God Rank Hero

Chapter 1100: Extreme height advantage

The large-scale construction of Shengteng Center Village started again. Puppet Angel Corps, gun emperor, militia flower demon, vine demon, and so on, regardless of whether they can produce skills, all enter the battle. One by one, the flower demon barracks were airborne on the lake. Then, under the guidance of Tamilia's spell, a thick rattan stick extended out of the lake to support the barracks. At a glance, there was an extra circle of floating houses on the lake.

Then, throw a few hundred units of scarlet rubies, plus cold emerald gems, and put 1,000 units into the lake. The entire lake surface was like boiling water again to continuously dissolve the gemstones, and then a faint red smoke appeared again in the 10 newly transplanted flower demon barracks.

A huge sense of achievement came to Da Fei's heart, and what I wanted was this effect! The thought of planting the next 20 barracks in the future, and then mass-producing tens of thousands of 0-level soldiers and demons, is equivalent to an authentic mobile city, even if the magic of the doomsday is destroyed, The evil demon who can add more than 30 points to the army's life by his own resistance! It was just like using the city's flower demon to fight against the meteorite magic of the general in the city of light.

And it's already 1am after finishing all this. There is still a lot of space in the stomach of Sheng Teng. OK, it's time to continue working.

Da Fei returned to the cabin of the Skyboat again. At this time, the rusty dragon patrol under the ship was still tirelessly patrolling. Da Fei couldn't help but startled and laughed. Brother stopped for an hour. After counting the war from now on, it was almost three hours back and forth. Didn't they know that it was flying higher? In short, the blood monsters continue to be hunted, and the blood eagles continue to target.

But soon, Da Fei discovered the problem. After this hour of change. The density of Gorefiends is far less than it was just now. There was at least 4,5 in a fighting area just now. Now there are only two or three sparse pull-ups in an area of ​​the same size, and some even have only one. That is, I overfished myself! For a large-sized sea monster like Blood Demon, killing more than 200 animals at once has indeed caused serious ecological damage.

This time, Da Fei Egg hurts. Although you can continue to use the previous tactics to kill, but this feeling is like the player brushing those monsters that have lowered their own levels and have not contributed much experience, they are uncomfortable. For the high-end players who have long-term leapfrogged. The situation is even more unbearable.

That is to say, now Dafei is finally facing these rusty dragons. If the opponent is a rusty dragon, the capture of parasitic vines will not be effective, and it will be difficult to end the fight in seconds. Even if there is an angel legion, it is difficult to guarantee that these patrols will not retreat like the airborne patrols of Hell Volcano, as long as they are not defeated. Once a more time-consuming sky chase is formed, then the rusty dragon reinforcements There will be a steady stream of meetings, which is definitely much more difficult than the poaching of blood golems. But now there is no choice but to start.

but. Looking at the dense red dots on the radar where the rusty dragon shuttled around, Dafei still had a dim snack. Once so many rusty dragons are under the command of powerful heroes, the consequences are still a bit daunting! Is there really no tactics?

Da Fei looked at the radar while pondering, trying to find the prey that was the easiest to place the order. As long as the situation is successfully opened from the beginning, and the density of the Rust Dragon is also thinned, the subsequent battles should be much better.

And just thinking about it, suddenly saw the value of a meter on the instrument panel of the Skyboat console turned red. Da Fei's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly asked the npc technician in Mage City: "What's going on?"

The technician replied: "Report to the captain, this is the flying height instrument! It is currently at a position that exceeds the limit altitude by 60%! But there is no danger, please be assured of the captain."

Dafei frowned: "Extreme height?"

The technician replied: "Yes, because the boat of the sky merges the soul of Agalon to gain life, the ultimate climb of the boat of the sky is increased by 10% than the design value. And this volcanic area is filled with a lot of hot sulfur smoke, causing the air As the density increases, the buoyancy of the air also increases, so the boat of the sky again gains a 50% extra height bonus! "

At this moment, Da Fei flashed in his heart! Da Fei finally seemed to understand why these Rust Dragon patrols would only search under the bottom of the ship, instead of continuing to search high. Not that they are not willing, but that they can't fly so high!

That's right, even flying creatures have flying height restrictions. For example, a sparrow can never fly higher than an eagle. And his own blood eagle has the skill of “flying at high altitudes”. It is also the advantage of this skill that allowed the blood eagle to petrify and kill thousands of beetles in the vine monster jungle. Favored by Taj Uth!

In order to verify his idea, Dafei asked the technician again: "Since the buoyancy of this volcanic air is large, the enemy's flying dragon will fly higher than usual, right?"

The technician nodded: "Of course. However, the shape of the aircraft is different, and the effects of buoyancy are different. Their streamlined shape is only suitable for flying fast, but the huge size of our balloons is indeed suitable for flying high. In terms of height, they cannot compare with us! "

Dafei ecstatic overjoyed! Sure enough, finally found the trick! What is high-tech? Flying higher than the other is high technology!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Then go to war, slowly lower the height of the boat in the sky, and the whole army is ready to fight! First test the true high flying limit of the enemy!"

"Roger that!"

As a result, the Sky Boat closed a jet tube, and the Sky Boat descended slowly. Approaching, getting closer, the red light on the radar exploded:

——The system prompts: You are discovered by the Rust Dragon patrol, the battle begins!

Looking at the dozen rusty dragons flying up in the fog, Dafei immediately ordered: "Stop descent!"

The rusty dragon emerged from the fog, and Dafei finally saw the appearance of this rusty dragon. It is a yellow winged dragon that is half as big as the 7th grade emerald jade dragon. And these rusty dragons are flying more and more slowly, and when they approach the bottom of the Feixiang ship for more than ten meters, they can only flap and flap their wings, and they cannot rise any more!

Dafei laughed: "This is their limit!"

And the next moment, these rusty dragons opened their mouths, and a large mouth sprayed with yellow flames mixed with yellow smoke-bang! !! The bottom of Feixiang also shuddered! The numbers of "-200 Sulfur Flame Dragon Breath Damage", "-30 Continuous Corrosive Damage!" And "-26 Fire Burn Continuous Damage" at the bottom of the ship jumped out!

At this moment, the total durability of the bottom of the Feixiang was lost nearly 20,000! If the continuous damage is counted, the output of the opponent is considerable! The dragon's killing effect on the building is not very good. It can do this kind of damage to the flying aircraft. Once it is used on the arms, this mighty fly can't imagine it!

But now that the other side is sending out breath, it is time for our army to fight back!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Fight back!"

The next moment, the archers on the deck brushed their outcrops and dropped their arrows, and the angel army flew down!

With a large output of tons of firepower, even the dragons are not the enemy of the large round, let alone the long-range attack has a default damage bonus to flying creatures. 3 rusty dragons were instantly killed on the spot, and the rest The patrol team immediately fell down and fled, and broke out a roar that rang through the audience!

Then the next moment, the other red dots on the radar came together!

Da Fei's most painful thing appeared, these patrolmen really did not fight but they shouted helpers by the way! With such a shout, there must be a hero to appear. And now is definitely not the time to fight against the hero. Although there is a high advantage, the other party will still have a long-distance dragon breath. A team of dragons will fight off the flying 20,000 for durability. If the heroes lead the team, they may be out of play.

Da Fei immediately let the Angel Army chase the corpses of the three dragons that had fallen, and then quickly transported them back to the space of Shengteng. Then the flying magic light flickered, and then teleported and said. That's right, the first battle is to test the tactical strength of Rust Dragon. Now that the goal has been basically achieved, the next step is to start a detailed system planning. By the way, it also gave Feixiang time to recover the lost durability. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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