God Rank Hero

Chapter 1109: Dragon mother reduced to spawning machine

The last injured dragon was cleared by Da Fei, but the system information of the end of the battle did not appear, that is, the dragon mother must be defeated. ≥ Top ≥ Point ≥ Small ≥ Say, Da Fei can already imagine how powerful this dragon mother is in guarding such a large mine, at least not weaker than the earth-walking dragon encountered by the **** punishment hell, nor will it be better than the demigod turtle weak. And judging from the other side's chance of surrender, it shows that the other party may solve the problem through diplomatic negotiation.

But before that, Da Fei has to hurry up to clean the battlefield in search of the crystal to move the corpse, and let Silena's blessing recover the damage of the battleship as soon as possible. As for the remaining sulfur in the secret little stone cave dragon cave, it is estimated that there is no time to pick, and Da Fei has no plans to pick. After all, the situation behind the enemy is complicated, and Dafei can tell what watermelon and sesame are.

Under the busyness of the entire army, batches of rusty dragon corpses were dropped into the Holy Vine space, and each rusty dragon's entry was squeezed by vines like pythons at an incredible rate. Not only that, the previous inventory was also consumed a lot during this time. It can be seen that this holy vine really has to be beaten to eat fast. Now Da Fei has no worries at all about the corpse of thousands of rusty dragons.

The Seraph's crystal search also quickly gained, and a total of less than 100 nuclear crystals scattered around the battlefield were collected, which was not enough for the entire Seraph to fire two artillery fire. This time, Da Fei is quite tangled. I feel that the decisive battle is not guaranteed. It seems that in the future, the alchemy laboratory will fully develop the nuclear bomb crystal.

After 10 minutes, the battlefield was cleaned up, Silena's blessing disappeared, and the entire army of Da Fei boarded the ship again and flew into the passageway leading to the dragon mother's ground.

The time for the decisive battle is coming. this moment. Dafei's nervous mood is difficult to restrain. Except for Makar's hourglass. Da Fei had almost no other means of overcoming the enemy. In fact, it was also an hourglass that had experienced the actual test of killing Hydra, and Da Fei dared to bet on all the net worth in depth. Otherwise, he would have taken back home and left.

Finally, through the passage to reach a new burrow, a giant bubbling blood pool floating in the burrow was a giant dragon that was three or four times larger than a regular rusty dragon! The dragon's limbs were tied around the cave wall by several long thick chains!

At this moment, everyone in Dafei was shocked at the spot!

Is this Dragon Mother Cindy Gossa? This is less than four times the size of an ordinary rust dragon, at best it is an adult dragon, far from being a giant dragon! The dragon's skeletal chest can hold a flying horn. Not just the dragon. What happens when this is locked and soaked in water? This is far from the god-level wave ss expected by Dafei!

At this moment, Cindy Gossa sneered from the blood pool: "Did you disappoint the Warriors? You won, kill me, my artifact Longan Ring is yours."

Dafei suddenly suddenly! The current situation is that even blind people know how to trigger the plot. If they are killed, this clearance mode is too imperfect! It's time to use the master-class diplomacy of the whole regiment.

Dafei hurriedly said, "You gave me two chances to surrender, and I will give you two chances, let's talk!"

Cindy Gossa sneered: "Okay, just talk! It may take less than 10 minutes for the Blood Devil to come and surround you. Please hurry up."

Lying down! Is this dead dragon not afraid of boiling water? Da Fei next hearted and hurriedly said to Zavala: "You are all dragons. You talk to her!"

Zavala was startled, "What's the conversation?"

What the hell! You're all female dragons. There is always a topic about buying vegetables and hatching eggs? Dafei hurriedly said, "Just ask her where she is now."

Zavala came to the bow with a whisper: "Can you ask, why are you locked up here?"

Cindy Gossa glanced at the flying stunned head, and could not help laughing at it: "It was the same kind! It turned into a ridiculous little creature!"

Lying down! Who do you say to you?

Zavala's face sank: "Don't forget, you are now defeated by the existence you despise! You are nothing."

Da Fei's heart is tight! Why did the two female dragons meet each other so much when they met?

Cindy Gossa resentfully said: "If I was not defeated by the devil, and tortured here, how could mortals defeat me! Do n’t talk nonsense, kill me and take away the artifact and hurry up! What am I doing now No more. "

Dafei couldn't help but be surprised: "What did the devil torture you?"

Cindy Go Sahaha laughed: "You ask her! Why don't you call her to jump down and try? Oh yes, she's a mortal mortal now. It's useless to jump down."

Zavala did keep silent.

Lying down! Only 10 minutes! Can you make any progress? Dafei hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with this blood pool?"

Zavala coughed, "This is not suitable for children."

Grandma! The thing that is not suitable for children is the favorite! Especially speaking from the mouth of beautiful women is even more different! Da Fei excitedly said, "What is it?"

Cinti Gossa laughed wildly: "This blood pool is the pool of life of the Demon. As long as the adult female dragon is soaked in it, it will give birth to a hybrid dragon of the Demon blood! Yes, I am now a detained here and become an ant The general spawning machine! Here, I also want to thank you for killing all the clutter outside, and I do n’t have any dignity of the dragons, so please kill me too! Haha, wow hahaha! "

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go, it ’s really a pregnant swimming pool!

Zavala spoke again: "You have twice surrendered just now, indicating that you still have some attempts and expectations. Anyway, you have no dignity at all, just surrender. Let us treat you well."

That's right! Direct enough, that's the point!

Cinti Gossa sighed: "It was indeed an attempt. But since it was defeated, then it said nothing. A dragon family reduced to a spawning machine of the demons has a lower value than earthworms. The value of living, in your words, is that I am nothing now! "

Dafei frowned. Needless to say, this is a leader of the faction. The chance of surrendering players is extremely low, and it is estimated that the system is set to be unyielding. The reason why the player was just recruited just now is that I hope the player can help him to do the task of killing the demon king?

Just then, Cinti Goo Sahaha smiled: "—Yes, 2 minutes have passed! Please pay attention to time!"

Zavala sank: "Do you mean, we defeated the Blood Lord and talked well?"

Cinti Gousa laughed: "If you really mean it, whatever you say is whatever ..."

That's it! It turns out that the Blood Devil is the ultimate wave ss!

Zavala sighed to Da Fei: "Sir, I can feel the other party's determination to die for death. Isn't our mission to destroy this mine? Now the enemy's sulfur is consumed by us, and the main defenders also It was destroyed by us, and basically achieved the purpose. There is no need to challenge the powerful existence of the Devil. Then send her a ride. I believe her body can also contribute the last nourishment to Miss Tamilia's passionate space. "

Dafei could not help but nodded: "It makes sense!" The player's personal strength alone to challenge the demon-level god-level npc, that is, his head is caught in the door. In fact, isn't Dafei trying to control the rhythm so as to avoid such a pit situation?

However, Da Fei was still unwilling, so he sneaked out his artifact dragon saddle and quietly asked, "Can we use this to make her submit?"

Zavala frowned: "If the other party is on guard-it is recommended that the adult break her first before talking!"

It turned out that Dafei immediately had an idea! At this moment, Tamilia appeared, and she looked excited and said, "Master, the blood pool is full of a lot of life energy. It fits the attributes of the Sacred Vine Life Pool very well. This is the food we urgently need. ! "

Well, right? This is clearly the devil's pool, can this be used? Dafei asked, "How much is needed?"

Tamillah shook her head: "I'm not sure, but the concentration of the water in the pond is more than ten times that of our lake. We should take the time to draw it all! I've made the Fujino army use the mercury empty bucket and all fire buckets on standby!"

No! I have a mental disorder. OK, in order to nourish, the most important thing now is to race against time!

So Da Fei shouted to Cinti Gossa: "Well, since you want to die, we will make you perfect!"

Cindy Gossa smiled coldly: "Okay! But even so, the Dragons will never stand still. Let me use my final battle to understand my life in shame!"

The next moment, Cindy Gossa slaps his wings suddenly, and in the splash of blood waves, Cindy Gossa shakes his whole body of chains and soars and laughs: "Don't look down on me like this, these chains that bind me are also mine Lethal weapon! If you don't want to be strangled by my chains, go for it! "

Let me go, can it not hurt me? Brother is losing tens of millions of water in one second now! Da Fei was impatient and took out Makar's hourglass artifact directly!

If, when every second of your time is of supreme value, time is still at the moment to reflect his value! If it is a ridiculous theory that a strong dragon is wearing a saddle for a cat to hang a bell for a cat, now is the moment when the bell is still!

——The system prompts: You have used the "light of angels" of god-level bright magic! You and your covenant angel An Weier merge, all your attributes are increased by 7%!

The entire army of angels attacked! At this moment, Da Fei, who is possessed by the angel, also has the flying ability.

And the next moment, Cindy Gou Sahaha laughed and fluttered his wings, five or six chains intertwined into a dense whip net whistling!

With such amazing speed and density, ordinary operations like Dafei can't be avoided, but Dafei didn't plan to hide!

——The system prompts: you use time hourglass, you get 5 seconds of static stasis effect!

At this moment, a golden aperture spreads throughout the field, the aperture is approaching, and time is still! What you want is effect! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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