God Rank Hero

Chapter 1113: Wounded by Gorefiend

Although Da Fei tried his best to control the rhythm, it was unexpected that he was caught by the Demon King. △ ¢ Anyway, play off! Fortunately, it was time for Alicia's flashes. Under the urging of Alicia's spell, three illusions that followed the sky's boat appeared in the sky.

You can choose one of the four choice abcd questions. Dafei ’s confidence in escape is greatly increased! At that time, Dafei had the most multiple-choice questions in the English test. Judging from the personal experience of Dafei, this chance of success should be far below 25%.

At this time, a huge "shrimp and crab" that was more than ten times larger than the ordinary blood demon and had a size of half of the flying number appeared from the vortex gate. When he saw 4 sky boats in the sky, he couldn't help it Yip!

Da Fei nervously clenched his fists and secretly prayed: 愣 愣 愣, the longer the ya rang, the higher the brother, the lower the damage! But now that it has flown so high, even if the other party has a means of identification, it may not be particularly easy to use in such a situation.

"Small mortal, ridiculous!"

The next moment, the system alarm sounded again! The blood demon did not fly as Da Fei wished, and after taking a deep breath, he broke his shot, and a blood column that penetrated Changhong blasted into the sky!

At this moment, Da Fei's eyes narrowed! A group of beautiful lieutenants throughout the cab subconsciously tightened the shockproof handrails on the roof!

The next moment, Alicia couldn't help it: "He made a mistake!"

Dafei was suddenly pleased, yes, this trajectory was not for yourself! In front of multiple choice questions, even the demon level is a scum!

With a bang, a thick blood column instantly disintegrated an illusion not far from the boat of the sky like a cannon bombing a fly. Even so far apart. The sky boat still feels the shaking of the wind pressure! However, this amplitude is obviously smaller than that of the crater just now. This strengthened Da Fei's confidence to continue climbing and avoiding-I want to fly higher!

The blood demon haha ​​laughed wildly: "Sculpture of the eagle worm! There are 3 more, who will it be?" Then he took a deep breath!

His jaw dropped in shock: "His transmitting frequency is so fast?"

Alicia frowned: "Look at me!" He waved his hand immediately after speaking, and the speed of the climb of one illusion increased immediately, and the body and the other illusion quickly fell under him.

Dafei could not help but hesitated, is this?

The Blood Devil smirked proudly: "Now I want to run! It's late!"

As soon as the voice fell, another blood pillar shot out. At this moment, Dafei couldn't breathe nervously! And the next moment. This blood column passed by again, directly catching up with the speeding high-flying illusion controlled by Alicia—bang! The magic light scattered!

Grandma! Dafei could not help but spray: "That's it!"

Alicia laughed: "Exactly, the other party thought we were scared and subconsciously thought that the one who was eager to escape was the ontology!"

At this point, the roar of the Blood Demon rang through Haitian: "It's ridiculous! But there are only two left! The time to determine your fate has arrived!" After that, the Blood Demon began to inhale again!

I'll pull it out and not take it like that! Da Fei is again peeing! If you follow his shooting frequency, don't say that insisting on ten minutes, even one minute is difficult! Now choose one out of two. Are you ready to resist?

this moment. The entire cab is in despair!

Da Fei's mind hurried and shouted to Alicia: "The trick is repeated!"

Alicia was startled, "Will he be tricked twice by the same deception?"

Da Fei also took a deep breath: "Betting! It is because he gave priority to killing Gao Gao just now, which shows that he also knows his disadvantages. So this time, whether it is out of instinctive consciousness or The negative psychology of losing just now-"

"I see! It's better than nothing!" Alicia immediately began to control the only illusion and continued to fly without saying a word!

At this moment, Da Fei's heart was in a mess! If the opposite party is a player who is a living person, all kinds of negative emotions and mischief will often make a 50% odds bet even bigger. This is why guessing the coin is positive and negative, such as stone scissors The reason why the game becomes very skillful. However, the opponent is the system npc! If it is really a simple and brainless 50% chance random lottery, Dafei will now be scared to death! Now, Dafei can only expect his intelligence to be high enough, even reaching the realm of real life!

The roar of the Blood Demon came again: "Will I be fooled twice by the same deception!"

At this moment, Dafei gritted his teeth and grasped the handrail! The entire cab is silent!

--boom! !! !! Another blood bombardment of Changhong blasted into the sky, crushing the illusion controlled by Alicia!

Alicia laughed: "It really made the same deceit trick twice!"

Really a highly intelligent teaser wave ss! Dafei laughed with a big breath: "This is the general psychology of betting on losers!"

"You laugh! I allow you to laugh and laugh!" The next moment, the dull voice came from the sea again, sounding angerless.

At this time, the laughter of everyone in Dafei stopped abruptly and couldn't laugh anymore! That's right, there is no illusion now. Alicia's illusion legion magic is still in the magic cooldown time, which means that the current flight can only resist with no cover!

Da Fei hurriedly called to Tamilia: "Can the Flyer resist?"

Tamilia shook her head in horror: "I don't know! But we have 280 evil demon. The evil demon have the ability of sacred vine to live together to heal the Flying!"

That's right, one of the demon's signature skills is the coexistence of ancient trees, which can provide blood to ancient trees and level 6 soldier tree monsters. This skill of the evil demon becomes blood for Sheng Sheng. Now the only thing you can count on is how long these 280 evil demon can hold.

"Are you laughing enough? Are you ready?" The Blood Lord's unhurried voice was again uploaded from the sea.

Da Fei's heart tightened his bladder! This tone is not right. Amazing mode has been changed to pretend mode? Come on, the labor and capital are ready, the labor and capital have soared dozens of meters, and the labor and capital have to resist!

"Let's get started!" This time, a long and long inhalation sound was heard from the sea surface, and it was heard from Dafei that it was a scream for life!

——System prompt: Warning! You are locked by high energy magic! Please do your best!

At this moment, Da Fei can only pray and pray that the 500,000-strong and nearly 1,000-year-old defense can be carried! When the sound of inhalation stopped, time seemed to freeze at this moment!

--boom! !! !! Another blood bombarded the sky!

At this time, a red blood column rushed on the ship's bottom monitor of the Sky Boat's operation platform, and the Flying was inevitable! Dafei gritted his teeth and issued an instruction that was not an instruction: "Everyone is ready to resist impact!"


--boom! !! !! There was a loud noise, a big shock at the feet of Da Fei, and everyone in the cockpit flew against the bilge! Then a large row of red lights prompted by the system:

——System prompt: Serious warning! The bottom of the flying ship was corroded and broken by the Blood Demon Azak, and a huge hole appeared! Into the sinking state, please do everything possible to repair and ask the friendly fleet to tow for rescue!

——System prompt: Warning! The third deck of the Flying was corroded and broken by the Blood Demon Azak, and the third cargo ship was damaged!

——System prompt: Serious warning! Feixiang's two-layer backbone support was smashed, and Feixiang was in danger of breaking the waist! Please do everything possible to repair the backbone support!

Be penetrated! !! !! Going sunken? !! The crisis of waist fracture! !! !!

This is a spike! ? At this moment, Da Fei's brain was blank! Da Fei couldn't believe his eyes! The 500,000-long-lasting Flying was meaningless in front of the Demon King. This was simply hit by another giant ship running at high speed with a hit angle! This is the strength of God-level wave ss! This is the price of completing the task that you should not complete! This time I really took off!

The thought of the life-long flying boat of the sky really had to be buried with this, a chill of bones, a burst of urinary urge to flood the whole body of Dafei instantly! God, Grandpa Silena! Help me! I'll be your brother! !! !! No, can I be your grandson? !! !! !!

At this moment, the operation console uploaded Agalon's mechanical sound: "The master is not panic, as long as I am still hanging on the Flying, it doesn't matter if the Flying is broken in two!"

Da Fei is here again! That's right! Feixiang has dozens or hundreds of cables hanging balloons, but it's even broken!

Then the next moment, Tamilia immediately appeared in front of Da Fei, terrified and said, "Master, we must urgently repair the support of the Flying! I recommend using the Hydra keel! This is the only thing we can support such a huge wound Material! "

Keel of Hydra! ? That's right! Brother has keel! Dafei waved his hands in a hurry: "Then act now! The whole army will start repairing!"

At this time, a surprised voice from the devil came from the sea: "It didn't smash right away? You are really surprised at me! But you can't escape it!"

At this moment, Dafei's pale cold sweat permeated his body! And the devil is here! If he had another shot, brother would be finished immediately, and everything repaired by him would be meaningless!

At this moment, Deirdre immediately flew over to report: "Don't panic, the demon king has also exhausted all his strength just now! When the devil king has also come to rest, we must grab time with him! Yes, just now The continuous shooting of the Blood Demon was also carried out under extreme anger, and the consumption of him was also relatively large, which may cause him to rest longer, and we are not without opportunities! "

That's it! Da Fei was gradually relieved. It seemed that even if he accidentally played off with a god-level monster, the system still gave the player a chance and did not put the player into the dead! This is the last chance, be sure to escape the birth day!

And at this moment, Da Fei despair and hope coexisted in his heart and suddenly produced one of the craziest thoughts. If everything has no time to save, is it possible for Brother to send his troops to the Jedi to fight back? After all, his consumption is also big? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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