mission "Invasion of the Saronite Iron Mine", you gain experience + 10 million, gold + 1 million, alliance reputation + 50,000, and 1000 rank value 1 to 4 Recruitment of troops. Obtained 50% of the stock right of the Saronite Iron Mine.

Uh, no brush screen, no skill book, no artifact reward. Dafei laughed: "Thanks for the reward from the kingdom, I will work hard to defend."

The elder laughed: "If you are not a warrior who is about to cross the zone, I really have the most important defensive task to give you. Well, the warriors continue to prepare."

Let me go, don't continue to hurt my brother! Da Fei busyly said, "Yes, leave next."

Leaving the staff, Dafei teleported directly to the Alchemist Guild of the Holy Crown.

As soon as Da Fei arrived at the door, the doorman directly notified: "Please invite the VIP directly to the general manager's office, and the general manager will meet the VIP on important events."

Look, it really looks like it's about to do something big. The specifications for this interview are different. As a result, Dafei was transmitted to the general manager's office according to the words. Three days later, the fat man Timok Khan, who was separated by another autumn, laughed and greeted, "Master, you are amazing. When you get there, you will easily win a mine from the forces of hell, and your worth and reputation will rise again! "

What I want is this effect! Dafei laughed, "This camp battle between our mortals is really letting the manager see the joke."

The general manager laughed: "It is precisely because of the outstanding performance of the Lord of the City that our persuasion work for the three VIPs has begun more easily. Congratulations Lord of the City, you have received the full support of the three VIPs and they will give their full support Lord City Lord is bidding. By the way, there is also Lord City Lord's deputy hero. I believe Lord City Lord also can't wait to see it, while Lord Time has time, please-- "

That's right, supporting brother and even bidding victory is taken for granted. The key is that brother's beauty is the most important.

Da Fei Zizi followed the fat all the way, and once again came to the sci-fi extreme alchemy laboratory. At this point, a number of technical directors have been greeted at the door.

The fat man laughed, "Are you ready for the Lord of the City?"

The technology director gave a confident gift: "Please, VIP!"

Then, accompanied by the crowd, Da Fei came to the washing machine three days ago. Technical Director Yi Sliding Door Handrail: "Please witness the moment of miracle-"

At this moment, Dafei's eyes widened!

At the next moment, the door opened, and a gleam of sparkling crystals drifted out. A beautiful woman with ice-blue hair and white skin, wearing a blue dress and blue ice-crystal high heels jumped in front of her!

A big earthquake in Dafei's heart! That's right, this figure and temperament, this is the frost beauty you want! And also the kind with poison!

Then the beauty opened her eyes and smiled slightly: "Thank you, savana, finally has a body."

This smile, the peach heart danced, as if the snow and ice had melted, and everything revived. This is the goddess! Da Fei's heart was instantly intoxicated!

At this moment, the technology director proudly said, "This is the top art craft of my holy crown city. When the beauty smiles, the whole body will be accompanied by the light and shadow effect of the heart. When the beauty is still, the body will be surrounded by white crystals. When singing and fighting, they will also bring spotlight background music bgm, these background music VIPs can also set their own favorite songs ... "

What the hell! Da Fei, who was intoxicated, was immediately explained by this popular boring boredom. But Da Fei found that she had all the special effects of light and shadow, but there was no hero aura!

Dafei immediately checked the properties:

-Zavala: The dragon heroes who once chased the Lich Dragon and were trapped in the Dragon Tomb are now in the form of a soul contract and have the potential to grow back and become heroes. Non-bing type npc unit. Attack 10, Defense 35, Magic 31, Damage 3-6, Life 800, Mana 600, Attack Speed ​​7, Physical 80, Skills: Rebirth of the Spirit, Grand Master Poison, Grand Master Meditation, Grand Master Recovery.

Resurrection of Godhead: Savara will grow stronger with the power of Godhead. Once dead, she can still be resurrected like a hero.

. . . . . .

Uh, although there is no heroic halo Dafei to understand, but Dafei always thinks it is almost ah? What's the difference? Yes, it is said that she is a dragon hero. The question is, what is the difference between this attribute and humans? Does her stunt have nothing to do with Long?

Dafei asked, "Savala, can you become a dragon?"

Zavala shook her head and sighed, "No." This shook her head, and it was full of stars, like countless dandruffs flying!

Dafei hurriedly asked the technical director: "Why can't it be a dragon?"

The technical director spread his hand: "Mr. VIP, the dragon blood crystal material you gave us is only a box, which can only shape a human shape. And this dragon blood crystal is the most suitable for her, and it is not very good with other materials. Compatible, so the human form is the most suitable for her. However, when she becomes stronger in the future, you can naturally find a way to change the dragon. "

Dafei Muran on the spot! Brother feels like a vase? The dragon-shaped armor that Saisu left to her is also useless?

The fat manager also laughed and laughed: "Only beauty is the ultimate art investigation. There is beauty first, then strength, and everything in the universe operates in the law of harmony of beauty. What does the Lord think?"

That's right! Beauty is king. Isn't it just a vase that Brother needs? Even if it is a vase, I can train her into a super vase warrior!

Dafei laughed: "That makes sense!"

Zavala also replied, "Please rest assured, I will not be disappointed in the other."

Da Fei rubbed his hands and laughed, "I am very satisfied with you now, I have never been disappointed!"

The manager laughed: "Okay, now it's almost time, let's go to the auction exchange!"

Da Fei suddenly remembered the incident: "By the way, is it money to reshape the body this time?"

The fat man laughed and laughed: "Look at what the Lord Lord said, this is all small money, and it will be recorded on the account of the Lord Lord Lord's bid. It's not worth mentioning. Well, I will let everyone gather immediately."

Lying down!

As a result, under the leadership of the fat manager, accountant Maher, and Thain, Dafei and his party went straight to the trading center.

And along the way, glittering all the way, peach hearts flying and long white beautiful legs Zavala with music effects instantly became the focus of players on the street, and the whole city channel was uproaring for a while: "I can't think of such a stylish npc in the game! "(To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!


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