God Rank Hero

Chapter 1141: Blood Eagle's Fourth Blood Sacrifice

Dafei decided to take a bet! As long as it is found, whether it is yourself or the blood eagle, it is estimated to be a **** word, then let the blood eagle that is more mobile and flexible but also invisible carry the necklace. And the blood eagle's invisibility is "plane surveillance", it is authentic invisibility, it is inherently higher-end than its own stealth.

However, first pick up the equipment on the ground. The equipment is very close to the total wave ss. If the blood eagle can safely pick up the equipment without alarming the wave ss, it means that the blood eagle's stealth ability can withstand the test and can fully shoulder the heavy responsibility.

Now, the blood eagle flew over the equipment to drop the ground. The light on the Jianbao family ’s radar flashed two times. One was a golden highlight, apparently a level A or above equipment, and the other was a lot bleak. Then there is no need to pick it up.

Close, the blood eagle swooped down! At this moment, the red light of the blood eagle's perspective exploded!

——System prompt: Warning! Your reconnaissance blood eagle has entered the alert range of the Sartre Strongman and will be found soon. Please escape immediately!

Lying down! Da Fei's heart trembled, and flashed! Also when Dafei hurriedly controlled the blood eagle climb, the system information rang again:

——System Tip: Your expert Jianbaojia skill discovery artifact "Contract Bracelet"!

Lying down! Really an artifact! How can there be such a scum in the Tibetan Dragon Crouching Tiger in China! It is estimated that this scum is crying in the toilet now! However, brother will not sympathize with you, you deserve it! At this moment, Dafei was excited! As long as you can pick up an artifact, more or less you can make up for the psychological trauma of the brother at risk!

But no! The blood eagle cannot approach the body of the artifact, and it is estimated that the burden is too heavy! How to do? This moment. Da Fei remembered the blood eagle's long-lost ability again: Blood Sacrifice!

Da Fei is human. Originally did not have the ability to control the eagle. However, under the torment of Ranger teacher Gillian, Da Fei possessed this “Rugao in person” Xiao Fei. In order to accelerate the growth of the blood eagle, Da Fei sacrificed 3 times and consumed himself for the first time permanently. 50 points of life limit, the second time consumes 100 life, the third time consumes 200, then the fourth time is no longer necessary.

Da Fei at that time could not bear the fourth blood sacrifice. But now all kinds of achievement equipment can support the huge amount of blood on the land, which is more than 2,100, and it is more than 3,000 on the sea, which can bear once!

Once the blood eagle's ability is improved to keep the necklace, the life provided by the necklace can make up for its own loss. At the same time, there are 10 books of life (Chapter 818) in the package that are returned from the European service to complete the task of purifying the pool of light. If you eat too much of this kind of books, there will be a significant diminishing effect, but if you do n’t eat it, you do n’t eat it. It seems that you have really forgotten to eat it, and you have lost 241 life caps since you last combined with 箩 Seoul. It ’s time to supplement. .

Anyway. Just now! People are always forced out, if it is not for today's broken egg scene. I'm afraid Dafei can't remember the blood sacrifice any more.

Da Fei immediately recalled the Blood Eagle.

——System Tip: You have used the stunt "blood sacrifice" of the Spear of the Eagle, and you will contribute a certain amount of life cap to increase the strength of the Eagle. Since your blood eagle has grown into mature body after many times of growth, further growth requires a lot of extra health. The currently optimized blood sacrifice is 1161 health. Do you optimize the blood sacrifice? (Note: Please consider carefully!)

Grandma! A big mouthful of old blood spurted out! Is there anything wrong! Say good 400 points of blood? Why did it suddenly become 1100 blood? Now ordinary players don't have a thousand blood in their net worth. Is this why he vomited blood and jumped off the building?

But are there alternatives? Still have time to hesitate? As long as you can keep this necklace with almost unlimited blood, the pay now is worth it!

Dafei gritted his teeth, suddenly determined!

The blood of the Owl of the Blood Eagle flickered, and Da Fei's life blood bar clawed half off. This scene was so beautiful that Da Fei couldn't even look at it!

The flare of the blood hawk flickers white! The system prompts a jingle:

——System Tip: Congratulations! Under your love of blood offering, your reconnaissance eagle xiaofei grows! Xiaofei damage +5, life +200, mana +200, physical strength +50. Gain 1 skill point for growth and new stunts: share hero glory!

——Growth Skill Points: Your Scout Eagle is connected to your blood as a hero and has the potential to grow freely. You can spend 1 growth skill point to teach it a hero skill or magic. Growth skill points can only be obtained through blood sacrifice.

——Share hero glory: After many blood sacrifice, you have poured more than half of your life on the blood eagle, blood eagle is equivalent to your second life: when the blood eagle is in an independent expedition, the blood eagle still has your hero Attributes, a one-tenth bonus to hero skills, and you can transfer tasks through the Bloodhawk. (Note: The next blood sacrifice will greatly increase the bonus ratio.)

. . . . . .

The blood eagle has grown again! But what happened to such a short line of system prompts?

Dafei hurriedly looked at the glory of this new stunt sharing hero verbatim, then was shocked on the spot! Not because it can share one tenth of its own, but what is going on with this daddy's "next blood sacrifice"? This Nima's is "adding another bottle", right? I can't possibly have the fifth blood festival in my life, is this pure game company tyrant money, right?

Dafei looks at the Bloodhawk attributes again:

-Reconnaissance Spirit Eagle (Xiao Fei): Medium body leader creature, attack 75, defense 32, damage 39-40, life 514, mana 435, attack speed 20, magic resistance 63%, physical strength 243.4 space bars. 3 Growth Skill Points.

Stunts: Flying creatures, god-level reconnaissance, plane surveillance, high-altitude flight, long-range eagle strike, gliding, enhanced dive, enhanced raptor power, enhanced petrified aura, enhanced rapid bite, and shared heroic glory.

Although there is not much change in the growth attributes this time, in fact, with the sharing tenth of the hero's glory, it means that the blood hawk's offense and defense will always be increased by more than 30 points, and then he will have all his heroic skills. One effect!

Think about the temporary attack bonus of Ansu necklace to the god-level attack to increase the attack by + 70%, even if it is only one tenth, it will increase by 7%! Then one-tenth of the defense technique continued to add 6% damage-free to it, which is still a considerable improvement!

What's more important, you can also transfer tasks through the blood eagle. This is the real "Rugao visit", that is, the half of the life of the brother is still worth it? Haha! Wa hahaha! At this moment, the big fly of Baiwei Hybrid finally couldn't help but let it laugh. Under the condition of the edible pulp, another crazy idea came to Da Fei's heart. What effect would the 5th blood sacrifice have? (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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