God Rank Hero

Chapter 1126: Discover the power of dark nature

Between talking and laughing, Dafei and Li Yinzhu came to the burning forest. At this time, a large red dot on the map was filled with abyssal demons with a giant machete in their mouths and setting fire to the forest. The mission reminder said that these 6th-level abyss demons are mirror images summoned by the great demons, that is, the highest-end cannon fodder.

Da Fei stared for a while on the radar, and the expert-level sentry's demon-tracking skills upgraded to see Elder's had no response. So Dafei asked, "Where is the big devil?"

Li Yinzhu replied: "It is invisible now, but as long as there is a big tree to be burned, there will be a few, and then they will continue to summon the abyss demon mirror from the collapsed tree body. This is the only opportunity for players to kill them. Otherwise they will disappear with Teleport. "

Dafei exclaimed, "Call from the trees?"

Li Yinzhu said in a deep voice: "Yes, ordinary 7th-level soldiers can only sacrifice creatures on the battlefield to summon abyss demons, but the elite demons here can indeed sacrifice plants! And they are larger than ordinary giant demons. One lap, there is an extra diagonal on the head! "

The big demon who can sacrifice plants is really the first time Dafei has heard of it. Dafei asked again, "How many big demons did you kill?"

Li Yinzhu shook his head and sighed: "6 troops were killed yesterday while the troops were still alive, but none of them were killed after the troops were completely destroyed."

Da Fei said with a loud voice: "That is to say, as long as we stay near a big tree that will be burned, this big devil will appear?"

Li Yinzhu nodded: "Yes! The big burning tree in front of us has the conditions for a big demon to appear. So as long as we stay nearby."

Dafei was surprised, "What about those abyss demons around?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Then kill if you want."

Da Fei said, "Okay, let's clear the field first, so as not to get in the way when the big devil appears."

Li Yinzhu waved his bow and laughed: "Then leave it to me. It is convenient for the Ranger to clear the field remotely." After speaking, he rushed into the burning forest immediately.

Dafei smiled slightly. Brother is a man with a dragon shooting. Brother is also remote. But my brother is still provincial ammunition, look at the performance of this Korean girl.

And Li Yinzhu did not have the disappointment of another big fly, her agile and healthy figure shuttled through the forest at high speed, and one by one the demon mirrors turned into black light and shadow under the sharp arrows. Da Fei is not a ranger master, nor is he a coach. It is difficult to comment on her level, but for some reason, she just feels that her killing route is very smooth and natural. As if every demon was not hunting on purpose, but she passed by and passed by!

This feeling is really amazing, rather than being a master, this is her talent! Masters can be obtained through practice, but talent is really not justified.

Now, the burning tree in front creaked, and it was about to fall. It's time to show the strength of Dafei. It's just that Da Fei started to struggle, is it necessary to expose his angelic space here? This is a sage-level treatment, and it is a bit scary to expose it?

But has it been exposed? Waiting for Feiyan to post to the forum the video of the Martians just killed, I am afraid the world knows it. Fortunately, let the whole world know Niubi. In the province, Martians appear to have such uninteresting, boring challenges.

Just then, a sudden black light flashed on Dafei's radar:

——System Tip: Your dark psychic has discovered the power of darkness in front of you. Does the use of dark psychic approach absorption?

Dafei could not help but a dark psychic? Isn't this the extra stunt that Raven demigod Ansu parasitizes in Brother's artifact necklace?

——Dark Psychic: Wearing the cruel tooth Ansu Totem will get dark psychic, you can find and absorb the dark natural force from nature to absorb into the totem and store.

Da Fei immediately looked up, and the black light position on the radar was suddenly the big tree in front of which collapsed, and there was a faint black smoke on the big tree! This is what Ansu refers to as the rare and rare power of dark nature?

At this moment, Li Yinzhu, who was cleared not far away, exclaimed, "Oba, the big devil is coming!"

Sure enough, six red glittering summons suddenly appeared on the ground around the tree. Da Fei's heart beats, what is the inevitable connection between this dark natural force and the appearance of the big devil? But at least one thing is that you cannot let the big devil sacrifice this tree!

Angel Legion, attack!

When Dafei waved his hand, a space door suddenly appeared. The contract angels An Weier, Nalxia, and 10 ordinary Seraphs jumped out to the summoning circle on the ground!

"Wow !!!" Needless to say, Li Yinzhu exclaimed on the spot in such an amazing battle. What Da Fei wants is this effect. Presumably the coaching team watching her behind is also shocked.

At the next moment, the flames of 6 summoning magic circles rose into the sky, and 6 legendary elite devil appeared! Their body size is indeed a circle larger than the ordinary big devil, and it really has two diagonal corners! This style really pulls the wind.

But no matter what they are, as long as there is no heroic rule, they will not be the opponent of the 12 angels of Dafei! The battle begins!

Just then, Li Yinzhu shouted, "An old tree is entwined!"

The next moment, the ground on which the big devil stood was shaking, and six huge tree roots broke out and entangled the six big devil in an instant!

Dafei couldn't help but be surprised: "What is this spell?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "The elite devil is very cunning, as long as he can't fight, he will instantly escape, but he will not be able to escape if he is entangled by the old trees. Oboe seizes the time to destroy them. The entanglement of the old trees will not last long!

It turns out that this is the strength of Korean masters.

Now the big devil entangled by the tree roots has no room to escape, and is dying under the siege of the angel legion. In the face of the tons of damage of the angel legion added by the flying attributes of the sky, every demon actually stands up. It hasn't died for several seconds, this blood is enough to be considered an elite!

At this moment, Da Fei had to look at the little girl differently. Without this ancient tree entanglement, I am afraid that even if it is several times more troops, it may not be able to completely wipe out. It seems that this task is really not just a vase holding her thighs, it would not be possible without her.

Finally, all the demons were wiped out before the ancient tree twines disappeared.

——System prompt: the battle is over! Your team will kill 6 Elite Great Demon, gain 600,000 experience, and your Ranger Hate accumulation skills will gain a hate value of 600. Your campaign quest "Destroy the Demon Legion invading the Divine Forest" is complete: destroy 6 enemies!

Li Yinzhu cheered excitedly: "Ouba! I love you!"

What the hell! Da Fei shook his head and laughed, "So, here is the collection of garlands, right?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Yes, please ask Oba to use a wreath of rattan on the body of the devil!"

As a result, the two used props on the body at the same time. And Dafei's purpose is of course not just a garland. While this little girl focused on the body, Dafei touched the big tree around him-confirming to absorb the power of darkness and nature! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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