God Rank Hero

Chapter 1072: Volcano Air Cavalry

(Eye pain is even more late. Directly to the 5,000-word chapter, it looks like a double monthly ticket has arrived. Everyone remember to vote!)

Earthquakes, gushing lava flooded the mine and rushed to the channel, forcing Dafei's troops and the miners collected into the pit. At this moment, the valley in front of and around the cave is a regular army of hells full of mountains and mountains. In the sky, there are air cavalry regiments that cover the sky. Of course, there are two arrow towers at the entrance of the cave.

Although Da Fei has imagined that there are many soldiers from the number of reinforcements summoned, he saw with his own eyes such a stunning momentum and lineup that Da Fei, who had just assembled and was ready to kill and kill!

At this moment, Da Fei's ear sounded: "There are 3 minutes to go to the city of punishment! Hold on!"

3 minutes!

For Da Fei, every God-level battle determines the battle situation in an instant, and the battle for killing Hydra that was prepared for many months is nothing less than 20 seconds. 3 minutes is too long for Da Fei Now, how to persist for 3 minutes with an army in the front and a lava advance?

The only chance to win is to behead the coach! The 50% strategic attribute of the Pooer possession bonus is definitely a qualitative crushing. However, a non-hero npc such as Er can add 50,000 blood to himself, and the blood of a ten-year-old demon hero such as Tasima is definitely ss-class. Can he beheaded among the armies?

And the battle with the large forces of the **** clan, the gap between offense and defense is no longer critical, because the opponent can also use magic attacks that ignore physical defense, and the 6th-level abyss demonic meteor shower fireball stunt has been in the pool of light In the middle of the battle, there was a lot of excitement, not to mention the enemy had several mage and deputy heroes, as well as the sky cavalry. Once broke out of this only pothole that can be covered. Da Fei can already imagine tons of damage tilting down overwhelmingly. Even if you have 50,000 blood, it is only a matter of seconds.

When the mindfulness turned sharply, the chairman also said: "Fei brother, judging from the cunning and calmness shown by this general, once he finds a change, he will definitely run away, and it may not be possible for three minutes!" It takes less than two minutes, and when the other party sees a change in the sky, they immediately smell the wind and run away. "

Dafei nodded: "That makes sense!"

But this kind of victory that requires experience but no experience to be equipped with no equipment is really uncomfortable. Dafei, who has an angel, still wants to behead! In fact, from the moment she signed a contract with herself, she was already immortal. Maybe it was also because she signed a contract with Da Fei for self-protection, so there is no need to suffer or lose in this battle. , So Dafei has to behead!

Then the time to decapitate the attack can only be the moment when the city of divine punishment will arrive! After one and a half minutes! Even if the beheading failed and the entire army was destroyed, as long as the city of punishment arrived in time to drive away the other party and resurrect the army, our army still did not lose! Of course, the most extreme case is when Dafei uses time again to stand still!

When Da Fei made up his mind. A loud laughter echoed through the valley from behind the legion: "The mouse has finally been filled with water by the hole!"

——System prompt: The battle begins! You have been attacked by General Tahima of the Volcano in the Flames!

The next moment, the seven **** gate summons appeared again in front of the pothole!

The war has begun! It is now cannon fodder. Later, lava, is this going to drain the brother to the rhythm of death or force the brother to rush to behead him now?

Dafei gritted his teeth and said, "Just stand in the aisle, treat it fully, and let the lava burn!"

The chairman was surprised: "Let the lava burn?"

Da Fei Shen said: "Perhaps you are ready to swim in the lava!"

President Xiaofang was even more shocked: "Swimming in lava !?"

Da Fei nodded: "After the lava has reached the entrance of the cave, some of it will flow out. It will not completely submerge the troops. It is very likely that swimming will occur. Then use hard top treatment. After all, there are 30 more in the air that can be cured The angels of the city of God's punishment are not the same as ordinary angels! "

President Xiaofang nodded inconceivably: "I see!"

At this moment, the lava coming from the channel drowned the calf of the three members of Dafei instantly, and their health was "-10!" "-10!" The healing light also covered the three men's heads.

Then the "water level" quickly rose to the waist, and the blood of the three men began to fall wildly "-20!" "-20!"

Then the "water level" rises to the chest! Floating! The three really floated. At this time, the three lost more and more blood, and as the "water level" continued to rise, the forest goddess and angel troops floating in the airway of the passage were also not immune!

It's just that the goddess of the forest is only hot to the calf, and the blood loss of "-10" and "-10" can still be sustained! As for the Dafei three, it was the madness of "-60" and "-70". This feeling reminded Dafei of Elfair's salvation of an artifact ring in the lava river in the European Union! If it is the body of the sacred flame of the angel legion, it will definitely swim in the lava, but now it can only rely on healing the hard top.

Dafei believes that if this lava damage cannot be overcome, it will still be a **** to go out! Don't mention any beheading!

At this moment, General Tasima's laughing sound resounded through the valley: "Interesting! This is the last struggle of the mouse in the cage? You might have used all your power to break out and still be happy, but it is me who consumes power here The most ridiculous thing you have encountered in these ten thousand years, do you think you are **** creatures? Haha, wow hahaha ... "

And Da Fei's unique tactics, the wonders of swimming in the lava are even more beautiful in the studio of the other blood Wei Wei panic! Yes, Dafei ’s successful pre-loading has left a godlike impression on the beauties, but in the field, there have been mistakes in pre-loading, and even to the point that the president's help is needed, which has made the beauties begin to God questioned, but the questioned **** is still God, and the beauties are looking forward to new miracles.

For Zhou Qing, he has obtained unimaginable gains in excess, so no matter what happens later, it is not surprising. This trip is perfect. The only regret is that I just made a mistake. I wonder if it will leave a bad impression on Dafei?

after all. Take Zhou Qing's family and environment. I have always been accustomed to being supreme, and being so polite and obedient to Da Fei is already the limit of his own corporal. He accidentally said that the leak is an unavoidable mistake. I can only hope that Da Fei does not care as much as ordinary men .

In fact, since the first battle of the mine, Da Fei began to make mistakes that ordinary people would have. This shows that Da Fei is indeed a living person, but also an ordinary person. It is not the kind of e-sports machine cultivated in South Korea. This more or less has made Zhou Qing have a stronger interest in Dafei. What kind of player is this Dafei player?

As time passed by one second, just as Zhou Qing thought with thoughtful thoughts while treating the whole group without brain and adding blood, Zhou Qing suddenly discovered that the life value of Dafei's troops had soared by half!

Zhou Qing suddenly stunned: "Did I read that right?"

The beauty of the whole Xuewei studio was also uproar: "Yes, that's right, the life limit of the army has been increased by almost half!"

Zhou Qing was shocked: "But neither Shen Xiaoding nor I have increased the upper limit of life?"

"That's how it happened? Is it Dafei's special heroic skill?"

"How could there be such a heroic skill? That would be too bad, right? It should be an artifact!"

"This is not the time to use artifacts?"

At this point, while Da Fei was still swimming in the lava while maintaining his posture while forgetting to heal, the system prompted a ding:

——The system prompts: You are in a special water battle environment. Your achievement "Ultimate Sea Hunter" is partially effective, and your army's physical strength is + 14%. The army's life is + 14%, and its damage to the enemy on the water is increased by + 14%. The "Extreme Survival" part of your god-level navigator skill takes effect, the army's health is + 36%, and the army's physical strength is + 36%. Your sailing section is in effect.

Dafei laughed a long time after the shock! Partially effective, the special effects that appeared after the capture of the ship at the Hell Wharf in the European Union area appeared again. Even Lava recognized that Brother was a navigator. What reason does Brother not have to fight?

adhere to! Persist!

At this point, Er's voice sounded again: "One and a half minutes left, the city of magical punishment will arrive!"

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Will it be discovered by the enemy?"

He replied, "Yes, that big city!"

Then attack! Go all out! Da Fei did not hesitate to pull out the Ansu Totem Necklace, click to use!

A dull voice echoed in Dafei's ears: "Warrior, you awakened Ansu! Ansu's current power can help you once, but please don't expect too much!"

Let me go. Are you a divine bully? Can't he be forced to stand still with time? Dafei asked quickly: "We have a lot of enemy forces. I want to directly kill the opponent's coach. What can you do?"

An Su muttered: "There is a lot of smoke and dark energy here, which is convenient for me to use the big dark smoke screen to cover each other's sight. Unfortunately, there is still no dark natural power I need here, these two are not a concept! I have to fall asleep after helping this time. If you still need my help, you must find the power of gathering dark nature ... "

Between words, Da Fei's necklace began to emit thick black smoke!

——System Tip: Your follower Ansu begins to release the Great Dark Smoke Screen!

Dafei suddenly burst into joy and immediately started the dark realm of tears of light. At this moment, the entire battlefield valley was surrounded by a sudden black light. The range of this realm is beyond the light realm many times! And in this dark light, the black smoke released by Ansu broke out and spread instantly!

Don't rush at this time, wait any longer!

At this moment, Dafei led the whole army from the lava, and flew up! It was also at this moment that the sky-mounted flying guns were in the rain, and countless "dodges" and "misses" in the black smoke rose up! Very good, this black mist is equivalent to abolishing the air cavalry. What Dafei wants is this effect, otherwise Dafei would not dare to think!

However, the enemy ’s response is not over yet. The flaming fire glows red mist, turning the invisible black mist into the invisible red mist. This is the fireball of the abyss demons and mage heroes. !!

And at this moment, Da Fei fastened the last bottle of large-amplitude potion and the stationary artifact in case of unexpected time!

——Boom Boom Boom Boom! !! !! The whole battlefield is a sea of ​​fire! Da Fei's entire army's health instantly passed half! Dafei can't wait to see, use the large-amplitude potion without hesitation! Now the life of Da Fei's entire army is greatly increased by naval battles. This large-amplitude potion has never been so sour!

at this time. It's close! Roar!

The roar of the devil wolf rang through the valley. The power of the Dragon King Artifact spreads again! That's right. Although Da Fei can roar from the beginning, the effect is certainly not good, so Da Fei has to roar from zero distance! Do n’t want to scare Tasima, just ask the dragon under him to make him escape!

The next moment, Tasima and his guard were in sight! There is nothing to say about this fight, it hurts!

All of this happens in an instant! At this moment, looking at the blackness that suddenly appeared on the big screen, the beauty of Xuewei didn't immediately respond: "Did you hit?"

at this time. Haha laughed loudly in the black mist: "It's really unexpected to me. I thought the mouse would escape by this black mist, but I never expected that the mouse actually tried to resist! And even more stupid is that you actually released the dark realm ? Do n’t you know that this will provide a steady stream of power for our demons? Since you want to commit suicide, I will complete you! "

At this point, Da Fei is fighting with Tasima in the battle! Didn't expect Brother to miscalculate again?

But okay, since he thinks it's good for him, he probably won't run away. All he has to do is to keep the dark area and keep him in the mist. What he has to do is stick to the city of punishment. arrival!

Time passed by seconds. Dafei and General, you're $ 300, and I'm $ 500 for fighting each other. The smoky smoke in the entire battlefield is chaotic. This has exceeded the field control ability of ordinary players such as Da Fei. What Da Fei can do is to watch the troops automatically and intelligently fight.

The system prompts of Da Fei's fallen troops came out in rows! Dafei does not know if this general is an invincible player. If it is not owned by Daer, Dafei simply cannot imagine how the player will fight him. But Dafei knows that after insisting for half a minute, these two goods must be finished!

Finally, with the exception of Roger Tal and the three chariots who didn't know where to hide, all of Dafei's units were killed, and only 30 of Creation's Legion of Angels were still fighting the final battle!

Tasima's haha ​​laughter rang through the battlefield again: "Stupid! But I like it! Wow hahaha!"

At this moment, the voice of Er Er sounded like Da Tian in Da Fei's ears: "Here! The city of the city of punishment opens! The cannon opens!"

At this moment, thousands of golden lights pierced the black mist, and the general and all the demons under the light of golden lights seemed to be scalded by boiling water and burst into a white smoke!

Da Fei overjoyed, immediately turned off the dark field and looked up, and saw a huge golden light in the sky falling down. Under the light of golden light, the entire demon army of the valley erupted through the valley's mourning. Under the golden light of the enchantment, the low-level regular troops did not survive for two seconds and turned into white smoke and fell into pieces!

Then there was a thunder of light in the golden light enchantment, thousands of empty riders fell to the ground in the crumbling, and the demon army full of mountains and mountains did not even have the power to escape and retreat.

The God of Punishment I saw in the European Union!

Da Fei laughed, and the battle of the tens of thousands of siege army in the city of the city of punishment and the dragon of the line of siege was reappeared again! It's just that this time is the elite air riding of the general annihilation.

"No! Impossible!" At this moment, the desperate misery erupted in Tasima, the outer Giorinen, who was thundered!

"Ha ha! Wow ha ha ha!" At this moment, Da Fei's wild laughter rang through the battlefield and rang through the entire Blood Wei Studio!

Miracles appear! Turn over the turn!

When Tasima was laughed and beaten down by Da Fei in the unwilling howl, Da Fei's favorite thing finally came!

——System prompt: the battle is over! You've wiped out the regular volcano "Volcano Air Cavalry" of General Tahima of the Volcanic Flame Field, and you get +5.57 million experience! You have seized the "Volcano Air Cavalry Legion Order", you have obtained the artifact "Dragon Saddle" and s-class strategic equipment "Dragon Throwing Gun"! You get the "Victory of the 26th Campaign", and you gain a commanding power bonus of +10. You get the "Victory of the 20th Brilliant Campaign", you get a commanding power bonus of +20, and a personal life of +20.

Volcano Air Cavalry Corps Order: Hell regular army senior legion order, will receive a lot of merits after being turned in.

Dragon saddles: artifacts, riding gear. It possesses magical powers that can surrender dragons to surrender to Gan as a mount. Note: The stronger the dragon, the harder it is to tame.

Dragon shooting: s-class strategic equipment, the main hand throws weapons, the army attacks +40, personal damage +10, personal hit + 30%. Ammo: 50 rounds. After throwing, you must go to the smithy to repair it.

——System Tip: Your Artifact Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem draws experience to grow, personal life +20, mana +20.

——System Tip: Your ranger hate collection skills have collected 43,000 points of hatred for you. Your ranger career level has been successfully promoted to expert level, and you have gained wisdom +1.

——System Tip: Your team member Xuewei Rose gains +5.75 million experience and gains s-class strategic equipment “Dragon Shooter”. . .

——System Tip: Your team members have gained +5.57 million in experience with Blood Arrow and Fragrant Incense, and have obtained s-class strategic equipment "Dragon Shooter" . .

. . . . . .

Looking at the system prompts appearing on the screen, Dafei laughed! All annihilation, artifacts, equipment, ranger promotion, wisdom +1 again, everything is there! And this general is still a big one to send a gun! Very good, it can be considered to barely make up for the loss of Xiaofang Xiaoli's lack of promotion of god-level bright magic. With this gun, the short-legged gunmen also have the ability of single-handed long-range combat.

However, it is not over yet, and there is a larger legion order. The rank of this legion order is far higher than before. In addition to the contribution of the mine, Da Fei dare not think how high the credit will be! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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