God Rank Hero

Chapter 1098: Consequences of killing Korean players

The sacred forest of the elven kingdom in Japan. This is the forest base of the elven kingdom that specializes in producing level 5 unicorns. The war of the Hell Corps has spread here.

Divine Forest is a relatively high-end scene, and few players can qualify to come here. At this point, South Korea ’s future gaming queen, Lee Inju, was assigned here. Along with her was a very high-end rare elf unit, the Unicorn Knight! A female elf army capable of riding magic arrows on unicorns. The attributes of this unit are between the 3rd and 4th level soldiers, and they belong to the crispy category. But once you ride on the unicorn, you share life with the unicorn into one.

That's right, this is the equestrian rider! When Da Fei's Jun Xiang Trumpet and Blood Wei Guild were still searching for the centaur **** of the myth in Dabianhuang, the team where South Korea's Li Yinzhu was already far ahead. Once the unicorn advances into the mythical Pegasus, it is the Pegasus Riding Archer!

Therefore, when Da Fei in China displayed a high-profile video of killing the main players in Japan, although the South Korean side also showed surprise, it was not too scared. In the field of e-sports, South Korea considers itself to be the center of the world, and they have absolute confidence in this. Because their professional players are all based on the specifications of chess players selected by the chess court, and they are not at all a level to play casually with other countries.

However, the existence of Da Fei still made South Korea's e-sports feel the pressure. While the teams were urgently discussing, Li Yin Zhu, who was a defeated Da Fei team, was certainly not to be left behind.

The main task of Sacred Forest is to further increase the racial reputation of the unicorn family. For high-end players, racial reputation is higher than the league reputation. A truly affordable existence of world prestige.

Just when Li Yinzhu was busy running the task, a Chinese player with a very strange name suddenly appeared in front of the forest. There were many Chinese players with unrecognizable symbols in the name, and he was still alone. Of course, Li Yinzhu knows that this name is the very fashionable Martian text among Chinese teenagers. As for a single person, of course, it is also a very stylish single player for a mage player in the game.

at this time. Li Yinzhu frowned, thinking that only such high-end players can reach this scene, but I did not expect that a Chinese player who has never heard of it can also appear here, which means that the other party is the same grade as himself, which makes Li Yinzhu Somewhat uncomfortable.

Even worse, the unicorn knight, his secret arm, was seen by the opponent. Originally, Li Yinzhu thought that this scene was the only one. That's why he took the unicorn knight out generously. So what now? ignore? Or say hello to the other party? After all, in this high-end scene, there are some difficult tasks to find someone to form a team or you must easily insure a lot. But once teamed up, their secrets will be looked at more closely by the other party.

At this moment, the Chinese player's whole body flashed black, and a black beam of light fell from the sky. A smoky dark angel jumped out!

Li Yinzhu couldn't help screaming: "Belongs to the fallen angel! Is this pk?" However, Li Yinzhu never thought that a fit angel could pose a threat to his army, so he immediately rectified the formation and prepared to face it.

At this time, the tatazu team where Li Yinzhu was located, when several coaches who heard Li Yinzhu's exclamation immediately looked at the big screen on the wall, they couldn't help but stunned: "Isn't this a secret technique used by Hungarian players in Hongming Village? Is this skill? Is it common now? "

Coach Jin Xiyong frowned: "I feel very wrong! Yin Zhu, hurry back to the city!"

As soon as Li Yinzhu gritted his teeth, "No! I haven't entered the battlefield yet! If the other party transformed me, I would scare away so many soldiers, and then distribute videos on the forum to show off. How can I see people in the future? It ’s not necessarily true. Can't beat it! "

As soon as this word came out, several coaches were dumb!

Li Yinzhu's words do make a little sense, and now cross-region players in China are well-known for posting video blogs. This Chinese player who has never heard of it is very likely to find a celebrity to bite on and then become famous overnight. I encountered this situation with the coach himself. Neither the dignity of the state nor the dignity of the individual has any reason to retreat.

Then the next moment, the fallen angel began to cast, and a huge dark pentagram appeared on the ground. In the rumble of the ground, a huge black billowing claws stretched out: "You can't run away. ! "

At this moment, the coach of the tatazu team was shocked and startled: "What is this ?!"

at the same time. In a special machine room of the US Supernova Corps headquarters, a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-olds in white are busy with tasks during the game.

Big screen on the wall. A member of the team suddenly summoned a high-end demon using the devil's contract!

Captain Tommy yelled, "David, what are you doing?"

Another big freckled boy laughed: "Of course it's clear! I don't allow others to grab a task with me in the same scene!"

Tommy exclaimed: "Stupid! You will reveal your identity like this!"

David cut out: "You're a fool! My current identity is what Chinese players are afraid of?"

"You bastard!" Tommy dashed into David's seat and grabbed David's collar. But when I mentioned it, I couldn't.

David sneered sneer: "Whether it's a fight or a duel in the game, I'm always here!"

Tommy exclaimed, "I'll go to the captain!"

"Don't look for it!" The door to the special room opened, and Fordson entered with a somber face: "Dave, give me a proper reason!"

"Yes, private r!" The freckled boy Huo Ran stood up firmly and forcefully: "First, this player named Li Yinzhu has a status as a princess in the Korean e-sports circle. As long as all her proud troops are eliminated, it will be great. Deteriorating the relationship between Chinese and South Korean players, at the very least, can make these two forces unable to cooperate, which is conducive to our control of the situation! Second, China has already had an incredible fly, and it ’s okay for me to summon a demon. What? Third, I think Koreans and Chinese and Tommy are not pleasing to the eye! "

Fordson was on the spot! The entire machine room is even quieter! In the minds of teenagers, those who dare to speak with Captain Fordson are absolutely crazy!

With a somber face, Fordson raised his hand high! Tommy's face was gloat, and the other teenagers were even more frightened, but David looked straight ahead, his eyelids didn't blink. Just then, the system prompts a jingle on the big screen:

——System prompt: the battle is over! You defeated Korean player Lee Eun Joo. . .

Fordson raised his hand slowly to David's shoulder and patted it. "You have an idea, you have the courage, and you may even think you have the truth, but you have no sense of responsibility! This is your biggest Mistake! From 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, you will be fined for 10 laps in the playground for one month! "

"Yes, private r!"

Fordson shook his head and sighed, "Now you're going to be wrong, you can play the Chinese you most dislike."

"Yes, private r!"

. . . . . .

At 0am Beijing time, a new day begins.

Da Fei guerrilla in the Sulfur Blood Sea for an hour and a half, hunting and killing more than 200 Gorefiends at an average speed of two per minute. At this time, the huge size of the blood demon could not hold even the sacred space, and the guerrilla war had to be temporarily suspended.

Da Fei began to regret that he should not have eaten the corpses of the one thousand big devil. It felt like he regretted that he had eaten late in the morning when he had a big meal at noon. But it's okay to stop. It's not good to kill too much and destroy the ecological balance. After all, when the enemy is weak, it is necessary to control the progress, and when it is strong, it is necessary to control.

Now, the boat of the sky is suspended in the high altitude of the sea of ​​blood again. Da Fei came to Shengteng Center Village to check the situation and see when Shengteng evolved.

At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friends sounded. At a glance, Da Fei was indeed the star goddess Bu Fei Yan.

Bu Feiyan: "Feige, let me know that there is another master in China. He posted on the forum a video of killing the famous Korean professional female player Li Yinzhu, and then ridiculed it. Then Korean players and Chinese players It ’s starting to fall out. If Feige encounters Korean players, beware they disgusting you, after all, the level of Korean players is still obvious to all. "

Dafei couldn't help it, Li Yinzhu? Acquaintance The girl who rides a unicorn on the international arena? Da Fei laughed: "This, the opposite party is a famous female player of the stick, you are a famous female player in China, will the stick return one after another, kill you to vent your anger?"

Bufeiyan cried immediately, "Fei brother! Please cover it, the stick really wants to kill me!"

Da Fei was in a sudden, Bu Feiyan smiled again: "Just kidding! But after this incident, I am afraid that the national war in Japan is not very good, and there are several pk crazy people in China. The situation may be It will be more complicated, so Fei Ge can only spend more on snacks. "

Da Fei said, "Know them, let them make trouble!"

Bu Feiyan reminded: "By the way, there is a video of this emerging Chinese master, Fei Ge is interested to go to the forum to see it."

"Got it."

(Sorry friends, only one change today for the poor condition) (To be continued)


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