God Rank Hero

Chapter 1128: This must have happened!

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When it was discovered that the Martians had been sneaking back to kill, Dafei reluctantly developed a strong sense of frustration! Brother's pretense so hard didn't let him retreat. Why is brother feeling embarrassed? Now that the reserve mana is seriously insufficient, it will be a little trouble to try to pretend.

It is estimated that a piece of s-class equipment broke out, and he was extremely unwilling, so have a fight anyway, right? OK, that brother is just a few pieces. This time, I didn't pretend to be forced. As long as I dared to start, I immediately killed!

Da Fei immediately checked the ammunition of 10 Seraphs. Each angel had only 2 to 3 units of nuclear bomb crystals. This was also the last ammunition left in the blood sea sulfur battle last night. Powerful two shots. However, it is enough to deal with the player, even if you can't kill it on the spot, you can still kill the mercury with sulfur. Moreover, Da Fei also has the god-like stunt of the jewelry phantom bow: a parabolic attack that can cross obstacles! It's useless to hide under the tree.

OK, brother keeps pretending not to know that you are coming, and you will let him know when you are ready.

As a result, Dafei continued to talk and laugh with the little beauties, listening to the little beauties introducing the famous kimchi and well-known idols in Korea.

At this time, the US Supernova Team Special Operations Group.

After taking over the account of the Fallen Angel Summoner left by David, Tommy quickly became familiar with the operation of the game character, and then began to challenge Dafei. In order to show that he is better than David, [it is indeed not reconciled to the battle of the s-class fallen angel, but he must find his place anyway.

Tommy firmly believes that Da Fei's mana is not enough to continue supporting dodges for up to ten seconds, and even Tommy seriously suspects that once Da Fei's dodge artifact is used, it will be in a long cd cooling state. The current big fly is likely to be unable to dodge again.

right now. Tommy controls the Ghost Sentinel from a distance watching the movements of Da Fei. At this time, Da Fei was chatting and joking with his back to the Korean female player. Not aware of your approach at all.

well! People who are more proud tend to have more fatal weaknesses! Then the next step is to find the right shot. Of course, Tommy's game character has also been received. After analysis, Tommy thinks this is a competition task. That is, the number of large demon legions is limited, and the more players who kill the demon, the more rewards they get. This is one of the reasons why David decisively cleaned up Korean female players.

At the beginning, the big devil does not appear in groups of five or six, but one or two. With the continuous killing of players, the number of demon appears every time. Tommy believes that if he kills according to Dafei's progress, the number of demons appearing behind him will definitely exceed his current control. That's the time to do it. Tommy waited patiently ...

Time has passed, and the devil leek has been cut three times, and the dark natural power of Dafei has also accumulated to 500 points. The topics of Dafei and Li Yinzhu have also begun to shift from pickles to the advantages and disadvantages of Samsung s8 and Apple 7 and Huawei Honor 6x. In short, resist the sun goods!

Da Fei found that Li Yinzhu was really fashionable, and she couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all! After chatting, we started talking about cars! Da Fei seriously suspected that the observation team behind her was helping her chat, otherwise how could a 15-year-old girl know so much?

Of course, the other Dafei who was surprised was the Martian, who lurked along and transformed half a forest with herself, always keeping the fighting distance into the battlefield. What patience is this? The point is that this distance is far from convenient for beheading. His summoner has room to defend his master!

Master, indeed master!

It is a pity that the high masters are no different from the tease in the case of asymmetric information! I won't give up if you don't blast you out this time!

Just then, the system clanged:

——System Tip: Your Artifact Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem has absorbed 300 points of Dark Nature Power to gain attribute growth, 80 life, 80 mana! Ansu gains a lot of power of dark nature that can respond to your call!

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, and added attributes! Since I went to the New Oriental, I have fought so many battles, big and small, and it took so much experience to increase the necklace's life mana to 50. Now I'm swinging here to get 30 points each. Sure enough, I still look for the power of nature. Spectrum! The point is, Ansu is finally available again!

Dafei began to look at the properties of the totem with joy:

——Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem: Artifact, Necklace, Increase the maximum skill level of offensive skill 1, Personal life 80 (growth), Personal mana 80 (growth), Troop 1% chance of tearing, 1% chance of smash Strike, 1% chance to crush the blow, 1% chance to kill the dragon. Stunt: Dark psychic, Ansu's rebirth.

Cool! What I want is this effect. After transforming the other 200 dark powers, you can add 20 life mana. Growing up like this indefinitely, how much blood blue can this brother add to this necklace in the future, brother can't even imagine, haha, wow hahaha!

Just then, Li Yinzhu was surprised: "What happened to Ouba? Why didn't you suddenly speak?"

Da Fei came back to laugh and said, "Is it? I'm just surprised, why don't I blame you for so long?"

Li Yinzhu also nodded: "Well, the appearance of the big devil seems to be slower than the previous waves."

As soon as the voice fell, six demon summoning arrays suddenly appeared beside the big tree.

Da Fei laughed, "Finally came out!"

Li Yinzhu also laughed: "Yeah, as long as we add a few flowers, we can make a wreath."

While talking, there are 6 big demon in the summoning team, there is nothing to say, continue to besiege! But-these 6 demon summoning arrays did not disappear, but 6 big demon came out!

Li Yinzhu was suddenly surprised: "Why are there so many suddenly!"

But it's not over yet, a larger summoning circle has appeared!

Dafei could not help but change his face: "Is the wave ss !?"

And this moment is also the time that Tommy waits for a long time. He can attack Da Fei with both sides of the attack and grab the wave ss from Da Fei.

With a small wave of Tommy's hand, the ground began to shake again! The entire Supernova team headquarters breathed their breath and watched the arrival of a decisive moment!

The rumbling shock immediately stunned Li Yinzhu. Li Yinzhu screamed in horror in the direction of the forest tremor: "He's here again!"

What the hell! A demon hero jumping out of the large teleportation array, in the direction of the forest shaking, Da Fei could not help but chrysanthemum! Although there is no plan to continue pretending, but the current situation does not say pretending to be forced, I am afraid that there will be problems even in normal clearance! Then only kill the traitor first, and then kill Boss!

As the huge roar rang through the woods, the system prompts a jingle:

——System prompt: The battle begins! You are under the malicious attack of "& * ......%" by Chinese players in the same faction. You can fight back!

Brother is waiting for this sentence! Da Fei raised his big hand: "Seraph ready!"

All the Seraphs turned around, and at the same time they had a flame flying gun in their hands! At this moment, Li Yinzhu was shocked and said, "Opa's angel is--"

Tommy lurking under the tree shook his heart even more: "Seraph! But he only knows my approximate position, he can never hit me in the jungle with so many trees, even if he hits a few shots. dead--"

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Launch!"

At the moment when the flying gun was about to be fired, the demon hero shook with flames, and a flame shock wave swept the surrounding area. The owner and troops of the Dafei team were shocked. In this shock, the burning angel's flame flying gun released Out!

Tommy was so happy! The direction is completely wrong, and even missed!

Dafei was shocked! Oops, go wrong! The situation is critical and a big move!

At the next moment, a rainbow of light rose, covering the angel army of Da Fei, as well as ten flame rifles that came out!

And real men never look back at the explosion! Therefore, as soon as the flying gun was released, Dafei immediately directed 12 angels to turn around and fight against the Devil Squad again, and at the same time, he released the healing technique to add blood to the angel at the first time-yes! Even if you don't plan to pretend, but there is always a chance to pretend! I'm telling you, even if I miss you, I'm sure I can kill you!

At this moment, looking at the 10 rockets that are obviously flying, the entire Supernova team is laughing. Tommy was so excited he couldn't help screaming! Although Da Fei, who killed a white name and did not have many soldiers, did not have much substantial benefits, the meaning and impact were incalculable, and his promotion was even more important!

At this moment, Tommy completely dismissed the summoner's intention to block the shells for himself, but decided to strike decisively, never leaving Da Fei's escape a chance! Looking at the mighty posture of the Summoner roaring, everyone saw a word "shit" from Dafei's head! Not to mention the Korean female player who has been scared and totally confused!

Suddenly, the headquarters was surprised: "Well? The track has changed!"

Tommy couldn't help looking up, yes! The 10 high-flying flare guns that turned up just now suddenly turned and screamed towards their hiding place!

Tommy was startled! The entire headquarters was even more alarmed: "Is it parabolic? How is that possible!"

No one has time to answer! ——Boom boom boom boom! !! !! A huge flame blew around Tommy, and the yellow-black smoke instantly drowned Tommy! Countless numbers of "fire burn damage", "sulfur corrosion damage", and "mercury poison damage" data are streaming from Tommy's game character!

Before Tommy had time to respond, it was dark again!

Command exploded: "oh !!"

"The Seraph shoots straight, it's impossible to shoot a parabola!"

"Is the parabola accidentally caused by the flame blast just now? Or is Dafei's lucky technique working?"

"What ammunition is this? Why is it harmful to sulfur and mercury?" ...

At this moment, Tommy was incredibly stunned! This must have happened! It must have happened! (To be continued ...) r1292

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