God Rank Hero

Chapter 1058: Super Space Transmission Amplifier

At the beginning of the Huadeng Festival, the night market was hustle and bustle, and Da Fei ordered a few dishes of frying, a bottle of beer in the small restaurant downstairs, and enjoyed dinner while watching TV news. 》 After entering the game for so many days, it is not that I have spent a lot of time, sometimes I do n’t even have time to go to the bathroom. It's not easy to eat two meals as casually as today.

While feeling chic, Dafei's phone rang. Take a look, it's Xiaoli.

Xiaoli: "Brother, have you eaten yet?"

Dafei laughed: "I'm eating in a restaurant. What's the matter?"

Xiaoli said aloud: "It's nothing, just to remind you to pay attention to the time of eating and drinking. If it is too messy, it will easily cause stomach problems."

Da Fei laughed and laughed, "Brother, but he can move bricks and irons to beat his body. Rest assured, I will pay attention to everything is fine."

"Just be okay, I'll hang up."

As soon as Da Fei hung up the phone, the owner of the tavern laughed, "Xiao Ding, didn't you say your stock was rich? Why did you move bricks?"

I'll go! Brother Mingming said that the lottery was rich, is it good? When did it pass into stock? Da Fei laughed in surprise: "That little money will solve a meal problem. What can it do?"

The boss laughed: "I can't see it, you must be rich."

Dafei shook his head and smiled: "That is, I can't go to five-star restaurant to order a big seafood, but I still order a little fry here!"

The boss cut out: "What happened to my little stir-fry? Those five-star chefs may not be better than me, they will only take some foreign dishes!"

Dafei laughed and said, "So is it!"

Just talking and laughing, another news broadcast on TV:

—— "An entertainment news is played below this afternoon. In the famous international online game" Hero Genesis ". EU players have suffered significant losses because of Japanese players. Angry EU players have attacked on Japanese website forums The venting once paralyzed many website forums in Japan. At the same time, Japanese players also counterattacked the European Union forums and strongly condemned the European region for their insatiable self-respect. EU players refused to acknowledge the hacking attacks on the Japanese forums. The European Union accused this of being done by Chinese players. This move was immediately criticized and condemned by Chinese players. At present, multi-party disputes are continuing to ferment ... "

Dafei suddenly appeared on the spot, so much noise happened in this Nima brother, and the single machine didn't know? This pot chicken really pits the EU! What's going on in many countries?

At this moment, the boss sighed: "There are more and more young people playing this game now, and my kid in the family is not soaking up in the game all day. He said he can make money in the game."

Dafei frowned: "Is he rich?"

The boss cut aloud: "Send a ghost! They have already spent 6,000 yuan to go in! I asked Lao Tzu for money the other day, and Lao Tzu called him rough!"

amount! Dafei is really inconvenient to say anything about this kind of thing. After all, it is not so easy for any industry to make big money. Now that the boss has gone to greet the new guests, Da Fei's mood of drinking is not relaxed anymore.

Tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon, it will be officially washed the foot basin. At that time, in addition to the NPCs of the Bright Alliance, they will be able to compete against each other. I am afraid that a player can't believe it. Player's cunning, no lower limit. There is no perforation, far from npc. I was afraid it was not so easy to eat and sleep.

When thinking of the challenges to be faced, Dafei felt heavy pressure. It seems that I have a lot of things to prepare. Apart from that, it was said that the Hungarian player who met in Hongming Village this afternoon almost let himself eat. A small country player hides and lies, not to mention a large area in Japan, who can't afford high technology and take it lightly.

The next thing is to go to Elorine to find Ranger mentor Gillian. He said that as long as he improves the Ranger level, he can upgrade the brother's sentry level. Now that the Brother's Ranger has been upgraded to a high level, he should also show it. Already.

When Da Fei returned to the dormitory after dinner and got on the plane again, Thain was already waiting on the boat. Seeing Da Fei's appearance, Thain whispered immediately, "Master, take a step to speak!"

Oh yeah! It's finally here! Let me look at the artifact you brought.

As a result, Thain took the big fly to the cargo space again, and Thain moved out a small metal box like a safe:

-Space transmission super amplifier: artifact, equipment. Can increase the transmission effect of the space teleport array by 200%. Each use must consume at least 20 units of resources. (Except stone wood)

Dafei was surprised: "Increase the teleport effect by 200%!"

Thain whispered: "Exactly! This means that the difficulty of transporting freight space is reduced by two times. In addition, the Lord Lord has established a transmission array connection at the terminal of Hongming Village, which can reduce the transmission difficulty by 50. %, So the capacity of our freight space has been increased by 3 times. This is a qualitative leap! I could not get an artifact of this specification. My goal for the main character of the city is to increase the space artifact by 100%. However, since the Lord of the City is willing to use the shrine shards as rent, the best one is used. "

Dafei suddenly said: "That's it! Good, use the best!"

Thain nodded: "And I ca n’t bypass the guild ’s supervision to bring it to the city owner without permission, so that ’s why I brought it up in the presence of the general manager! With the full support of the general manager, that senior teacher was willing to rent out a five-year task period. Otherwise, a small deputy manager of mine would not have that much face. "

Dafei laughed: "I see, I see! Mr. Thain is really careful and at ease."

Thain laughed: "Because the public use of this artifact is to amplitude the Lord of the Lord's Flying Array, the Lord of the Lord usually equips the artifact with the Flying Lord's Array, so that the guild will not doubt it. , Once the Lord Lord has made a significant gain on the battlefield— "

Dafei laughed, "At that time, I quietly moved the artifact into this room!"

Thain clapped his hands and smiled, "Exactly! By the way, after equipping this artifact to the Flying Array, the flying distance of the Flying Array will be doubled. This is a god-like leap, and the price is only paid. At least 20 units of resources, and resources for the city owner-"

Da Fei smiled and said, "It's not a problem at all!" But at this point, Da Fei still thought of a question, and then asked again, "Yes, Mr. Thain, my flying number was previously transmitted to the sea. Now that there is a boat in the sky, is that going straight to the sky? "

Thain laughed. "What does Lord Lord think?"

Dafei laughed, "That must be the case!"

Sain laughed: "This is where the dynamics have broken through the limitations of the plane. This is where the expensive value of the Sky Boat lies. Okay, now I will take the Lord Lord to the Flying Array to install this equipment. Install it. It's very simple. "

Dafei laughed and laughed: "Okay, install!"

——System Tip: Your flying deck transmission array is equipped with the artifact "Space Transmission Super Amplifier", and the flying capability of the flying aircraft is increased by 200%. The rental period of this artifact is 5 years. Loss cannot be lost during the rental period, otherwise you will pay huge reputation and gold coin compensation.

Let me go. Brother is afraid of seeing the word "huge amount" now.

Thain laughed: "The installation is complete, then there is nothing else, I also leave, I wish the Lord Lord Wu Yun Changlong!"

Dafei laughed: "Xie Jiyan."

When it comes to space teleportation, it seems that Hilda said that it was going to start a class, but as a result of the voyage, he was busy and had no chance to start. Now that the last nine days are up, I have to take this opportunity to start the class anyway.

Just then Serbia appeared with Elena: "Master, Lord, I have a good rest. Now the disturbing souls of the sea soul battle have been emptied, and only the soul of the Hydra is left, and I will be separated now. The fiery Hydra soul needs Miss Elena's help! "

Elina laughed: "I am very honored to play for adults at a critical moment. In fact, I can help with wind, water, and soil properties! We strive to make adults play at their best in the past few days before their expeditions. . "

Serbia nodded: "The more separated you are at the back, the fewer attributes you have and the easier it is, so it's completely possible to complete these days."

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "Okay, then you work hard."

Serbia shook his head: "It's hard to talk about, it should only be used to impact the discipline that must be experienced by god-level meditation."

Elina laughed. "That's it!"

Da Fei nodded comfortably: "Okay, let's do that."

As a result, Serbia and Elena went to the center space and began their busy days for the last few days. However, Da Fei was really tangled and said that the class was about to start. As a result, two students were too busy to come. Forget it, teach as much as you can.

Da Fei finds Hilda, who is training a group of dancers, in the royal restaurant dedicated to entertaining Heliana in the city of light.

Hilda laughed: "What's up with Lord Lord?"

Da Fei sighed: "About the last time you taught the space art course."

Hildahaha smiled: "Indeed, either it is too busy or the environment is not suitable for shaking, but I see that the atmosphere of everyone reading during the voyage is very high, so I will write a book. Self-study also saves me the trouble of starting a class. "

——System Tip: You get the book "Elementary Space" given by Hilda

——Primary space art: The magic book that contains the basics of space art entry. It is necessary to read the basics of space magic through repeated reading.

I pulled it out and all the books were published! Dafei overjoyed, "This, don't you want money?"

Hilda laughed: "It's too difficult for newcomers, I'm sorry to collect money. But if anyone learns the results, adults will pay me to thank me and I will not quit."

Dafei laughed: "Okay, I'll thank you first!"

The first book in this book is entrusted to Alicia. Arcane and space are the closest. She has one more point of wisdom and the highest possibility of learning. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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