God Rank Hero

Chapter 1139: Three Gods in One Escape

Although Da Fei's tactics have been considered a lot, the specific operation is actually very simple. When this Martian sneaks behind, Da Fei's "Large Displacement" pretends to be a magical skill to escape, and then forces the Martians and the Demon Legion. Rush. But there is a major premise, that is, when the time for pretending to be a magic skill is about to be withdrawn.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be painful for the other party's contract demon to stay at the place where Da Fei moved.

To escape, Da Fei already has experience in dealing with the Mountain Giants, that is, using the Spider-Man artifact "Cliff Walker" to fly away. The forest scene is full of trees and there are too many places to fly. Even now it is underground, there are still many mushroom trees, and the plan can still be implemented.

But after all, players are not npc monsters, and it is impossible to watch them fly to the tree. Then there is only one last point left. There must be something that can block the other's sight and let oneself fly away without knowing it. While Da Fei was ready to summon when preparing the plan, there is no doubt that the dark curtain that Ansu used to deal with General Tasima last time was better than nothing.

At that time, Ansu had almost no power to release a fairly good shady effect. Now there are so many dark forces left, let alone the effect!

In short, this is the big move of the three gods in one, everything is ready! At this time, the Martian summoned trolls were swept over the Demon Legion above Da Fei's head, and its strength really did not miss Da Fei's expectations! Okay, your gangster just thought about it when brother and devil fell into disappointment. Brother thinks so too! But the difference is that you are famous again, and you have no pressure!

1 second. 2 seconds. 3 seconds. . . Dafei quietly waited for the attack. Dafei believes that at this time the other party must have a high degree of nervousness for seconds! The decisive strength of the Devil's Legion will also pose huge pressure on him.

5 seconds, 6 seconds!

Also at the 6th second, three tall and burly demonic heroes suddenly appeared on the side of the monster, flashing blood, and the monster was suddenly shocked!

What I want is this effect-"Ansu, strike!"

For a moment. A cloud of black fog blew across the hall, and Da Fei, who had already selected a mushroom tree target, immediately launched the Spider-Man artifact and ejected!

Every time when Spider-Man is flying in the Jedi, so every experience of Spider-Man's flying is still fresh, that is nervous and stimulating fear, this time is no exception, it is the familiar recipe and taste! Just a little different this time, there is a dark mist in front of me, and even Dafei himself is not necessarily sure if he can reach the target accurately!

--boom! A muffled sound and successfully landed!

Oh yeah! No one sees? But this is only the first goal. Da Fei has to fly farther, flying to trees farther away from this battlefield!

Supernova Team Command.

The decisive battle between Tommy and Da Fei once again diverted the attention of the command from the city of punishment. When the big flying sacrifice came out of the crow group. The entire headquarters changed color! Although you don't know how powerful the crow swarm is, you can refer to the moth swarm in front.

This small animal legion is almost unsolvable for current players. So far, the spells that players can summon small animals are only the "bee colony nuisance" of a flower demon, but the power of the bee colony is really too weak and unstable. And the flying crow swarm instantly defeated the demon hero who could even match the flying power just now, which made the entire supernova team feel tremendous pressure-how strong can the flying fly be?

Now, Da Fei was forced by Tommy to cover the whole army alone, but all of them were staring nervously at the blurry Da Fei image on the big screen. Before the last moment, everyone did not know that Da Fei would What card to play.

Suddenly, the big screen was suddenly dark, and the entire headquarters was dark. The first reaction was that people thought they were involuntarily looking around, and then the next moment, everyone suddenly came back to life-bad! Although I don't know what this black mist is, this must be Dafei's life-saving card. Everyone has no doubt that Dafei can take the opportunity to escape.

And at this moment, Tommy's nerve that had been taut was like a broken string crashing! Looking at the darkened battlefield, Tommy's brain was indeed blank. If you ca n’t even kill Da Fei, it ’s not that Da Fei is too powerful, but you are too incompetent! If Dafei really ran, what should I do?

In the dark, Tommy's summoners and troops are still fighting fiercely with the demon army, 10 seconds, 20 seconds! The duration of this black mist is almost like half a century later!

30 seconds! At this moment, the dark century finally ushered in a glorious dawn, the black mist finally dispersed, and Dafei really was not there! Tommy looked up and down, left and right, surrounded by a sea of ​​demons, where can there be a big flying figure?

The entire team headquarters was in panic: "Dafei ran ?!" Although everyone had this premonition, when Dafei really realized it like a magician, everyone could imagine the shock.

But now, the problem before Tommy is not the big fly, but the demon legion led by five or six demon heroes! At this moment, Tommy found himself a hunter and became a prey!

Tommy has two choices: First, he commits suicide directly, so as to prevent Da Fei's defeat from hurting the fisherman's profit. Second, it is not ruled out that Da Fei could be killed by the other party in the dark fog. Perhaps Da Fei died deliberately in the other's hands, making himself mistakenly believe that Da Fei had escaped, and misled himself to renounce and commit suicide!

If it is the second case, then he is simply stupid and cannot be forgiven. It is ridiculous than those Japanese stupids who have been guarded by Da Fei for three times. Once you make such a mistake, your captain position will definitely be over.

So Tommy had no choice but to fight full force! Even if you know that Da Fei's conspiracy is to wait for your own defeat! That's right, even if he knows failure, Tommy can only choose a decent way to fail! For a teenager, premature exposure to such a tangled field is undoubtedly a sublimation of life.

. . . . . .

At this time, the South Korean tatazu team headquarters, Li Yinzhu who was resurrected back to the city was nervously waiting at the resurrection point. At this time, Li Yinzhu was in a very complicated mood. He hoped that Da Fei would appear to start the next battle, and he did not want Da Fei to appear.

10 seconds, 20 seconds, half a minute passed! Dafei didn't come back, he didn't die?

The coaches really sighed and said, "The gap! The gap is too big!"

"Yeah! If this is just the gap between us and Da Fei, that's okay. If the overall level of China is raised to this level by Da Fei, then this game is really impossible to play.

"I'm sure that Dafei will never raise the strength of others to a level similar to itself."

"I think the flying God model proposed by Dafei is very interesting and worthy of careful study!"

"Indeed, it makes sense in theory, but how to do it is really impossible!"

At this moment, Li Yinzhu exclaimed excitedly: "Here you are!"

At this point, a figure appeared in the resurrection point, not a big fly, but a Martian! (To be continued ...)


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