God Rank Hero

Chapter 1115: Push the devil into the pit

From the beginning, Da Fei entered a misunderstanding because he returned to the city heartily, and felt that he could use the high-altitude advantage of the Sky Boat to escape. But the Blood Devil ’s anti-aircraft gun that broke the sky completely reshaped the three views of Da Fei: that is, you ca n’t counsel, you can only do it.

Now the sky boat has returned to the crater. Players want to ss, and using terrain cards is an eternal truth that is bumpy and unbreakable. The crater is undoubtedly the topography of this map. The wave ss fired from the sea, the sky boat hid in the crater, the wave ss teleported to the bottom of the volcano and fired the gun, and the sky boat ran out of the crater just as before.

As a result, all the jungle hunter Druid Green Dragons issued by the general barracks brought by Dafei are hoarded on the mountainside. If cannon fodder is necessary for the decisive battle, then they are. As for Nasir, this is the main trump card of the land war, and it must play an important role in the decisive battle.

So Da Fei instructed Alicia and Serbia: "This time, I want you to cover Nasir with phantom legion. What specific tactics do you have?"

Alicia laughed: "If it is Miss Serbia's magical level, she will perform magic coordination for the Forest Goddess unit, plus Nasir's body size, I am afraid that it can reproduce more than 8 illusions!"

Serbia shook his head: "At such a close distance, the devil can certainly distinguish the illusion quickly, and it is useless."

Alicia nodded: "Then I have another idea, to find a way to ambush Nasir in disguise, but I need Miss Serbia to ride with me on Nasir to help me cast spells."

Dafei hurriedly said, "Hurry up! You guys go! Success or failure is here!"

Alicia added: "By the way, in order to make Nasir's disguise as successful as possible, the Lord of the City led the 300 flower demon militia to use the sound of flutes to interfere with the audiovisual of the demon king. Will it be more or less useful?"

Serbia shook her head: "The sound of the flower demon flute is slow. Use it now."

Da Fei nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Understand!"

"Then we go and direct Nasir."

right now. Serbia is not here, and the senior bard of Da Fei's half-dead is finally available. With the harsh sound of the flute, Dafei's confidence in the decisive battle has increased.

The next thing to do is to pay attention to the progress of the repair of Feixiang while waiting for the reaction of the Blood Demon King. At this moment, the message of Da Fei's friend suddenly rang.

Hundred flowers kill: "Feige is still busy. I can't stand to go to bed at about 3:30. Yan Ran is still fighting, and if Fei Ge keeps the third video, I will send Yan Ran a smile."

Da Fei was surprised and laughed. She really thought that her brother was still guarding his feet? How busy are the brothers?

So Dafei laughed: "Okay, let's rest. Lesbians should pay attention to the skin and don't stay up late."

Bai Huasha excitedly said: "Ahhhh! Fei Ge actually knows the care of lesbians, really a very good man! Then Fei Ge should also pay attention to rest and not tired, I'm offline, bye!"

Dafei laughed: "Bye!"

Dafei could not help but shake his head and sigh. I thought that when my brother played a game to **** the name of the guild of Tu Long, he also recruited a large number of messy female players into the guild, and each of them was a good man with a sweet mouth. In fact, brother was a **** then.

But with her reminder, Da Fei suddenly remembered something. Wouldn't this footbath classmate be really scared not to go online all night? If you think about it, it is a mistake to be defended for the first time, and it is a mistake to be defended for the second time. If you are defended for the third time, it is simply unforgivable! I thought that when I was forced to go offline, the junk red name wasn't left unattended. The mood was so great that I fully understood it. I would never dare go online without absolute certainty.

At present, the two scenes where Brother is located are too high-end, and there are no players from Japan to witness. Then in the Japanese area, if I ca n’t determine whether Brother will keep, I ’m afraid that I did n’t go online for a rest night.

Dafei laughed! Although brother is not on the scene, Yu Wei can still calm you!

At this moment, the voice of the Blood Demon uploaded from the sea: "It seems you are still struggling for the last dying! Then I will end you!" Then the next moment, the familiar inhalation sound came!


Da Fei's heart shook, and his big hand waved: "The whole army is ready to fight!" At this moment, Da Fei was deeply convinced by his foresight. The devil's recovery speed was really much faster than his own recovery speed!

Now the distance is much closer to the demon king. When Dafei clearly saw that the demon king was inhaling, the figure on the water surface soared more than twice as much as a balloon. At the same time, there was a violent vortex flowing around him. Only then did Dafei understand that he was not inhaling, but inhaling water! Then let's fire it, brother hides it for you!

However, the system's high-energy alarm prompt did not appear immediately, but a huge vortex gate appeared on the shore of the volcanic island, and then the devil disappeared. The next moment the devil was teleported to the vortex of the island, and then in a huge earthquake, a giant shrimp-like Crab, the blood armor monster dangling around the spinning blood mist!

Unsurprisingly, this blood demon king is indeed a system-level intelligent wave ss, and the key point is calculated at once, that is, landing and occupying the crater!

At this time, Deirdrehui reported: "Master, the abyss blood monsters can only play a powerful combat power in blood water, and now this landing situation will undoubtedly reduce his strength! And from this expansion In terms of body type, he can only shoot continuously if he continuously absorbs water in the water, but cannot continue to absorb water after landing, and may only shoot once! "

Dafei frowned, so it turned out that forcing the water monster to fight the land battle, I really found the key to the strategy! However, he only needs to fire his gun once the brother is settled. In any case, he must find a way to cheat him out!

Near, in the rumbling tremor, the Blood Demon King was pushed up the mountain like a giant iron bulldozer with a few floors high. At this time, even if the big sky boat had already exposed half a head in the crater, the Demon King ignored it, apparently for Pursue absolute control.

And this is even more daunting! Isn't Da Fei seeking absolute control? The issue is. Dafei is totally unsure! Everything now can only count on the decisive role of the ambush of Alicia and Serbia.

The demon king enters the battlefield distance! Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Attack!"

next moment. Da Fei set up a jungle hunting druid in the middle of the mountain. But when all the arrows only contact the rotating blood mist of the demon king's body, countless words of "missile deflection" and "damage absorption" surge out!

His jaw dropped to the ground! This is the strength of the devil! The attack bonus of his own sky and the so-called artifact bonus can't even break the devil's body shield!

Keep testing! Dafei gritted his teeth and waved his hands. Ten 7th-level soldiers flew up the emerald dragon. When the emerald dragon rushed into the blood fog, a large row of "-60 wind strangling injury!" Jumped out, and the emerald dragon screamed. Before it can be sent out, it will turn into a blood clot and scatter like a rush into a meat grinder!

Dafei was shocked on the spot! This is the realm of god-level monsters, and it is no longer a conventional attack. Even if you think that your regular attacks are against the sky! Then it is estimated that the magic flying attack of the Seraph's flame flying gun will not have much effect. Even if it does, the opponent's health is estimated to be enough to spit on its own! How to do? Can Nasir reverse the game?

The laughter of the devil came haha: "Small mortal, being able to take this step does not mean that you are strong, but only that our army is incompetent! You have proved that the mine-guarding troops I run are all useless garbage, I want to thank you for helping me clean up this trash! "

With a giggling laugh, the demon king got closer, and the devil king completely ignored the flying soldiers and flew straight into the crater to reveal a half-balloon sky boat.

The devil ignored Nasir's existence! Or not found? But in any case, Dafei saw the hope of victory!

Da Fei immediately called to Tamilia with a serious expression: "The situation has changed, and we must make a final adventure. You immediately inform Alicia ..."

After listening to Da Fei's instructions, Tamilia frowned. "But then. Nasir could be sacrificed?"

Da Fei sighed, "Perhaps this must be a sacrifice!"

Tamilla nodded: "I see, I'll notify immediately!"

Then Dafei immediately ordered: "Boat in the sky, descend into the hole!"

Elena said, "It's my turn!"

Da Fei nodded: "All 30 Seraphs are entrusted to you to command! All are equipped with nuclear bomb crystals and bombarded with maximum firepower!"

"Got it!"

The laughter of the Blood Demon came again: "Little mortal, not only incompetent, but ridiculous!"

Da Fei looked up at the sky of the crater. In the rumbling trembling smoke, a huge shadow covered half of the crater's crater.

Da Fei's heart beats wildly! coming!

The next moment, a huge crab's body shrouded most of the opening: "Ha ha! Mortal, what more can you say?"

——System prompt: Warning! !! !! You are locked by high energy magic! Please do your best! !! !!

The time for the final battle has finally arrived! Dafei's breath freezes instantly!

The next moment, 30 Blazing Angels' flying rifles soared into the sky, and the vibration of the volcano wall sounded!

-System Tip: Your co-hero Elena casts Earthquake!

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! All 30 flaming flying guns bombarded the trembling cave wall, and numerous flying stones and dust were scattered!

The Blood Demon could not help but hesitated: "Ha? Mortal, can't you aim with scary?"

"Of course not! You are deafened by the noisy ears!" The dull roar of Nasir came from the crater the next moment!

Then there was a loud bang! The sight above Dafei's head was instantly obscured by a large mass of falling objects!

success! At this moment, Dafei exclaimed with excitement: "Agalon, hide!"


That's right, this large group of dropped objects is unexpected, and the blood demon king who sneaks into the crater behind Nasir, which was accelerated by the heart of the dragon that has been opened! Blazing Angels and Elena's Earthquake attack target is the ground under the Blood Demon King's feet, the purpose is to make him unstable and easier to be pushed, at the same time, the huge sound of smoke can also cover Nasir's final push !!

Gokeng is the devil! My brother is so witty, haha, wow ha ha ha ha! !! !! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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