God Rank Hero

Chapter 1130: Xuewei Qiqi who was killed

After a short cheer, Da Fei soon realized that the later problems were in trouble. ∷Even a wavelet ss is so difficult to play, let alone the total wave ss of this task. For now, the 12 angels who carry them are definitely not able to fight. It seems that it is necessary to spend some reputation to find the Unicorn King to buy some soldiers.

However, Da Fei remembered it again and asked, "After you lost the main force yesterday, why don't you continue to buy soldiers with alliance reputation?"

Li Yinzhu sighed: "Of course the bad guy just stared at me all the time. If I bought a soldier and he continued to attack me, wouldn't I lose more? Right, Ouba killed him twice, and he still Will you come again? "

Da Fei couldn't help but hesitate to answer this question. If the other party is anxious and stunned by hatred, it is entirely possible! If you come to attack again while playing the total ss, I'm afraid that my brother may not be able to win him, at that time, my brother might be completely ruined!

In the midst of entanglement, Li Yinzhu sighed again: "In the case of no army like us, he ignored the cost of successive attacks. If we have a large army, it will stimulate his desire to attack, so as long as he is there, we It would be inconvenient to recruit troops. "

Dafei frowned, indeed! If you are still such a light pole commander, the other party may feel that there is no oil and water, and it is not necessary to continue to ask for fun, but if your own troops are many, then the other party may have to come!

Li Yinzhu continued to sigh: "Ouba, you and he are both from the same country. Can you go back to the city and talk to him? Isn't it good for everyone to organize a mission together? As long as Ouba uses the return equipment as a condition, presumably Will he cooperate well? "

Da Fei's brow frantic! Let me go. The idea of ​​this little girl is really naive! Even if he is willing to cooperate. Brother is not willing to return equipment yet! This is s-class equipment. So many deputy heroes haven't got decent equipment yet!

Even if my brother does not count on the villain for the sake of the Chinese people, who will return the out-of-print nuclear bomb crystal? How can I make up for so much mana that has consumed the tears of light in order to pretend? This takes time to recharge, and brother's time is more valuable than anyone, or brother loses!

And when negotiating this matter, whoever speaks first means whoever admits it! How could I be a coward? Not to mention that cooperating with him is to carry out this teaser to complete the task. Really, the brother is a great saint who complains in virtue? impossible!

In short, there is nothing to talk about this national scum! I also seriously suspect that Ya has an artifact on her body, and she will feel uncomfortable if it does not burst out! My brother and your sister-in-law are also on board. Isn't it just a little prestige? I'm really afraid you won't come! As long as she dares to come--

It was also at this instant that Da Fei flashed a sudden light, and a fuzzy thought suddenly came to mind!

Li Yinzhu stared at Da Fei for a while, and did not wait for Da Fei's answer. He couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong with Ouba?"

Da Fei returned to God after a long while and waved a hand and smiled: "Ouba feels that there is nothing to talk about with such bad people. I can only apologize for this kind of people who want to be famous and crazy. It doesn't matter, I go Buy some soldiers with prestige, just come here if he wants to. "

Li Yinzhu was surprised: "What if he sneaks attack when we hit Boss?"

Dafei laughed: "Then we will be talking about it. We can never stop because of him. But you don't need to recruit troops. All the risks will be carried by Ouba."

Li Yinzhu shook his head quickly: "I believe in Europa. I and Europa advance and retreat together, and I will go back to buy soldiers!"

Da Fei laughed: "Don't cry if the mission is over!"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Well! Just a little prestige. After I return home, I will rest for a few days. Naturally, there will be logistics to practice the prestige."

Dafei shook his head and smiled: "Okay, since everyone doesn't care about prestige, fight a pain! Then go back to the city now!"

Li Yinzhu cheered with excitement: "With Ouba, I finally have the courage to recruit!"

As a result, Da Fei and Li Yin Zhu began to fight back to the city. Thinking about this way, Da Fei's response tactics began to take shape. When he returned to Lake Linzhong, Dafei saw at first glance the Martians who were sitting and resting like dogs in a resurrection point. Da Fei was surprised and laughed, and at this moment, Da Fei's tactical concept was fully formed!

That's right, don't fight unprepared! Brother must be touched by his wit! Da Fei laughed farther than the **** and said, "Funny! It's like losing the face of the Chinese. You will kill you once you come, and you won't dare go out of town!"

Li Yinzhu's face changed, and she trembled anxiously, "Ouba, don't stimulate him! He will go crazy!"

Dafei laughed, "It's better to be crazy, just to enter the asylum to avoid shame in the game!" After that, he repeatedly showed his middle finger.

Li Yinzhu was completely speechless, and had to turn back and ask the coach: "Is Dafei intimidating? Or is he provoking the other person on purpose?"

Jin Xiyong shook his head and smiled: "No matter how much he is, the Chinese are just teasing. We just have to watch the show. Right, our special action group is going to do something with that sloppy beauty of the Blood Wei Guild. Would you like to see it? "

Li Yinzhu smirked in surprise: "Oh? Why are they beautiful?"

Jin Xiyong laughed: "Just because the game character stays still, I can't help it! Yinzhu, don't learn her."

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Okay, hurry up and switch screens!"

. . . . . .

At this time, Xuewei Studio. In order to cope with the most likely cross-region counterattack in Japan, Chairman Zhou Qing united the major guilds to do propaganda and preventive work in various team chat groups.

On behalf of the Blood Wei Guild, the **** Wei Qiqi went abroad to watch the forum posts while boring to defend the city.

On the side, Xue Wei Xiaoyu grotesquely chanted: "We have battled 4 big beauties across China, namely the Star Goddess Feifei, Blood Wei Guiqi's Blood Weiqi, a big smile from Dafei Guild and killing flowers. Each of the four beauties guards one side of the wall of the ancient tree, and on the surface they are fighting each other. In fact, they secretly compete against each other— "

Xuewei Qiqi closed the post with a bad breath: "What to see!"

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed, and switched the forum to open a post and continued to read: "At present, there are 3 great beauties who have received the video posted by Da Fei Qin Dian. Bloody Weiqi has no video, and she will be out in the first round! "

Blood Wei Qiqi was embarrassed and angry: "This is a **** post! I have nothing to do with Da Fei! What flying girl, disgusting, it seems like Da Fei is a big star, big director, big emperor ! "

Xiaoyu laughed, "It doesn't matter, do you still read the post so vigorously?"

Xuewei Qiqi was not angry: "Others talk about me in the post, of course I have to watch it. If you talk to others about you, you are not the same!"

The Xue Wei Sheng gun on the side reminded: "Kiki, don't distract on the forum. The forums in the past two days are not normal. Various messy posts are emerging endlessly. You must not be guided by the content of the post, even hint!"

Xuewei Qiqi stuck her tongue out: "I see, sister An!"

Then, Xue Weiqi turned off the forum and turned back to the game, but it was gray and black!

Xuewei Qiqi's eyes widened, and she exclaimed in wonder: "I was pushed down by the city wall and I was killed!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated and faster!

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