God Rank Hero

Chapter 1065: Look at the former volcanic sulfur mines

At 8:30 pm Beijing time and 9:30 pm Tokyo time.

The atmosphere of Mitsubishi's team headquarters was relaxed and pleasant. The 15 main players in the cross-Europe expedition finally came to meet the demon king to receive the reward and return home. Although there are many saliva battles in Japan and the European Union, this kind of thing is left to the specialized foreign affairs team. Professional players only need to fight and win, and their mood will not be affected by any negative public opinion.

At this time on the big screen on the wall, the new demon king on the front line of the City of Divine Punishment in the EU region called the 15 warriors with great satisfaction, expressed high praise, and finally the reward came:

——System Tip: Congratulations! You have been applauded by the Demon King of Europa's punishment front line, and your demon official position has been promoted to the third-order demon leader.

——The third-order demon grows: attack +4, morale +1, life +2, command power +300. When commanding a large demon army, the large devil attacks +16, damages +16, life + 16%, and physical strength + 16%. Requires 60,000 Deities of Merit.

——System Tip: Congratulations! You are empowered by the demon king, attack +10, magic +10, life +100, and the demon lord's racial skills "desecrate" the extra damage to natural and bright creatures to 60%!

At this moment, the sound of rewards on 15 large screens on the command wall sounded at the same time, as if the New Year's bell came, the entire Mitsubishi headquarters cheered!

In the past three or four days and nights, President Igarashi has basically not slept well, but at this moment, Igarashi is still full of red spirits, holding up a glass of red wine and shouting: "I am Japan District athletes, you have worked hard! "

The members stood up and shouted, "Long live in Greater Japan!"

Igarashi excitedly said, "Cheers for my victory in Japan!"

The audience burst: "Cheers!"

At this point, Captain Tsukamoto came to the intoxicated Igarashi and persuaded: "President. You have worked hard these days, please take a break."

Igarashi shook his head: "Takamoto-kun, our team members have finally become third-order demons. Do you think Dafei will reach this point?"

Tsukamoto frowned: "It's hard to say that our merits are shared by 15 people, but Dafei is exclusive to one person. He should be able to reach the rank of chief angel of level 4 or above, but these are meaningless. We return home Later, he can receive a large number of 7th-level soldiers, the big devil, but Da Fei does not have an angel army. Even if there are not many, his official position is meaningless. "

Igarashi said, "How much do you think the gap between the attributes of our main players and Da Fei has been closed?"

Tsukamoto said: "From the analysis of offensive and defensive attributes, there are still many gaps. But we are demons. The main attack method is to destroy magic. The most effective way to resist magic in the game is to share the damage among many soldiers. There cannot be many soldiers in the naval battle, and his high offense and defense are of little significance! Not to mention that our number and strength are absolutely superior. In short. Our development is an asymmetric tactic that the Chinese are proud of! "

Igarashi laughed, "What do you think, the purpose of Dafei's frequent and high-profile video releases to show strength in the past two days?"

Tsukamoto shook his head: "Whether it's sponsorship, or intimidating us, it's pure ... zhuang force lity, these are meaningless, because we still have allies in the United States. They are the most eager to hit the big fly. presence."

Igarashi nodded: "Yes, we still have allies in the U.S. area! So, what means does Tsukamoto think the U.S. area will fight against flying?"

Tsukamoto Mashiro said: "It is not clear, but it is conceivable that the U.S. area must use a special account, and it must not be a marked U.S. nationality. It is not impossible to even change the nationality to my Japanese nationality to sneak into our area!"

Tsukamoto nodded: "Yes, so all we have to do is count down all the hundreds of thousands of players with the computer! The United States is our ally and also the obstacle we must overcome!"

Tsukamoto nodded: "The president is right, leave everything to us. The president, please rest ..."

. . . . . .

China, Fire Dragon Island.

There was a loud noise on the sea, and the Flame Lord, an ice-breaking voyage, exploded, and the sea water poured in from the huge hole in the bottom of the pod.

At this time, Luna Night, which was killed by the explosion, was resurrected and returned to his captain's room, the captain's room of the airship quietly lurking in the clouds. Looking at the flame on the distant sea sinking and disappearing, Luna Ye had mixed feelings in his heart.

——The system prompts: You have completed the mission of Duke Makar, "Lost Fire Lord", please go back to the city of St. Paul to get the reward.

That's right. Luna Night spent so many days just to blow up this ship! Although there are definitely not many players in the world who can complete this destruction task, Luna Ye suddenly found that high difficulty is not equal to meaning. Just like in some variety show, some talents have spent more than ten years practicing ordinary people's incredible acrobatics, does it make sense?

At least Luna Ye felt meaningless! That's right, when Luna Night is still tossing on the Fire Dragon Island and the NPC, the game process in the whole world has made great progress, especially the preparations for participating in the Japanese national war. Anyone who is qualified to participate in the registration can let The attitude of the entire league's npc has become "enthusiastic". what does this mean? This means that the system is open to players!

Luna Night knows that there must be hundreds of high-end players in the world. Because of this "enthusiasm", some previously difficult and difficult tasks can be completed. So as to achieve snowball development!

These two days are the golden period for player development, and what are you really doing? Such a boring thing in a dry bomber. I think I'm high-end, but I'm actually out of date! Especially the big Fei video that floods the forum, even the professional who has participated in the development of game kernels in the periphery can't understand his high-end.

Fortunately, I still have time to catch the last train. This time across the districts, Luna Night must be lonely to join. Of course, the purpose of Luna Night's participation is not for national warfare, but to find opportunities to meet American counterparts.

That's right. Luna Night knows that at the beginning of the development of this game, in order to facilitate the manual debugging of the designer, the game has set up two mysterious vampire or fallen angel races, this race has humans and vampires (fallen angels). Form, after switching roles, you can walk freely between the Light Alliance and the Dark Alliance, one character, two real identities. Enjoy the reputation of both factions at the same time. My account is such a kind of existence that is almost cheating.

And American colleagues will definitely open similar accounts, and most of them are the stronger fallen angel race. The thought of meeting such an opponent made Luna Ye very excited.

However, there is a more interesting question on Luna ’s Night. What will happen to the special flying account of the United States that is blowing on this forum? Would you like to save him?

. . . . . . .

At this time, Beijing time is 20:40.

Dafei's group of people swept all the way through the wilderness under the city of the city of punishment, through the dying blood lake again, and then reached the volcanic mist-covered volcanic area on the burning plain along the lava river bank. This way. Xiaofang Xiaoli couldn't stop yelling at the flame monsters emerging from time to time in the lava river.

——System Tip: Your team enters the volcanic field, the field of view is -80%, the physical strength is -1 every 5 seconds, and the life is -1 every second.

Volcano domain, finally arrived!

Dafei laughed: "This is it, here is a special place. It is difficult to resurrect a dead soldier. If you can resurrect a soldier here, it is to break the boundaries of skills."

President Xue Wei was horrified: "Feige, I know it's special here, the EU region also has this volcanic inflammation area. Many players in the EU region were killed by Japanese pits in the volcanic area and never recovered. How could this be resurrected ? "

Wow ha ha ha, this is the difference between a low hand and a high hand. Their soldiers died, of course, but they will die, but the brother-class navigator will survive, even if they die, they will take a breath! This is the key to punching skills!

Da Fei smiled unpredictably: "Of course, their soldiers can't be compared with the soldiers I took. Rest assured. Let's find a volcano scorpion first, and then die."

Although the chairman was unknown, he had to laugh: "It is indeed Feige! Speaking of which, there is a crystal mine in the volcanic area of ​​the European Union. I wonder if there is any mine in the volcano here?"

Dafei frowned, mine? Of course there is! Wasn't it the sulfur mine of the old nest of Xinglong? In other words, the mine guarding dragon was destroyed by the brother. Will the mine be occupied by the demon army?

Between thoughts, the chariot driver hurriedly said, "Sir, where are you going?"

Dafei was surprised: "What?"

The chariot driver hurriedly said, "This is General Tasima's guard zone. We will be found after a long stay here!"

The president was also shocked: "I saw this Tasima last time and brought a dense crowd of flying dragon knights to attack the city! It looks pretty amazing!"

Lying down! Da Fei then remembered that he had forgotten the stubble, did he pretend to take it off? But I also want to rush skills.

Dafei smiled and said, "President, there is indeed a sulfur mine in a cave, it seems to be rich. The dragon I killed last time is actually a monster that keeps mine. Let's go to the mine to see Look, by the way, what Tahima! "

"Sulfur rich ?!" this moment. Chairman Xiaofang was shocked! The whole Xuewei studio was shocked!

Dafei sighed secretly, thinking that this mine should be his own secret. but. This place is no more closed than the mercury mine in the world tree. As long as it is occupied, it is swallowed by itself. This is the hinterland of the devil. He is alone, and he is too busy to operate mining defense transportation.

The chairman was shocked: "But since there is a mine, it must be occupied by the demons. We would have even more shocked this Tasima?

Dafei's brow jumped, and the president was really smart.

Dafei gritted his teeth suddenly and suddenly said: "I have long seen this tower's unsatisfactory Xima, I really want to see if I can't beat him now, so I took him in this time ! "(If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)


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