God Rank Hero

Chapter 1048: Open store goods to sea PK

Seeing the cries of female game players in the guild, Da Fei's spirit was shocked. It was really doze off to send a pillow. Brother wanted to give a red name!

Da Fei said nothing: "Where is the teaser? I have to do it myself!"

At this moment, the guild channel screamed, "Feige is going to shoot!"

At this time, Ono, who was driving the galaxy Flying Dragon trumpet on the Blood Sea Guild channel, was even more surprised. Originally, his goal was to pull the hatred of the two guilds and slowly ferment into a restless tumor in China, but Wan Unexpectedly, Dafei, who doesn't care about the guild's affairs, actually has to shoot in person? That's right, if you can tolerate being scolded in the face by Blood Sea Kuangtao first, then such a guild member will be killed now.

The soldier replied excitedly: "We are now chased by this teaser, but he cannot catch up with us, and we will return to Ai Luo Lin immediately!"

Da Fei said, "Who's the first name?"

The guild channel exploded: "Fun of the Sea of ​​Blood Guild!"

Da Fei asked this, Ono could not help but praised himself for the delicate arrangement. Ono didn't want Dafei to be dissatisfied with his group's long-term red name dissatisfaction, he arranged for the Galactic Flying Dragon to get the first red name first, so it became provocation of the Blood Sea Association. Dafei has enough reasons to shoot!

Da Fei said suddenly: "Is the blood sea's tease has become a red name?"

The whole guild was excited: "Kill the red name and blast the garbage!"

Secretly, killing the red name belongs to the skywalk. Normal self-defense will not turn itself into a red name. Da Fei sighed: "Brother is going to kill Baiming, where is the blood sea guild?"

Hao Ono couldn't help but hesitated: "Why Fei wants to kill Baiming?"

Dafei laughed: "It's exciting to kill Baiming!"

The guild exploded again: "It is worthy of flying brother, it is too heavy!"

Ono's ambition shook. Kill white name, right? Undercover lurking in China. Ono's movements were not clear at all. The general trend is still known. The blood sea guild left only a small number of outside players during this time. For example, the new guild's galaxy flying dragon continued to run business in Elorim, and the main team did go to the human port city Hedis city to buy a boat and go out to sea. The task is up. And the neighborhood of Heidis is where the Blackwater pirates ravaged. Needless to say, the Blood Sea Guild is a big task to fight pirates.

Very good, destroying others to do tasks is even more hatred, this opportunity must not be missed!

Ono immediately said: "Feige, the Blood Sea Guild has very few people in Elorine. In recent times, people have been teleported to the Blackwater Pirates to go out to sea to do tasks. There are many people there!"

Da Fei could not help but hesitated: "Blackwater Pirate, so far?"

Ono immediately said: "In fact, not far, Feige can just go to the sea and buy a medium ship directly at the shipyard and hire a few sailors, then you can go out to find them!"

The guild burst into a panic: "Although far away, it will be! Even far away, it will be!"

Dafei laughed in surprise. OK, then only buy a store at the shipyard to go to sea. I didn't expect that when the high-end brother I started to take a space battleship, it was also useful for store goods. However, it's the use of store goods that is so great.

Dafei immediately said: "Go, Hades buys a boat and goes to sea!"

The whole guild screamed, "Let's go!"

At this moment, the Seven Sea Overlord was weak on the Guild Channel: "Fei, we are still on the sea in Talloran. Can't come."

Da Fei laughed, "It's okay, just do whatever you want."

"Okay. Feige!"

Ono ecstatically overjoyed and succeeded!

As a result, the teleportation array of the human port city Heidis flashed into flash, and more than twenty players with the emblem of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce appeared together, and one of the players was suddenly a world-famous flying!

When Dafei appeared, players across the city made a sensation: "It's Dafei!"

And the next moment, a little informed player knew what was going on, and even screamed excitedly: "I have a good show!"

Dafei was very satisfied with the crowd's response, so he beckoned to the surrounding crowd, and then kindly asked, "Who knows where the players of Bloodsea Guild are?"

Sure enough to start filming! The crowds were mad and screaming in excitement: "It's just in Heishuijiao. It's about an hour away, and they're all going to enclose!"

Oh, the masses, only by going deep into the masses can the enemy have nothing to hide! Then there is nothing to say, Da Fei left and went straight to the shipyard with the members of the guild.

At this time, the appearance of Da Fei no doubt alarmed the Blood Sea Guild.

The galaxy flying dragon who was just blowing the big **** in the guild channel immediately pretended to be grandson: "Tian brother, Tao brother, Ma brother, I'm sorry, I was bankrupted by Da Fei's electricity eel pit before. I saw the grandson of Da Fei Association and hated it, actually It ’s true that they rushed over to do something, I have a video— "

Blood Sea Kuang Tao immediately said: "Don't say it, you kill it! I'll take a look at it, even if Da Fei comes, how dare you treat us!"

Brother Tian also laughed: "That is, anyway, these people we arranged at sea are the cannon fodder used to attract blackwater pirates. Brother can dare to kill us!"

Ma laughed: "We scolded directly on the regional channel, directly scolding Dafei not to kill is a grandson!"

That's right, although the sudden appearance of Da Fei poses a huge threat to the **** sea madness that is doing the mission, but you can't lose your temperament when you lose money. The **** sea madness has a hard top even if you grit your teeth and mouth.

In the face of the threat and destruction of Da Fei, there may only be one way to quickly change the layout to kill with a knife, which is to use the hand of the Blackwater Pirate to make the Da Fei, or to use the hand of the Da Fei to fight the Black Water Pirate. At the same time, Da Fei does not have its own boat, but how much can it only buy a store temporarily? Who is playing and who is not necessarily!

If you think about it, the sea of ​​blood suddenly found an opportunity for revenge. Maybe you can really take advantage of this opportunity to do Dafei?

. . . . . .

At Heidis Seaport, Da Fei directly bought 70,000 gold coins for a small 4-armed artillery gunboat, and then hired several npc seamen to take the team directly out of the port. The guild members of Ono soldiers were stunned by such random surprise.

However, we have never questioned Fei Ge's general ability! Feige only needs 4 crossbow cannons in the canopy, which is enough to kill all the scum. This is also the second time that Dafei has brought members to the guild, so the female players who join the club are excited, and the old members are shaking with excitement.

Ono has already begun to record a video of Da Fei. Da Fei's every move, Ono will not miss any details. This is the best opportunity to observe the current strength of Da Fei, especially the damage of the crossbow gun can directly push back the current basic attribute points of Da Fei, which is even more important information.

With the departure of Da Fei's goods from the port, the urban area channel became a blast, and hundreds of players also watched in their own boats. All players are convinced that the legendary Fei Fei will definitely let everyone witness the moment of miracle.

And no one knows that at this time, Dafei himself was just so scared that he had no drunkenness or drowsiness-patronizing with the members' clothes, and there was no going back for this trip to the sea, brother opened this store. Play off? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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